Library typesystemextra
Require Import Omega.
Require Import mxx.
Require Import Llanguage.
Require Import typesystem.
Require Import Ltypesystem.
Inductive typesystemextra_v := .
Require Import mxx.
Require Import Llanguage.
Require Import typesystem.
Require Import Ltypesystem.
Inductive typesystemextra_v := .
Links: Index_v Table of contents Main page
Lemma cobj_lift : ∀ {o c}, cobj o c → ∀ d i, cobj (lift d i o) c.
induction 1; simpl; intros; auto using cobj.
subst_lift_var; auto using cobj.
Lemma cobj_unlift : ∀ {o c d i}, cobj (lift d i o) c → cobj o c.
induction o; simpl; intros; inversion H; clear H; subst; eauto using cobj.
Lemma cobj_subst : ∀ {t}, cobj t CType → ∀ {o c}, cobj o c →
∀ i, cobj (subst t i o) c.
induction 2; simpl; intros; auto using cobj.
subst_lift_var; auto using cobj; subst.
apply cobj_lift; auto.
Lemma cobj_eq : ∀ {o c1 c2}, cobj o c1 → cobj o c2 → c1 = c2.
Proof. destruct 1; intros Ho; inversion Ho; clear Ho; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma cobj_unsubst : ∀ {t}, cobj t CType →
∀ {o i c}, cobj (subst t i o) c → cobj o c.
intros t Ht o;induction o; simpl; intros i c Ho;
try solve [inversion Ho; clear Ho; subst; eauto using cobj].
generalize Ho; clear Ho.
subst_lift_var; subst; intros Ho; [|inversion Ho; subst; auto using cobj].
pose proof (cobj_unlift Ho) as Hs; clear Ho.
rewrite (cobj_eq Hs Ht); auto using cobj.
Lemma Hnth_cobj : ∀ {H a k}, Hnth H a k → cobj H CTEnv → cobj k CKind.
induction 1; simpl; intros.
inversion H0; clear H0; subst; assumption.
inversion H1; clear H1; subst; auto.
Lemma Ynth_cobj : ∀ {Y n p}, Ynth Y n p → cobj Y CPEnv → cobj p CProp.
induction 1; simpl; intros.
inversion H; clear H; subst; assumption.
inversion H0; clear H0; subst; auto.
Lemma Happ_cobj : ∀ {H1 H2 H1H2}, Happ H1 H2 H1H2 →
cobj H1 CTEnv → cobj H2 CTEnv → cobj H1H2 CTEnv.
induction 1; simpl; intros; auto.
inversion H3; clear H3; subst.
auto using cobj.
Lemma Happ_cobj_rev : ∀ {H1 H2 H1H2}, Happ H1 H2 H1H2 →
cobj H1H2 CTEnv → cobj H1 CTEnv ∧ cobj H2 CTEnv.
induction 1; simpl; intros; auto using cobj.
inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
destruct (IHHapp H6).
auto using cobj.
Lemma Yapp_cobj : ∀ {Y1 Y2 Y1Y2}, Yapp Y1 Y2 Y1Y2 →
cobj Y1 CPEnv → cobj Y2 CPEnv → cobj Y1Y2 CPEnv.
induction 1; simpl; intros; auto.
inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
auto using cobj.
Lemma Yapp_cobj_rev : ∀ {Y1 Y2 Y1Y2}, Yapp Y1 Y2 Y1Y2 →
cobj Y1Y2 CPEnv → cobj Y1 CPEnv ∧ cobj Y2 CPEnv.
induction 1; simpl; intros; auto using cobj.
inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
pose proof (IHYapp H3) as [? ?].
auto using cobj.
Lemma jeq_Hlength : ∀ {H1 H2}, jeq H1 H2 CTEnv → Hlength H1 = Hlength H2.
intros H1 H2 Hjeq.
remember CTEnv as c.
induction Hjeq; simpl; subst; try inversion Heqc.
(* EQrefl *) reflexivity.
(* EQsym *) apply eq_sym; auto.
(* EQtrans *) apply eq_trans with (Hlength o2); auto.
(* EQcongrHCons *) f_equal; auto.
Lemma jeq_lift : ∀ {o1 o2 c}, jeq o1 o2 c →
∀ d i, jeq (lift d i o1) (lift d i o2) c.
induction 1; simpl; intros;
try match goal with
| H : jeq _ _ CTEnv |- _ ⇒ repeat rewrite (jeq_Hlength H); clear H
end; eauto using jeq, cobj_lift.
Lemma jeq_subst : ∀ {o1 o2 c}, jeq o1 o2 c →
∀ s i, cobj s CType → jeq (subst s i o1) (subst s i o2) c.
induction 1; simpl; intros;
try match goal with
| H : jeq _ _ CTEnv |- _ ⇒ repeat rewrite (jeq_Hlength H); clear H
end; eauto using jeq, cobj_lift, cobj_subst.
Lemma jeq_class : ∀ {o1 o2 c}, jeq o1 o2 c → cobj o1 c ∧ cobj o2 c.
induction 1; repeat
match goal with
| H : jeq _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : _ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H
end; repeat
match goal with
| H : ?P |- ?P ⇒ exact H
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
end; auto using cobj.
Definition classjudg J :=
match J with
| JK k ⇒ cobj k CKind
| JT t k ⇒ cobj t CType ∧ cobj k CKind
| JP Y0 Y1 p ⇒ cobj Y0 CPEnv ∧ cobj Y1 CPEnv ∧ cobj p CProp
| JC Y0 Y1 H' t' t ⇒ cobj Y0 CPEnv ∧ cobj Y1 CPEnv
∧ cobj H' CTEnv ∧ cobj t' CType ∧ cobj t CType
| JH H' ⇒ cobj H' CTEnv
| JG G ⇒ cobj G CAEnv
| Jwf o c ⇒ cobj o c
Hint Unfold classjudg.
Lemma jobj_class : ∀ {v H J}, jobj v H J → cobj H CTEnv ∧ classjudg J.
Ltac destruct_class :=
match goal with
| H : jobj _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : jeq _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ destruct (jeq_class H); clear H
| H : _ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H
Ltac inversion_class :=
match goal with
| H : cobj KStar _ |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : cobj KOne _ |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : cobj (KProd _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj (KRes _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj (TVar _) _ |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : cobj (TArr _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj (TProd _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj (TFor _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj (TPi _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj (TMu _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj TUnit _ |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : cobj (TPair _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj (TFst _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj (TSnd _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj PTrue _ |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : cobj (PAnd _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj (PCoer _ _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj (PExi _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj (PFor _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj HNil _ |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : cobj (HCons _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj YNil _ |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : cobj (YCons _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj GNil _ |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : cobj (GCons _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : cobj (lift _ _ _) _ |- _ ⇒ pose proof (cobj_unlift H); clear H
| H1 : cobj ?t CType, H2 : cobj (subst ?t _ _) _ |- _ ⇒
pose proof (cobj_unsubst H1 H2); clear H2
| H1 : Hnth ?H _ _, H2 : cobj ?H CTEnv |- _ ⇒
pose proof (Hnth_cobj H1 H2); clear H1
| H1 : Ynth ?Y _ _, H2 : cobj ?Y CPEnv |- _ ⇒
pose proof (Ynth_cobj H1 H2); clear H1
| Hx : Happ ?H1 ?H2 ?H1H2, Hy1 : cobj ?H1 CTEnv, Hy2 : cobj ?H2 CTEnv |- _ ⇒
pose proof (Happ_cobj Hx Hy1 Hy2); clear Hx
| Hx : Yapp ?Y1 ?Y2 ?Y1Y2, Hy : cobj ?Y1Y2 CPEnv |- _ ⇒
pose proof (Yapp_cobj_rev Hx Hy) as [? ?]; clear Hx
Ltac clean_class :=
match goal with
| H1 : ?P, H2 : ?P |- _ ⇒ clear H2
| H : _ → _ |- _ ⇒ clear H (* warning *)
Ltac solve_class :=
match goal with
| H : ?P |- ?P ⇒ exact H
| |- _ ∧ _ ⇒ split
Ltac crush_class :=
repeat destruct_class; repeat inversion_class; repeat clean_class;
try solve [repeat solve_class; auto using cobj, cobj_lift, cobj_subst].
induction 1; unfold classjudg in *; crush_class.
Lemma Happ_HNil : ∀ H, cobj H CTEnv → Happ HNil H H.
intros H cH.
remember CTEnv as c.
induction cH; inversion Heqc; auto using Happ.
Lemma Happ_HNil_eq : ∀ {H1 H2}, Happ HNil H1 H2 → H1 = H2.
intros H1 H2 H.
remember HNil as e.
induction H; subst; [reflexivity|].
rewrite (IHHapp eq_refl); reflexivity.
Lemma Hnth_Hlength_KOne : ∀ H n, cobj H CTEnv → Hnth H (Hlength H + n) KOne.
intros H n HH.
remember CTEnv as c.
induction HH; try inversion Heqc; clear Heqc; simpl; auto using Hnth.
Lemma Hnth_Hlength_exact : ∀ H1 k H2 HkH, Happ (HCons H1 k) H2 HkH →
Hnth HkH (Hlength H2) k.
remember (HCons H1 k).
induction H; subst; simpl; auto using Hnth.
Lemma Happ_HCons_move : ∀ {H2}, cobj H2 CTEnv →
∀ {k H1 HkH}, Happ (HCons H1 k) H2 HkH → cobj k CKind →
∃ kH2, Happ H1 kH2 HkH ∧ Hlength kH2 = 1 + Hlength H2 ∧ cobj kH2 CTEnv.
intros H2 ?.
remember CTEnv as c.
induction H; inversion Heqc; clear Heqc; simpl; intros.
{ inversion H; clear H; subst; ∃ (HCons HNil k); simpl; auto using Happ, cobj. }
inversion H3; clear H3; subst; clear IHcobj2.
destruct (IHcobj1 eq_refl _ _ _ H11 H4) as [? [? [? ?]]].
∃ (HCons x k); simpl; auto using Happ, cobj.
Lemma Hnth_lift : ∀ {a H1H3 k}, Hnth H1H3 a k →
∀ {H1 H2 H1H2}, Happ H1 H2 H1H2 →
∀ H3 H1H2H3, Happ H1 H3 H1H3 → Happ H1H2 (lift (Hlength H2) 0 H3) H1H2H3 →
cobj H1 CTEnv → cobj H2 CTEnv → Hlength H3 ≤ a →
Hnth H1H2H3 (Hlength H2 + a) k.
induction 1; simpl; intros.
- inversion H0; clear H0; subst; simpl in ×.
inversion H4; clear H4; subst.
rewrite (Happ_HNil_eq H) in *; clear H H2.
rename H1H2H3 into H.
apply Hnth_Hlength_KOne; auto.
- rewrite plus_0_r.
inversion H4; clear H4; subst; simpl in *; [|exfalso; omega].
inversion H5; clear H5; subst.
apply Hnth_Hlength_exact with H; auto.
- rewrite <- plus_n_Sm.
inversion H5; clear H5; subst; simpl in ×.
× inversion H6; clear H6; subst.
inversion H7; clear H7; subst.
destruct (Happ_HCons_move H8 H3 H10) as [kH2 [? [? ?]]].
pose proof (IHHnth H kH2 H1H2H3 H1 HNil H1H2H3 (Happ0 H) (Happ0 H1H2H3) H6 H5).
rewrite H4 in H7.
apply H7; simpl; omega.
× rewrite plus_0_r in H6.
inversion H6; clear H6; subst.
apply Hnth2.
eapply IHHnth; eauto; omega.
Lemma Hnth_Happ_lift : ∀ H1H3 a k, Hnth H1H3 a k →
∀ H1 H2 H3 H1H2 H1H2H3, a < Hlength H3 →
Happ H1 H3 H1H3 →
Happ H1 H2 H1H2 →
Happ H1H2 (lift (Hlength H2) 0 H3) H1H2H3 →
Hnth H1H2H3 a (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H3 - (1 + a)) k).
induction 1; simpl; intros.
inversion H0; clear H0; subst; simpl in *; exfalso; omega.
{ inversion H4; clear H4; subst; simpl in *; try (exfalso; omega).
rewrite <- minus_n_O.
rewrite plus_0_r in H6.
inversion H6; clear H6; subst.
auto using Hnth. }
{ inversion H5; clear H5; subst; simpl in *; try (exfalso; omega).
rewrite plus_0_r in H7.
inversion H7; clear H7; subst.
apply Hnth2.
eapply IHHnth; eauto.
omega. }
Lemma Hnth_Happ_subst : ∀ H a k, Hnth H a k →
∀ a0 b ab s k0, a < Hlength b →
Happ (HCons a0 k0) b H →
Happ a0 (subst s 0 b) ab →
Hnth ab a (subst s (Hlength b - (1 + a)) k).
induction 1; simpl; intros.
inversion H0; clear H0; subst; simpl in *; exfalso; omega.
{ inversion H1; clear H1; subst; simpl in *; try (exfalso; omega).
rewrite <- minus_n_O.
rewrite plus_0_r in H2.
inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
auto using Hnth. }
{ inversion H2; clear H2; subst; simpl in *; try (exfalso; omega).
rewrite plus_0_r in H3.
inversion H3; clear H3; subst.
apply Hnth2.
eapply IHHnth; eauto.
omega. }
Lemma jrec_lift : ∀ {d a t rec},
jrec a t rec → ∀ i, jrec a (lift d (a + 1 + i) t) rec.
induction 1; simpl; intros; eauto using jrec.
(* RECVar *) subst_lift_var; eauto using jrec.
(* RECFor *)
apply RECFor with (lift d (a + i) k'); [|apply IHjrec].
subst k; unfold shift.
rewrite lift_lift with (d1:=1); [|omega].
f_equal; omega.
(* RECPi *)
apply RECPi with (lift d (a + i) k'); [|apply IHjrec].
subst k; unfold shift.
rewrite lift_lift with (d1:=1); [|omega].
f_equal; omega.
(* RECMu *)
apply RECMu; auto.
apply IHjrec2.
(* RECwf *)
subst; unfold shift.
replace (a + 1 + i) with (a + i + 1) by omega.
rewrite <- lift_lift; [|omega].
eapply RECwf; reflexivity.
Lemma jrec_lift_0 : ∀ {d t rec},
jrec 0 t rec → ∀ i, jrec 0 (lift d (1 + i) t) rec.
Proof. intros; exact (jrec_lift H i). Qed.
Lemma jrec_subst : ∀ {s a t rec}, cobj s CType →
jrec a t rec → ∀ i, jrec a (subst s (a + 1 + i) t) rec.
induction 2; simpl; intros; eauto using jrec.
(* RECVar *) subst_lift_var; eauto using jrec.
(* RECFor *)
apply RECFor with (subst s (a + i) k'); [|apply IHjrec].
subst k; unfold shift.
rewrite lift_subst2; [|auto|omega].
f_equal; omega.
(* RECPi *)
apply RECPi with (subst s (a + i) k'); [|apply IHjrec].
subst k; unfold shift.
rewrite lift_subst2; [|auto|omega].
f_equal; omega.
(* RECMu *)
apply RECMu; auto.
apply IHjrec2.
(* RECwf *)
subst; unfold shift.
replace (a + 1 + i) with (1 + (a + i)) by omega.
rewrite <- lift_subst2; [|auto|omega].
eapply RECwf; reflexivity.
Lemma jrec_subst_0 : ∀ {s t rec}, cobj s CType →
jrec 0 t rec → ∀ i, jrec 0 (subst s (1 + i) t) rec.
Proof. intros. exact (jrec_subst H H0 i). Qed.
Lemma Ynth_lift : ∀ {Y n p}, Ynth Y n p → ∀ d i, Ynth (lift d i Y) n (lift d i p).
Proof. induction 1; simpl; intros; auto using Ynth. Qed.
Lemma Ynth_subst : ∀ {Y n p}, Ynth Y n p →
∀ s i, Ynth (subst s i Y) n (subst s i p).
Proof. induction 1; simpl; intros; auto using Ynth. Qed.
Lemma Hlength_Happ : ∀ {a b ab}, Happ a b ab → Hlength ab = Hlength a + Hlength b.
Proof. induction 1; simpl; [|rewrite IHHapp]; omega. Qed.
Lemma Happ_lift : ∀ {a b ab}, Happ a b ab →
∀ d i, Happ (lift d i a) (lift d (Hlength a + i) b) (lift d i ab).
induction 1; simpl; intros; auto using Happ.
rewrite (Hlength_Happ H).
replace (Hlength H1 + (Hlength H2 + i)) with (Hlength H2 + Hlength H1 + i) by omega.
auto using Happ.
Lemma Happ_subst : ∀ {a b ab}, Happ a b ab →
∀ s i, Happ (subst s i a) (subst s (Hlength a + i) b) (subst s i ab).
induction 1; simpl; intros; auto using Happ.
rewrite (Hlength_Happ H).
replace (Hlength H1 + (Hlength H2 + i)) with (Hlength H2 + Hlength H1 + i) by omega.
auto using Happ.
Lemma Yapp_lift : ∀ {a b ab}, Yapp a b ab →
∀ d i, Yapp (lift d i a) (lift d i b) (lift d i ab).
Proof. induction 1; simpl; intros; auto using Yapp. Qed.
Lemma Yapp_subst : ∀ {a b ab}, Yapp a b ab →
∀ s i, Yapp (subst s i a) (subst s i b) (subst s i ab).
Proof. induction 1; simpl; intros; auto using Yapp. Qed.
Lemma Happ_exists : ∀ {b}, cobj b CTEnv → ∀ a, ∃ ab, Happ a b ab.
intros b cb.
remember CTEnv as e.
induction cb; inversion Heqe; clear Heqe; simpl; intros.
∃ a; auto using Happ.
clear IHcb2.
destruct (IHcb1 eq_refl a) as [x Hx]; auto.
eauto using Happ.
Lemma Happ_assoc_right : ∀ c, cobj c CTEnv →
∀ a b ab bc abc, Happ a b ab → Happ ab c abc → Happ b c bc → Happ a bc abc.
intros c cc.
remember CTEnv as e.
induction cc; inversion Heqe; clear Heqe; intros.
inversion H1; clear H1; subst; inversion H0; clear H0; subst; assumption.
inversion H1; clear H1; subst; inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
eauto using Happ.
Lemma Happ_assoc_left : ∀ c, cobj c CTEnv →
∀ a b ab bc abc, Happ a b ab → Happ a bc abc → Happ b c bc → Happ ab c abc.
intros c cc.
remember CTEnv as e.
induction cc; inversion Heqe; clear Heqe; intros.
inversion H1; clear H1; subst; rewrite (Happ_eq H H0) in *; apply Happ0.
inversion H2; clear H2; subst; inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
eauto using Happ.
Ltac apply_clear H I := let H' := fresh "H" in
pose proof (H I) as H'; clear H; rename H' into H.
Ltac assert_clear H Hp :=
match type of H with ?P → _ ⇒ assert P as Hp; [clear H|apply_clear H Hp] end.
Ltac assert_goal H :=
let Heq := fresh "Heq" in
let Q := type of H in
match goal with |- ?P ⇒ assert (P = Q) as Heq; [clear H|rewrite Heq; exact H] end.
Lemma Happ_Hlength_eq : ∀ d, cobj d CTEnv →
∀ a b c e, cobj b CTEnv → Happ a b e → Happ c d e → Hlength b = Hlength d →
a = c ∧ b = d.
intros d cd.
remember CTEnv as y.
induction cd; inversion Heqy; clear Heqy; simpl; intros.
{ inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
inversion H; clear H; subst; inversion H2.
inversion H0; clear H0; subst; auto. }
inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
inversion H0; clear H0; subst; inversion H3; clear H3; subst.
inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
destruct (IHcd1 eq_refl _ _ _ _ H4 H9 H10); subst; auto.
Lemma Happ_Hlength_lt : ∀ z, cobj z CTEnv →
∀ x b a e, cobj b CTEnv → Happ x z e → Happ a b e → Hlength z < Hlength b →
∃ w aw wz, Happ a w aw ∧ Happ w z wz ∧ x = aw ∧ wz = b.
intros z cz.
remember CTEnv as y.
induction cz; inversion Heqy; clear Heqy; simpl; intros.
{ inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
∃ b, e, b; auto using Happ. }
inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
inversion H0; clear H0; subst; [inversion H3|simpl in H3].
inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
destruct (IHcz1 eq_refl _ _ _ _ H4 H10 H9) as [w [aw [wz [? [? [? ?]]]]]]; [omega|].
∃ w, aw, (HCons wz k); subst; auto using Happ.
Lemma jobj_lift : ∀ {H1 H2 H1H2}, Happ H1 H2 H1H2 → cobj H1H2 CTEnv →
∀ {v H1H3 j}, jobj v H1H3 j →
∀ H3 H1H2H3, Happ H1 H3 H1H3 → cobj H3 CTEnv → Happ H1H2 (lift (Hlength H2) 0 H3) H1H2H3 →
jobj v H1H2H3 (jlift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H3) j).
induction 3; simpl in *; intros.
(* 62: JKexi *)
apply JKexi.
{ apply IHjobj; auto. }
intros mEv; apply (H6 mEv); auto.
(* 61: JTeq *)
apply JTeq with (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H8) k); auto.
apply (jeq_lift H5).
(* 60: JTVar *)
(* 5: Hlength H6 <= a *)
rewrite lift_fusion; [|omega..].
rewrite <- plus_n_Sm.
apply JTVar; eauto using Happ_cobj, cobj_lift.
destruct (Happ_cobj_rev H H0).
eapply Hnth_lift; eauto.
(* 4: Hlength H6 > a *)
remember (Hlength H6 - (1 + a)) as b.
replace (Hlength H6) with (1 + a + b) by (subst b; omega).
rewrite <- lift_lift_0.
apply JTVar; eauto using Happ_cobj, cobj_lift.
subst b.
eapply Hnth_Happ_lift; eauto.
(* 59: JTArr *) apply JTArr; auto.
(* 58: JTOne *)
apply JTOne; auto.
apply (Happ_cobj H8); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 57: JTProd *) apply JTProd; auto.
(* 58: JTVoid *)
apply JTVoid; auto.
apply (Happ_cobj H8); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 55: JTSum *) apply JTSum; auto.
(* 54: JTFor *)
apply JTFor; auto.
apply (IHjobj (HCons H7 k)); simpl; eauto using Happ.
destruct (jobj_class H6).
inversion H11; clear H11; subst.
auto using cobj.
rewrite plus_0_r; auto using Happ.
(* 53: JTPi *)
apply JTPi; auto.
apply (IHjobj (HCons H7 k)); simpl; eauto using Happ.
destruct (jobj_class H6).
inversion H11; clear H11; subst.
auto using cobj.
rewrite plus_0_r; auto using Happ.
(* 52: JTMu *)
apply JTMu; auto using jrec_lift_0.
apply (IHjobj (HCons H7 KStar)); simpl; eauto using Happ, cobj.
(* 51: JTBot *)
apply JTBot.
apply (Happ_cobj H8); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 50: JTTop *)
apply JTTop.
apply (Happ_cobj H8); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 49: JTUnit *)
apply JTUnit.
apply (Happ_cobj H8); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 48: JTPair *) apply JTPair; auto.
(* 47: JTFst *) eapply JTFst; eauto.
(* 46: JTSnd *) eapply JTSnd; eauto.
(* 45: JTPack *)
destruct (jobj_class H3_) as [_ [? ?]].
apply JTPack; auto.
(* +3: *)
intros mEv.
apply (H5 mEv (HCons H6 k)); simpl; auto using Happ, cobj.
rewrite plus_0_r; apply Happ1; auto.
(* +2: *)
rewrite <- lift_subst1_0; auto.
(* 44: JTUnpack *)
apply JTUnpack with (lift (Hlength H2) (1 + Hlength H5) p); auto.
(* 43: JPeq *)
apply JPeq with (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H8) p); auto using jeq_lift.
(* 42: JPVar *)
apply JPVar with n; eauto using cobj_lift, Happ_cobj, Ynth_lift.
(* 41: JPTrue *)
apply JPTrue; eauto using cobj_lift, Happ_cobj.
(* 40: JPAndPair *) apply JPAndPair; auto.
(* 39: JPAndFst *) apply JPAndFst with (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H5) p2); auto.
(* 38: JPAndSnd *) apply JPAndSnd with (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H5) p1); auto.
(* 37: JPExi *)
apply JPExi with (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H7) t); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 36: JPForIntro *)
apply JPForIntro; auto.
pose proof (IHjobj (HCons H7 k) (HCons H1H2H3 (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H7) k))) as Hx.
simpl in Hx.
repeat rewrite <- lift_shift_0 in Hx.
destruct (jobj_class H6) as [? _].
inversion H11; clear H11; subst.
apply Hx; auto using Happ, cobj.
rewrite plus_0_r.
apply Happ1; assumption.
(* 35: JPForElim *)
destruct (jobj_class H3_) as [_ [? _]].
rewrite lift_subst1_0; auto.
apply JPForElim with (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H4) k); auto.
(* 34: JPRes *)
destruct (jobj_class H6) as [_ [? _]].
rewrite lift_subst1_0; auto using cobj.
apply JPRes with (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H7) k); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 33: JPFix *) apply JPFix; auto.
(* 32: JPCoer *)
destruct (jobj_class H3_) as [_ [_ [_ [cH' _]]]].
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H5) H')) with (a := H1H2H3) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_lift.
apply JPCoer with x; auto.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := H5) as [y Hy]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hy) as Heqy.
replace (Hlength H5 + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength H5) in Heqy by omega.
rewrite <- Heqy.
assert (cobj y CTEnv) as cy.
{ apply (Happ_cobj Hy); auto. }
apply IHjobj2; auto.
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H3) (b:=H5) (c:=H'); auto. }
apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H1H2H3) (b:=lift (Hlength H2) 0 H5)
(c:=lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H5) H'); auto using cobj_lift.
pose proof (Happ_lift Hy (Hlength H2) 0) as c1.
rewrite plus_0_r in c1.
exact c1.
(* 31: JCProp *) apply JCProp; auto.
(* 30: JCRefl *)
apply JCRefl; eauto using cobj_lift, Happ_cobj.
(* 29: JCTrans *)
destruct (jobj_class H3_0) as [_ [_ [_ ?]]].
inversion H12; clear H12; subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H8) H4)) with (a := H1H2H3) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_lift.
apply JCTrans with (H2 := lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H8) H4)
(H1 := lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H4 + Hlength H8) H5)
(t2 := lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H4 + Hlength H8) t2)
(HH2 := x); auto.
{ apply Happ_lift; auto. }
clear IHjobj2.
repeat rewrite lift_lift_0; repeat rewrite Hlength_lift.
rewrite (Hlength_Happ H7).
replace (Hlength H4 + Hlength H5 + Hlength H8)
with (Hlength H5 + (Hlength H4 + Hlength H8)) by omega.
destruct (@Happ_exists H4) with (a := H8); auto.
replace (Hlength H4 + Hlength H8) with (Hlength x0); [|rewrite (Hlength_Happ H12); omega].
apply IHjobj1; eauto using Happ_cobj, cobj_lift; [eapply Happ_assoc_right; eauto|].
apply Happ_assoc_right with (c := lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H8) H4)
(b := lift (Hlength H2) 0 H8) (ab := H1H2H3); auto using cobj_lift.
pose proof (Happ_lift H12 (Hlength H2) 0) as Hy.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hy; exact Hy.
(* 28: JCWeak *)
apply JCWeak with (H' := lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H5) H').
rewrite Hlength_lift.
rewrite lift_lift_0.
(* 27: JCArr *)
destruct (jobj_class H3_0) as [_ [_ [_ cH's]]].
inversion cH's; clear cH's; subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H14) H')) with (a := H1H2H3) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_lift.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := H14) as [y Hy]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hy) as Heqy.
replace (Hlength H14 + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength H14) in Heqy by omega.
rewrite <- Heqy.
assert (Happ H1 y HH') by (eapply Happ_assoc_right; eauto).
assert (cobj y CTEnv) by (eapply Happ_cobj; eauto).
pose proof (Happ_lift Hy (Hlength H2) 0) as Hyl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hyl.
assert (Happ H1H2 (lift (Hlength H2) 0 y) x).
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H1H2H3) (b:=lift (Hlength H2) 0 H14)
(c:=lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H14) H'); auto using cobj_lift. }
apply JCArr with (Y0Y1 := lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H14) Y0Y1) (HH' := x); auto.
{ apply Yapp_lift; auto. }
{ rewrite Hlength_lift.
repeat rewrite lift_lift_0.
rewrite <- Heqy.
apply IHjobj1; auto. }
{ rewrite Heqy.
apply IHjobj2; auto. }
(* 26: JCProd *)
destruct (jobj_class H3_0) as [_ [_ [_ cH's]]].
inversion cH's; clear cH's; subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H12) H')) with (a := H1H2H3) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_lift.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := H12) as [y Hy]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hy) as Heqy.
replace (Hlength H12 + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength H12) in Heqy by omega.
rewrite <- Heqy.
assert (Happ H1 y HH') by (eapply Happ_assoc_right; eauto).
assert (cobj y CTEnv) by (eapply Happ_cobj; eauto).
pose proof (Happ_lift Hy (Hlength H2) 0) as Hyl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hyl.
assert (Happ H1H2 (lift (Hlength H2) 0 y) x).
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H1H2H3) (b:=lift (Hlength H2) 0 H12)
(c:=lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H12) H'); auto using cobj_lift. }
apply JCProd with (Y0Y1 := lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H12) Y0Y1) (HH' := x); auto.
{ apply Yapp_lift; auto. }
{ rewrite Heqy.
apply IHjobj1; auto. }
{ rewrite Heqy.
apply IHjobj2; auto. }
(* 25: JCSum *)
destruct (jobj_class H3_0) as [_ [_ [_ cH's]]].
inversion cH's; clear cH's; subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H12) H')) with (a := H1H2H3) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_lift.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := H12) as [y Hy]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hy) as Heqy.
replace (Hlength H12 + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength H12) in Heqy by omega.
rewrite <- Heqy.
assert (Happ H1 y HH') by (eapply Happ_assoc_right; eauto).
assert (cobj y CTEnv) by (eapply Happ_cobj; eauto).
pose proof (Happ_lift Hy (Hlength H2) 0) as Hyl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hyl.
assert (Happ H1H2 (lift (Hlength H2) 0 y) x).
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H1H2H3) (b:=lift (Hlength H2) 0 H12)
(c:=lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H12) H'); auto using cobj_lift. }
apply JCSum with (Y0Y1 := lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H12) Y0Y1) (HH' := x); auto.
{ apply Yapp_lift; auto. }
{ rewrite Heqy.
apply IHjobj1; auto. }
{ rewrite Heqy.
apply IHjobj2; auto. }
(* 24: JCPi *)
destruct (jobj_class H3_) as [_ cH'].
destruct (jobj_class H3_0) as [_ [cs' ck']].
apply cobj_unlift in ck'.
destruct (jobj_class H3_1) as [ck _]; inversion ck; clear ck; subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H11) H')) with (a := H1H2H3) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_lift.
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift 1 0 (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H11) H'))) with
(a := HCons H1H2H3 (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H11) k)) as [z Hz]; auto using cobj_lift.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := H11) as [y Hy]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hy) as Heqy.
replace (Hlength H11 + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength H11) in Heqy by omega.
rewrite <- Heqy.
assert (Happ H1 y HH').
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H3) (b:=H11) (c:=H'); auto. }
assert (cobj y CTEnv) by (eapply Happ_cobj; eauto).
pose proof (Happ_lift Hy (Hlength H2) 0) as Hyl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hyl.
assert (Happ H1H2 (lift (Hlength H2) 0 y) x).
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H1H2H3) (b:=lift (Hlength H2) 0 H11)
(c:=lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H11) H'); auto using cobj_lift. }
apply JCPi with (Y0Y1 := lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H11) Y0Y1) (HH' := x)
(HaH' := z) (s' := lift (Hlength H2) (1 + Hlength y) s') ; auto.
{ apply Yapp_lift; auto. }
{ intros mSv.
replace (S (Hlength y)) with (Hlength (HCons y k')) by (simpl; omega).
apply (H10 mSv); auto using cobj, cobj_lift, Happ.
simpl; rewrite plus_0_r.
apply Happ1; auto. }
{ rewrite Hlength_lift.
rewrite lift_lift; [|rewrite Heqy; omega].
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift 1 0 H')) with (a := HCons H11 k) as [w Hw]; auto using cobj_lift.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hw) as Heqw.
rewrite Hlength_lift in Heqw.
replace (1 + Hlength y) with (Hlength w) by (rewrite Heqw; simpl; omega).
replace (Hlength y + 1) with (Hlength w) by (rewrite Heqw; simpl; omega).
assert (cobj w CTEnv) by (eapply Happ_cobj; eauto using cobj, cobj_lift).
apply IHjobj2; auto.
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=HCons H3 k) (b:=HCons H11 k) (c:=lift 1 0 H');
auto using Happ, cobj_lift. }
apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=HCons H1H2H3 (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H11) k))
(b:=HCons (lift (Hlength H2) 0 H11) (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H11) k))
(c:=lift 1 0 (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H11) H'));
auto using Happ, cobj_lift.
pose proof (Happ_lift Hw (Hlength H2) 0) as Hwl.
simpl in Hwl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hwl.
rewrite lift_lift_0.
exact Hwl. }
{ apply_clear IHjobj3 (HCons H11 k).
apply_clear IHjobj3 (HCons H1H2H3 (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H11) k)).
assert_clear IHjobj3 Hp1; [auto using Happ|].
assert_clear IHjobj3 cH11k; [auto using cobj|].
assert_clear IHjobj3 Hp2; [simpl; rewrite plus_0_r; auto using Happ|].
assert_goal IHjobj3; simpl.
f_equal; [rewrite lift_lift_0; reflexivity..|].
repeat rewrite Hlength_lift.
rewrite lift_subst1_0; auto.
rewrite Heqy.
f_equal; [f_equal; omega|].
rewrite lift_lift; [|omega].
f_equal; omega. }
(* 23: JCGen *)
apply JCGen; auto using cobj_lift.
intros mSv.
apply_clear H9 mSv.
apply_clear H9 (HCons H10 k).
apply_clear H9 (HCons H1H2H3 (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H10) k)).
assert_clear H9 Ha1; [auto using Happ|].
destruct (jobj_class H7) as [_ ck].
assert_clear H9 cH10k; [auto using cobj|].
apply H9.
simpl; rewrite plus_0_r.
auto using Happ.
(* 22: JCInst *)
destruct (jobj_class H9) as [_ [cs ck]].
rewrite lift_subst1_0; auto.
apply JCInst; auto using cobj_lift.
intros mSv.
apply_clear H8 mSv.
apply_clear H8 (HCons H10 k).
apply_clear H8 (HCons H1H2H3 (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H10) k)).
assert_clear H8 Ha1; [auto using Happ|].
assert_clear H8 cH10k; [auto using cobj|].
apply H8.
simpl; rewrite plus_0_r.
auto using Happ.
(* 21: JCUnfold *)
rewrite lift_subst1_0; auto using cobj.
destruct (Happ_cobj_rev H13 H4).
assert (cobj H1H2H3 CTEnv).
{ apply (Happ_cobj H15); auto using cobj_lift. }
apply JCUnfold; auto using cobj_lift, jrec_lift_0.
intros mSv.
apply_clear H10 mSv.
apply_clear H10 (HCons H12 KStar).
apply H10; auto using Happ, cobj.
simpl; auto using Happ.
(* 20: JCFold *)
destruct (jobj_class H7) as [_ [ct _]].
rewrite lift_subst1_0; auto using cobj.
apply JCFold; auto using cobj_lift, jrec_lift_0.
apply_clear IHjobj (HCons H9 KStar).
apply IHjobj; auto using Happ, cobj.
simpl; auto using Happ.
(* 19: JCTop *)
destruct (Happ_cobj_rev H11 H4).
assert (cobj H1H2H3 CTEnv).
{ apply (Happ_cobj H13); auto using cobj_lift. }
apply JCTop; auto using cobj_lift.
(* 18: JCBot *)
apply JCBot; auto using cobj_lift.
(* 17: JHNil *)
apply JHNil.
apply (Happ_cobj H8); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 16: JHCons *)
destruct (jobj_class H3_) as [_ ?].
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H5) H')) with (a := H1H2H3) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_lift.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := H5) as [w Hw]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hw) as Heqw.
replace (Hlength H5 + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength H5) in Heqw by omega.
apply JHCons with (HH':=x); auto.
rewrite <- Heqw.
apply IHjobj2; eauto using Happ_cobj.
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H3) (b:=H5) (c:=H'); auto. }
apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H1H2H3) (b:=lift (Hlength H2) 0 H5)
(c:=lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H5) H'); auto using cobj_lift.
pose proof (Happ_lift Hw (Hlength H2) 0) as Hwl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hwl; exact Hwl.
(* 15: JGNil *)
apply JGNil.
apply (Happ_cobj H8); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 14: JGCons *)
apply JGCons; auto.
(* 13: WKStar *)
apply WKStar.
apply (Happ_cobj H8); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 12: WKOne *)
apply WKOne.
apply (Happ_cobj H8); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 11: WKProd *)
apply WKProd; auto.
(* 10: WKRes *)
apply WKRes; auto.
apply_clear IHjobj2 (HCons H4 k).
apply_clear IHjobj2 (HCons H1H2H3 (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H4) k)).
assert_clear IHjobj2 Ha1; [auto using Happ|].
destruct (jobj_class H3_) as [_ ?].
assert_clear IHjobj2 cH4k; [auto using cobj|].
apply IHjobj2.
simpl; rewrite plus_0_r.
auto using Happ.
(* 9: WPTrue *)
apply WPTrue.
apply (Happ_cobj H8); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 8: WPAnd *)
apply WPAnd; auto.
(* 7: WPCoer *)
destruct (jobj_class H3_) as [_ cH'].
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H5) H')) with (a := H1H2H3) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_lift.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := H5) as [w Hw]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hw) as Heqw.
replace (Hlength H5 + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength H5) in Heqw by omega.
assert (Happ H1 w HH').
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H3) (b:=H5) (c:=H'); auto. }
assert (Happ H1H2 (lift (Hlength H2) 0 w) x).
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H1H2H3) (b:=lift (Hlength H2) 0 H5)
(c:=lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H5) H'); auto using cobj_lift.
pose proof (Happ_lift Hw (Hlength H2) 0) as Hwl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hwl; exact Hwl. }
rewrite <- Heqw.
apply WPCoer with (HH':=x); eauto using Happ_cobj.
(* 6: WPExi *)
apply WPExi; auto.
(* 5: WPFor *)
apply WPFor; auto.
apply_clear IHjobj2 (HCons H4 k).
apply_clear IHjobj2 (HCons H1H2H3 (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H4) k)).
assert_clear IHjobj2 Ha1; [auto using Happ|].
destruct (jobj_class H3_) as [_ ck].
assert_clear IHjobj2 cH4k; [auto using cobj|].
apply IHjobj2.
simpl; rewrite plus_0_r.
auto using Happ.
(* 4: WHNil *)
apply WHNil.
apply (Happ_cobj H8); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 3: WHCons *)
destruct (jobj_class H3_) as [_ ?].
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H5) H')) with (a := H1H2H3) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_lift.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := H5) as [w Hw]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hw) as Heqw.
replace (Hlength H5 + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength H5) in Heqw by omega.
apply WHCons with (HH':=x); auto.
rewrite <- Heqw.
apply IHjobj2; eauto using Happ_cobj.
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H3) (b:=H5) (c:=H'); auto. }
apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H1H2H3) (b:=lift (Hlength H2) 0 H5)
(c:=lift (Hlength H2) (Hlength H5) H'); auto using cobj_lift.
pose proof (Happ_lift Hw (Hlength H2) 0) as Hwl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hwl; exact Hwl.
(* 2: WYNil *)
apply WYNil.
apply (Happ_cobj H8); auto using cobj_lift.
(* 1: WYCons *)
apply WYCons; auto.
Lemma jobj_lift_0 : ∀ {H1 H2 H1H2 v j}, Happ H1 H2 H1H2 → cobj H1H2 CTEnv →
jobj v H1 j → jobj v H1H2 (jlift (Hlength H2) 0 j).
replace 0 with (Hlength HNil) by reflexivity.
apply (jobj_lift H H0 H3); auto using Happ, cobj.
Lemma jobj_shift_0 : ∀ {H k v j}, jobj v H j → cobj k CKind →
jobj v (HCons H k) (jlift 1 0 j).
replace 1 with (Hlength (HCons HNil k)) by reflexivity.
replace 0 with (Hlength HNil) by reflexivity.
destruct (jobj_class H0) as [? _].
apply (@jobj_lift_0 H (HCons HNil k) (HCons H k)); auto using Happ, cobj.
Lemma Hnth_HCons_Hlength : ∀ b, cobj b CTEnv →
∀ H a0 k0 a k s ab, Hnth H (S a) k → Happ (HCons a0 k0) b H →
Happ a0 (subst s 0 b) ab → Hlength b ≤ a →
Hnth ab a k.
intros b cb.
remember CTEnv as c.
induction cb; inversion Heqc; clear Heqc; simpl; intros.
{ inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
assumption. }
{ rewrite plus_0_r in H3.
inversion H3; clear H3; subst.
destruct a; [inversion H4|].
apply Hnth2.
inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
eapply IHcb1; eauto.
omega. }
Lemma jeq_KStar_rev_aux : ∀ o1 o2 c, jeq o1 o2 c → c = CKind → (o1 = KStar ↔ o2 = KStar).
induction 1; intros Heqc; inversion Heqc; clear Heqc;
split; intros Heq; inversion Heq; clear Heq; subst;
repeat match goal with
| H : CKind = CKind → (_ ↔ _) |- _ ⇒ destruct (H eq_refl); clear H
end; auto.
Lemma jeq_KStar_rev : ∀ k, jeq KStar k CKind → k = KStar.
intros k jk.
apply (jeq_KStar_rev_aux KStar k CKind jk eq_refl); auto.
Lemma jeq_KOne_rev_aux : ∀ o1 o2 c, jeq o1 o2 c → c = CKind → (o1 = KOne ↔ o2 = KOne).
induction 1; intros Heqc; inversion Heqc; clear Heqc;
split; intros Heq; inversion Heq; clear Heq; subst;
repeat match goal with
| H : CKind = CKind → (_ ↔ _) |- _ ⇒ destruct (H eq_refl); clear H
end; auto.
Lemma jeq_KOne_rev : ∀ k, jeq KOne k CKind → k = KOne.
intros k jk.
apply (jeq_KOne_rev_aux KOne k CKind jk eq_refl); auto.
Definition jeq_agree_KProd o1 o2 :=
match o1, o2 with
| KProd a1 b1, KProd a2 b2 ⇒ jeq a1 a2 CKind ∧ jeq b1 b2 CKind
| KProd _ _, _ ⇒ False
| _, KProd _ _ ⇒ False
| _, _ ⇒ True
Lemma jeq_KProd_rev_aux : ∀ o1 o2 c, jeq o1 o2 c → c = CKind → jeq_agree_KProd o1 o2.
induction 1; intros Heqc; inversion Heqc; clear Heqc; subst; simpl; auto.
{ destruct o; try exact I.
inversion H; clear H; subst.
split; apply EQrefl; auto. }
{ apply_clear IHjeq (eq_refl CKind).
destruct o1; destruct o2; try first [exact I|exfalso; exact IHjeq].
destruct IHjeq.
split; apply EQsym; auto. }
apply_clear IHjeq1 (eq_refl CKind).
apply_clear IHjeq2 (eq_refl CKind).
destruct o1; destruct o3; try exact I;
destruct o2; simpl in *; try (exfalso; assumption).
destruct IHjeq1.
destruct IHjeq2.
split; eapply EQtrans; eauto.
Lemma jeq_KProd_rev : ∀ k' k1 k2, jeq (KProd k1 k2) k' CKind →
∃ k1' k2', k' = KProd k1' k2' ∧ jeq k1 k1' CKind ∧ jeq k2 k2' CKind.
intros k' k1 k2 jk.
pose proof (jeq_KProd_rev_aux (KProd k1 k2) k' CKind jk eq_refl).
destruct k'; try (exfalso; exact H).
destruct H.
∃ k'1, k'2; auto.
Definition jeq_agree_KRes o1 o2 :=
match o1, o2 with
| KRes a1 b1, KRes a2 b2 ⇒ jeq a1 a2 CKind ∧ jeq b1 b2 CProp
| KRes _ _, _ ⇒ False
| _, KRes _ _ ⇒ False
| _, _ ⇒ True
Lemma jeq_KRes_rev_aux : ∀ o1 o2 c, jeq o1 o2 c → c = CKind → jeq_agree_KRes o1 o2.
induction 1; intros Heqc; inversion Heqc; clear Heqc; subst; simpl; auto.
{ destruct o; try exact I.
inversion H; clear H; subst.
split; apply EQrefl; auto. }
{ apply_clear IHjeq (eq_refl CKind).
destruct o1; destruct o2; try first [exact I|exfalso; exact IHjeq].
destruct IHjeq.
split; apply EQsym; auto. }
apply_clear IHjeq1 (eq_refl CKind).
apply_clear IHjeq2 (eq_refl CKind).
destruct o1; destruct o3; try exact I;
destruct o2; simpl in *; try (exfalso; assumption).
destruct IHjeq1.
destruct IHjeq2.
split; eapply EQtrans; eauto.
Lemma jeq_KRes_rev : ∀ k0 k p, jeq (KRes k p) k0 CKind →
∃ k' p', k0 = KRes k' p' ∧ jeq k k' CKind ∧ jeq p p' CProp.
intros k0 k p jk.
pose proof (jeq_KRes_rev_aux (KRes k p) k0 CKind jk eq_refl).
destruct k0; try (exfalso; exact H).
destruct H.
∃ k0_1, k0_2; auto.
Lemma jobj_subst_aux1 : ∀ H ab a k b s, cobj H CTEnv →
Happ (HCons a k) b H → Happ a (subst s 0 b) ab → cobj s CType →
cobj ab CTEnv.
destruct (Happ_cobj_rev H1 H0) as [c1 ?].
inversion c1; clear c1; subst.
apply (Happ_cobj H2); auto using cobj_subst.
Lemma jobj_subst : ∀ {v a k s akb j}, jobj v a (JT s k) → jobj v akb j → cobj akb CTEnv →
∀ {b ab}, Happ (HCons a k) b akb → Happ a (subst s 0 b) ab →
jobj v ab (jsubst s (Hlength b) j).
intros v a k s akb j Hs.
destruct (jobj_class Hs) as [_ [cs _]].
induction 1; simpl in *; intros.
(* 62: JKexi *)
apply JKexi.
{ eapply IHjobj; eauto. }
intros mEv; apply (H2 mEv); auto.
(* 61: JTeq *)
apply JTeq with (k:= subst s (Hlength b) k0); eauto.
destruct (jobj_class Hs) as [_ [? _]].
apply (jeq_subst H1); auto.
(* 60: JTVar *)
destruct (Happ_cobj_rev H3 H0) as [_ ?].
assert (cobj ab CTEnv) as cab by eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 6: a0 < Hlength b *)
remember (Hlength b - (1 + a0)) as c.
replace (Hlength b) with (1 + a0 + c) by (subst c; omega).
rewrite <- lift_subst2; [|assumption|omega].
apply JTVar; auto.
subst c.
eapply Hnth_Happ_subst; eauto.
(* 5: a0 = Hlength b *)
subst a0.
pose proof (jobj_lift_0 H4 cab Hs) as Hx.
rewrite (Hlength_subst s cs) in Hx.
simpl in Hx.
pose proof (Hnth_Hlength_exact _ _ _ _ H3).
rewrite (Hnth_eq H1 H6) in ×.
rewrite subst_lift; [assumption|omega..].
(* 4: Hlength b < a0 *)
rewrite subst_lift; [|omega..].
destruct a0; [inversion l|].
replace (S a0 - 1) with a0 by omega.
apply JTVar; auto.
apply (Hnth_HCons_Hlength b H5 H a k a0 k0 s ab); auto; omega.
(* 59: JTArr *) apply JTArr; auto.
(* 58: JTOne *) apply JTOne; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 57: JTProd *) apply JTProd; auto.
(* 56: JTVoid *) apply JTVoid; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 55: JTSum *) apply JTSum; auto.
(* 54: JTFor *)
apply JTFor; auto.
destruct (jobj_class H2) as [c1 _]; inversion c1; clear c1; subst.
assert_clear IHjobj Hc1; [auto using cobj|].
apply (IHjobj (HCons b k0)); simpl; eauto using Happ.
rewrite plus_0_r; auto using Happ.
(* 53: JTPi *)
apply JTPi; auto.
destruct (jobj_class H2) as [c1 _]; inversion c1; clear c1; subst.
assert_clear IHjobj Hc1; [auto using cobj|].
apply (IHjobj (HCons b k0)); simpl; eauto using Happ.
rewrite plus_0_r; auto using Happ.
(* 52: JTMu *)
apply JTMu; auto using jrec_subst_0.
assert_clear IHjobj Hc1; [auto using cobj|].
apply (IHjobj (HCons b KStar)); simpl; eauto using Happ, cobj.
(* 51: JTBot *)
apply JTBot; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 50: JTTop *)
apply JTTop; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 49: JTUnit *)
apply JTUnit; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 48: JTPair *) apply JTPair; auto.
(* 47: JTFst *) eapply JTFst; eauto.
(* 46: JTSnd *) eapply JTSnd; eauto.
(* 45: JTPack *)
destruct (jobj_class H2) as [_ [ct ck0]].
apply JTPack; auto.
(* +3: *)
intros mEv.
apply_clear H1 mEv.
assert_clear H1 c1; [auto using cobj|].
apply_clear H1 (HCons b k0).
apply H1; simpl; auto using Happ, cobj.
rewrite plus_0_r; apply Happ1; auto.
(* +2: *)
rewrite <- subst_subst_0; auto.
(* 44: JTUnpack *)
apply JTUnpack with (subst s (1 + Hlength b) p); auto.
(* 43: JPeq *)
apply JPeq with (subst s (Hlength b) p); auto using jeq_subst.
(* 42: JPVar *)
apply JPVar with n; eauto using cobj_subst, Happ_cobj, jobj_subst_aux1, Ynth_subst.
(* 41: JPTrue *)
apply JPTrue; eauto using cobj_subst, Happ_cobj, jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 40: JPAndPair *) apply JPAndPair; auto.
(* 39: JPAndFst *) apply JPAndFst with (subst s (Hlength b) p2); auto.
(* 38: JPAndSnd *) apply JPAndSnd with (subst s (Hlength b) p1); auto.
(* 37: JPExi *)
apply JPExi with (subst s (Hlength b) t); auto using cobj_subst.
(* 36: JPForIntro *)
destruct (jobj_class H2) as [c1 _]; inversion c1; clear c1; subst.
apply JPForIntro; auto.
assert_clear IHjobj c2; [auto using cobj|].
pose proof (IHjobj (HCons b k0) (HCons ab (subst s (Hlength b) k0))) as Hx.
simpl in Hx.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hx.
do 2 rewrite <- lift_subst2_0 in Hx; auto.
apply Hx; auto using Happ.
(* 35: JPForElim *)
destruct (jobj_class H0) as [_ [ct _]].
rewrite subst_subst_0; auto.
apply JPForElim with (subst s (Hlength b) k0); auto.
(* 34: JPRes *)
destruct (jobj_class H2) as [_ [ct _]].
rewrite subst_subst_0; auto using cobj.
apply JPRes with (subst s (Hlength b) k0); auto using cobj_subst.
(* 33: JPFix *) apply JPFix; auto.
(* 32: JPCoer *)
destruct (jobj_class H1) as [_ [_ [_ [cH' _]]]].
destruct (@Happ_exists (subst s (Hlength b) H')) with (a := ab) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_subst.
apply JPCoer with x; auto.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := b) as [y Hy]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hy) as Heqy.
replace (Hlength b + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength b) in Heqy by omega.
rewrite <- Heqy.
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) as cHH'.
{ apply (Happ_cobj H0); auto. }
apply IHjobj2; auto.
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H) (b:=b) (c:=H'); auto. }
apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=ab) (b:=subst s 0 b)
(c:=subst s (Hlength b) H'); auto using cobj_subst.
pose proof (Happ_subst Hy s 0) as c1.
rewrite plus_0_r in c1.
exact c1.
(* 31: JCProp *) apply JCProp; auto.
(* 30: JCRefl *)
apply JCRefl; eauto using cobj_subst, Happ_cobj, jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 29: JCTrans *)
destruct (jobj_class H5) as [_ [_ [_ c1]]]; inversion c1; clear c1; subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists (subst s (Hlength b) H2)) with (a := ab) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_subst.
apply JCTrans with (H2 := subst s (Hlength b) H2)
(H1 := subst s (Hlength H2 + Hlength b) H1)
(t2 := subst s (Hlength H2 + Hlength b) t2)
(HH2 := x); auto.
{ apply Happ_subst; auto. }
clear IHjobj2.
repeat (rewrite Hlength_subst; auto).
do 2 (rewrite lift_subst2; [|auto|omega]).
rewrite (Hlength_Happ H3).
replace (Hlength H2 + Hlength H1 + Hlength b)
with (Hlength H1 + (Hlength H2 + Hlength b)) by omega.
destruct (@Happ_exists H2) with (a := b) as [y Hy]; auto.
replace (Hlength H2 + Hlength b) with (Hlength y); [|rewrite (Hlength_Happ Hy); omega].
apply IHjobj1; eauto using Happ_cobj, cobj_subst; [eapply Happ_assoc_right; eauto|].
apply Happ_assoc_right with (c := subst s (Hlength b) H2)
(b := subst s 0 b) (ab := ab); auto using cobj_subst.
pose proof (Happ_subst Hy s 0) as c1.
rewrite plus_0_r in c1; exact c1.
(* 28: JCWeak *)
apply JCWeak with (H' := subst s (Hlength b) H').
rewrite Hlength_subst; auto.
rewrite lift_subst2; [|auto|omega].
(* 27: JCArr *)
destruct (jobj_class H11) as [_ [_ [_ cH's]]]; inversion cH's; clear cH's; subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists (subst s (Hlength b) H')) with (a := ab) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := b) as [y Hy]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hy) as Heqy.
replace (Hlength b + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength b) in Heqy by omega.
rewrite <- Heqy.
assert (Happ (HCons a k) y HH') by (eapply Happ_assoc_right; eauto).
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) by (apply (Happ_cobj H1); auto).
pose proof (Happ_subst Hy s 0) as Hyl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hyl.
assert (Happ a (subst s 0 y) x).
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=ab) (b:=subst s 0 b)
(c:=subst s (Hlength b) H'); auto using cobj_subst. }
apply JCArr with (Y0Y1 := subst s (Hlength b) Y0Y1) (HH' := x); auto.
{ apply Yapp_subst; auto. }
{ rewrite Hlength_subst; auto.
repeat (rewrite lift_subst2; [|auto|omega]).
rewrite <- Heqy.
apply IHjobj1; auto. }
{ rewrite Heqy.
apply IHjobj2; auto. }
(* 26: JCProd *)
destruct (jobj_class H9) as [_ [_ [_ cH's]]]; inversion cH's; clear cH's; subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists (subst s (Hlength b) H')) with (a := ab) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := b) as [y Hy]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hy) as Heqy.
replace (Hlength b + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength b) in Heqy by omega.
rewrite <- Heqy.
assert (Happ (HCons a k) y HH') by (eapply Happ_assoc_right; eauto).
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) by (apply (Happ_cobj H1); auto).
pose proof (Happ_subst Hy s 0) as Hyl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hyl.
assert (Happ a (subst s 0 y) x).
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=ab) (b:=subst s 0 b)
(c:=subst s (Hlength b) H'); auto using cobj_subst. }
apply JCProd with (Y0Y1 := subst s (Hlength b) Y0Y1) (HH' := x); auto.
{ apply Yapp_subst; auto. }
{ rewrite Heqy.
apply IHjobj1; auto. }
{ rewrite Heqy.
apply IHjobj2; auto. }
(* 25: JCSum *)
destruct (jobj_class H9) as [_ [_ [_ cH's]]]; inversion cH's; clear cH's; subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists (subst s (Hlength b) H')) with (a := ab) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := b) as [y Hy]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hy) as Heqy.
replace (Hlength b + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength b) in Heqy by omega.
rewrite <- Heqy.
assert (Happ (HCons a k) y HH').
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H) (b:=b) (c:=H'); auto. }
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) by (apply (Happ_cobj H1); auto).
pose proof (Happ_subst Hy s 0) as Hyl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hyl.
assert (Happ a (subst s 0 y) x).
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=ab) (b:=subst s 0 b)
(c:=subst s (Hlength b) H'); auto using cobj_subst. }
apply JCSum with (Y0Y1 := subst s (Hlength b) Y0Y1) (HH' := x); auto.
{ apply Yapp_subst; auto. }
{ rewrite Heqy.
apply IHjobj1; auto. }
{ rewrite Heqy.
apply IHjobj2; auto. }
(* 24: JCPi *)
destruct (jobj_class H5) as [_ cH'].
destruct (jobj_class H8) as [_ [cs' ck']].
apply cobj_unlift in ck'.
destruct (jobj_class H9) as [ck0 _]; inversion ck0; clear ck0; subst.
destruct (Happ_cobj_rev H11) as [_ cb]; auto.
destruct (@Happ_exists (subst s (Hlength b) H')) with (a := ab) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift 1 0 (subst s (Hlength b) H'))) with
(a := HCons ab (subst s (Hlength b) k0)) as [z Hz]; auto using cobj_lift, cobj_subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := b) as [y Hy]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hy) as Heqy.
replace (Hlength b + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength b) in Heqy by omega.
rewrite <- Heqy.
assert (Happ (HCons a k) y HH') as HHH'.
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H) (b:=b) (c:=H'); auto. }
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) by (apply (Happ_cobj H1); eauto).
pose proof (Happ_subst Hy s 0) as Hyl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hyl.
assert (Happ a (subst s 0 y) x).
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=ab) (b:=subst s 0 b)
(c:=subst s (Hlength b) H'); auto using cobj_subst. }
apply JCPi with (Y0Y1 := subst s (Hlength b) Y0Y1) (HH' := x)
(HaH' := z) (s' := subst s (1 + Hlength y) s') ; auto.
{ apply Yapp_subst; auto. }
{ intros mSv.
replace (S (Hlength y)) with (Hlength (HCons y k')) by (simpl; omega).
apply (H7 mSv); auto using cobj, cobj_subst, Happ.
simpl; rewrite plus_0_r.
apply Happ1; auto. }
{ rewrite Hlength_subst; auto.
rewrite lift_subst2; [|auto|omega].
destruct (@Happ_exists (lift 1 0 H')) with (a := HCons b k0) as [w Hw]; auto using cobj_lift.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hw) as Heqw.
rewrite Hlength_lift in Heqw.
replace (1 + Hlength y) with (Hlength w) by (rewrite Heqw; simpl; omega).
assert (cobj HaH' CTEnv) by (eapply Happ_cobj; eauto using cobj, cobj_lift).
apply IHjobj2; auto.
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=HCons H k0) (b:=HCons b k0) (c:=lift 1 0 H');
auto using Happ, cobj_lift. }
apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=HCons ab (subst s (Hlength b) k0))
(b:=HCons (subst s 0 b) (subst s (Hlength b) k0))
(c:=lift 1 0 (subst s (Hlength b) H'));
auto using Happ, cobj_lift, cobj_subst.
pose proof (Happ_subst Hw s 0) as Hwl.
simpl in Hwl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hwl.
rewrite lift_subst2; [|auto|omega].
exact Hwl. }
{ assert_clear IHjobj3 c1; [auto using cobj|].
apply_clear IHjobj3 (HCons b k0).
apply_clear IHjobj3 (HCons ab (subst s (Hlength b) k0)).
assert_clear IHjobj3 Hp1; [auto using Happ|].
assert_clear IHjobj3 Hp2; [simpl; rewrite plus_0_r; auto using Happ|].
assert_goal IHjobj3; simpl.
f_equal; [rewrite lift_subst2; auto; omega..|].
repeat (rewrite Hlength_subst; auto).
repeat rewrite Hlength_lift.
rewrite subst_subst_0; auto.
rewrite Heqy.
f_equal; [f_equal; omega|].
rewrite lift_subst2; [|auto|omega].
f_equal; omega. }
(* 23: JCGen *)
apply JCGen; auto using cobj_subst.
intros mSv.
destruct (jobj_class H3) as [_ ck0].
apply_clear H5 mSv.
assert_clear H5 c1; [auto using cobj|].
apply_clear H5 (HCons b k0).
apply_clear H5 (HCons ab (subst s (Hlength b) k0)).
assert_clear H5 Ha1; [auto using Happ|].
apply H5.
simpl; rewrite plus_0_r.
auto using Happ.
(* 22: JCInst *)
destruct (jobj_class H5) as [_ [cs0 ck0]].
rewrite subst_subst_0; auto.
apply JCInst; auto using cobj_subst.
intros mSv.
apply_clear H4 mSv.
assert_clear H4 c1; [auto using cobj|].
apply_clear H4 (HCons b k0).
apply_clear H4 (HCons ab (subst s (Hlength b) k0)).
assert_clear H4 Ha1; [auto using Happ|].
apply H4.
simpl; rewrite plus_0_r.
auto using Happ.
(* 21: JCUnfold *)
rewrite subst_subst_0; auto using cobj.
apply JCUnfold; eauto using cobj_subst, jrec_subst_0, jobj_subst_aux1.
intros mSv.
apply_clear H6 mSv.
assert_clear H6 c1; [auto using cobj|].
apply_clear H6 (HCons b KStar).
apply H6; auto using Happ, cobj.
simpl; auto using Happ.
(* 20: JCFold *)
destruct (jobj_class H3) as [_ [ct _]].
rewrite subst_subst_0; auto using cobj.
apply JCFold; auto using cobj_subst, jrec_subst_0.
assert_clear IHjobj c1; [auto using cobj|].
apply_clear IHjobj (HCons b KStar).
apply IHjobj; auto using Happ, cobj.
simpl; auto using Happ.
(* 19: JCTop *)
apply JCTop; eauto using cobj_subst, jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 18: JCBot *)
apply JCBot; auto using cobj_subst.
(* 17: JHNil *)
apply JHNil; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 16: JHCons *)
destruct (jobj_class H1) as [_ cH'].
destruct (@Happ_exists (subst s (Hlength b) H')) with (a := ab) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := b) as [w Hw]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hw) as Heqw.
replace (Hlength b + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength b) in Heqw by omega.
apply JHCons with (HH':=x); auto.
rewrite <- Heqw.
apply IHjobj2; eauto using Happ_cobj.
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H) (b:=b) (c:=H'); auto. }
apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=ab) (b:=subst s 0 b)
(c:=subst s (Hlength b) H'); auto using cobj_subst.
pose proof (Happ_subst Hw s 0) as Hwl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hwl; exact Hwl.
(* 15: JGNil *)
apply JGNil; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 14: JGCons *)
apply JGCons; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 13: WKStar *)
apply WKStar; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 12: WKOne *)
apply WKOne; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 11: WKProd *)
apply WKProd; auto.
(* 10: WKRes *)
apply WKRes; auto.
destruct (jobj_class H0) as [_ ck0].
assert_clear IHjobj2 c1; [auto using cobj|].
apply_clear IHjobj2 (HCons b k0).
apply_clear IHjobj2 (HCons ab (subst s (Hlength b) k0)).
assert_clear IHjobj2 Ha1; [auto using Happ|].
apply IHjobj2.
simpl; rewrite plus_0_r.
auto using Happ.
(* 9: WPTrue *)
apply WPTrue; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 8: WPAnd *)
apply WPAnd; auto.
(* 7: WPCoer *)
destruct (jobj_class H1) as [_ cH'].
destruct (@Happ_exists (subst s (Hlength b) H')) with (a := ab) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := b) as [w Hw]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hw) as Heqw.
replace (Hlength b + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength b) in Heqw by omega.
rewrite <- Heqw.
assert (Happ (HCons a k) w HH').
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H) (b:=b) (c:=H'); auto. }
assert (Happ a (subst s 0 w) x).
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=ab) (b:=subst s 0 b)
(c:=subst s (Hlength b) H'); auto using cobj_subst.
pose proof (Happ_subst Hw s 0) as Hwl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hwl; exact Hwl. }
apply WPCoer with (HH':=x); eauto using Happ_cobj.
(* 6: WPExi *)
apply WPExi; auto.
(* 5: WPFor *)
apply WPFor; auto.
destruct (jobj_class H0) as [_ ck0].
assert_clear IHjobj2 c1; [auto using cobj|].
apply_clear IHjobj2 (HCons b k0).
apply_clear IHjobj2 (HCons ab (subst s (Hlength b) k0)).
assert_clear IHjobj2 Ha1; [auto using Happ|].
apply IHjobj2.
simpl; rewrite plus_0_r.
auto using Happ.
(* 4: WHNil *)
apply WHNil; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 3: WHCons *)
destruct (jobj_class H1) as [_ cH'].
destruct (@Happ_exists (subst s (Hlength b) H')) with (a := ab) as [x Hx];
auto using cobj_subst.
destruct (@Happ_exists H') with (a := b) as [w Hw]; auto.
pose proof (Hlength_Happ Hw) as Heqw.
replace (Hlength b + Hlength H') with (Hlength H' + Hlength b) in Heqw by omega.
apply WHCons with (HH':=x); auto.
rewrite <- Heqw.
apply IHjobj2; eauto using Happ_cobj.
{ apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=H) (b:=b) (c:=H'); auto. }
apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=ab) (b:=subst s 0 b)
(c:=subst s (Hlength b) H'); auto using cobj_subst.
pose proof (Happ_subst Hw s 0) as Hwl.
rewrite plus_0_r in Hwl; exact Hwl.
(* 2: WYNil *)
apply WYNil; eauto using jobj_subst_aux1.
(* 1: WYCons *)
apply WYCons; auto.
Lemma jobj_subst_0 : ∀ {v H s k j},
jobj v (HCons H k) j → jobj v H (JT s k) → jobj v H (jsubst s 0 j).
destruct (jobj_class H0) as [cH _].
pose proof (@jobj_subst v H k s (HCons H k) j H1 H0 cH HNil H).
apply H2; auto using Happ.
Lemma Hnth_extra : ∀ {v H a k}, Hnth H a k → jobj v HNil (Jwf H CTEnv) →
jobj v H (Jwf (lift (1 + a) 0 k) CKind).
induction 1; simpl; intros; eauto using jobj, cobj.
(* *)
inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
rewrite <- (Happ_HNil_eq H4) in H7.
destruct (jobj_class H7) as [_ ?].
apply (jobj_shift_0 H7); auto.
(* *)
inversion H1; clear H1; subst.
destruct (jobj_class H8) as [_ ?].
pose proof (@jobj_shift_0 _ k' _ _ (IHHnth H7) H1).
simpl in H2.
rewrite lift_fusion in H2; [|omega..].
Lemma Ynth_extra : ∀ {v H Y n p}, Ynth Y n p → cobj H CTEnv →
jobj v H (Jwf Y CPEnv) → jobj v H (Jwf p CProp).
induction 1; simpl; intros; eauto using jobj, cobj.
inversion H1; clear H1; subst; auto.
inversion H2; clear H2; subst; auto.
Lemma Happ_Jwf : ∀ v {a b ab c bc}, Happ a b ab → Happ b c bc → cobj bc CTEnv →
jobj v a (Jwf b CTEnv) → jobj v ab (Jwf c CTEnv) → jobj v a (Jwf bc CTEnv).
induction 2; simpl; intros; auto.
inversion H3; clear H3; subst.
inversion H5; clear H5; subst.
destruct (Happ_cobj_rev H0 H9).
apply WHCons with HH'; auto.
apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=ab) (b:=H2) (c:=H1); auto.
Lemma Happ_Jwf_0 : ∀ v {a b ab}, Happ a b ab → cobj ab CTEnv →
jobj v HNil (Jwf a CTEnv) → jobj v a (Jwf b CTEnv) → jobj v HNil (Jwf ab CTEnv).
destruct (Happ_cobj_rev H H0).
apply Happ_Jwf with (b:=a) (ab:=a) (c:=b); auto using Happ_HNil.
Lemma Happ_jobj : ∀ v {a b ab c bc}, Happ a b ab → Happ b c bc → cobj bc CTEnv →
jobj v a (JH b) → jobj v ab (JH c) → jobj v a (JH bc).
induction 2; simpl; intros; auto.
inversion H3; clear H3; subst.
inversion H5; clear H5; subst.
destruct (Happ_cobj_rev H0 H9).
apply JHCons with HH'; auto.
apply Happ_assoc_right with (ab:=ab) (b:=H2) (c:=H1); auto.
Lemma Yapp_Jwf : ∀ {v H Y0 Y1 Y0Y1}, Yapp Y0 Y1 Y0Y1 →
jobj v H (Jwf Y0 CPEnv) → jobj v H (Jwf Y1 CPEnv) →
jobj v H (Jwf Y0Y1 CPEnv).
induction 1; simpl; intros; auto.
inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
apply WYCons; auto.
Inductive KRes_ctx : obj → Prop :=
| KRes0 : KRes_ctx KStar
| KRes1 : ∀ k p, KRes_ctx k → KRes_ctx (KRes k p)
Lemma KRes_ctx_jeq : ∀ k1, KRes_ctx k1 → ∀ k2, jeq k1 k2 CKind → KRes_ctx k2.
induction 1; simpl; intros.
{ rewrite (jeq_KStar_rev k2); auto using KRes_ctx. }
destruct (jeq_KRes_rev _ _ _ H0) as [k' [p' [? [? _]]]]; subst.
apply KRes1; auto.
Lemma jobj_TArr_inversion_ctx : ∀ v H t s k, mE v → jobj v H (JT (TArr t s) k) →
KRes_ctx k → jobj v H (JT t KStar) ∧ jobj v H (JT s KStar).
intros v H t s k mEv Hts.
remember (JT (TArr t s) k) as j.
generalize t s k Heqj; clear t s k Heqj.
induction Hts; intros t0 s0 k0 Heqj krc; inversion Heqj; clear Heqj; subst; auto.
{ apply IHHts with k; auto.
apply KRes_ctx_jeq with k0; auto using EQsym. }
{ inversion krc; clear krc; subst.
apply IHHts1 with k; auto. }
apply IHHts with (KRes k0 p); auto using KRes_ctx.
Lemma jobj_TArr_inversion : ∀ {v H t s}, mE v → jobj v H (JT (TArr t s) KStar) →
jobj v H (JT t KStar) ∧ jobj v H (JT s KStar).
Proof. intros. apply jobj_TArr_inversion_ctx with KStar; auto using KRes_ctx. Qed.
Lemma jobj_TProd_inversion_ctx : ∀ v H t s k, mE v → jobj v H (JT (TProd t s) k) →
KRes_ctx k → jobj v H (JT t KStar) ∧ jobj v H (JT s KStar).
intros v H t s k mEv Hts.
remember (JT (TProd t s) k) as j.
generalize t s k Heqj; clear t s k Heqj.
induction Hts; intros t0 s0 k0 Heqj krc; inversion Heqj; clear Heqj; subst; auto.
{ apply IHHts with k; auto.
apply KRes_ctx_jeq with k0; auto using EQsym. }
{ inversion krc; clear krc; subst.
apply IHHts1 with k; auto. }
apply IHHts with (KRes k0 p); auto using KRes_ctx.
Lemma jobj_TProd_inversion : ∀ {v H t s}, mE v → jobj v H (JT (TProd t s) KStar) →
jobj v H (JT t KStar) ∧ jobj v H (JT s KStar).
Proof. intros. apply jobj_TProd_inversion_ctx with KStar; auto using KRes_ctx. Qed.
Lemma jobj_TSum_inversion_ctx : ∀ v H t s k, mE v → jobj v H (JT (TSum t s) k) →
KRes_ctx k → jobj v H (JT t KStar) ∧ jobj v H (JT s KStar).
intros v H t s k mEv Hts.
remember (JT (TSum t s) k) as j.
generalize t s k Heqj; clear t s k Heqj.
induction Hts; intros t0 s0 k0 Heqj krc; inversion Heqj; clear Heqj; subst; auto.
{ apply IHHts with k; auto.
apply KRes_ctx_jeq with k0; auto using EQsym. }
{ inversion krc; clear krc; subst.
apply IHHts1 with k; auto. }
apply IHHts with (KRes k0 p); auto using KRes_ctx.
Lemma jobj_TSum_inversion : ∀ {v H t s}, mE v → jobj v H (JT (TSum t s) KStar) →
jobj v H (JT t KStar) ∧ jobj v H (JT s KStar).
Proof. intros. apply jobj_TSum_inversion_ctx with KStar; auto using KRes_ctx. Qed.
Lemma jobj_TFor_inversion_ctx : ∀ v H k' t k, mE v → jobj v H (JT (TFor k' t) k) →
KRes_ctx k → jobj v (HCons H k') (JT t KStar).
intros v H k' t k mEv Ht.
remember (JT (TFor k' t) k) as j.
generalize k' t k Heqj; clear k' t k Heqj.
induction Ht; intros k'0 t0 k0 Heqj krc; inversion Heqj; clear Heqj; subst; auto.
{ apply IHHt with k; auto.
apply KRes_ctx_jeq with k0; auto using EQsym. }
{ inversion krc; clear krc; subst.
apply IHHt1 with k; auto. }
apply IHHt with (KRes k0 p); auto using KRes_ctx.
Lemma jobj_TFor_inversion : ∀ {v H k t}, mE v → jobj v H (JT (TFor k t) KStar) →
jobj v (HCons H k) (JT t KStar).
Proof. intros. apply jobj_TFor_inversion_ctx with KStar; auto using KRes_ctx. Qed.
Lemma jobj_TMu_inversion_ctx : ∀ v H t k, mE v → jobj v H (JT (TMu t) k) →
KRes_ctx k → jobj v (HCons H KStar) (JT t KStar) ∧ jrec 0 t WF.
intros v H t k mEv Ht.
remember (JT (TMu t) k) as j.
generalize t k Heqj; clear t k Heqj.
induction Ht; intros t0 k0 Heqj krc; inversion Heqj; clear Heqj; subst; auto.
{ apply IHHt with k; auto.
apply KRes_ctx_jeq with k0; auto using EQsym. }
{ inversion krc; clear krc; subst.
apply IHHt1 with k; auto. }
apply IHHt with (KRes k0 p); auto using KRes_ctx.
Lemma jobj_TMu_inversion : ∀ {v H t}, mE v → jobj v H (JT (TMu t) KStar) →
jobj v (HCons H KStar) (JT t KStar) ∧ jrec 0 t WF.
Proof. intros. apply jobj_TMu_inversion_ctx with KStar; auto using KRes_ctx. Qed.
Lemma jobj_TPi_inversion_ctx : ∀ v H k' t k, mE v → jobj v H (JT (TPi k' t) k) →
KRes_ctx k → jobj v (HCons H k') (JT t KStar).
intros v H k' t k mEv Ht.
remember (JT (TPi k' t) k) as j.
generalize k' t k Heqj; clear k' t k Heqj.
induction Ht; intros k'0 t0 k0 Heqj krc; inversion Heqj; clear Heqj; subst; auto.
{ apply IHHt with k; auto.
apply KRes_ctx_jeq with k0; auto using EQsym. }
{ inversion krc; clear krc; subst.
apply IHHt1 with k; auto. }
apply IHHt with (KRes k0 p); auto using KRes_ctx.
Lemma jobj_TPi_inversion : ∀ {v H k t}, mE v → jobj v H (JT (TPi k t) KStar) →
jobj v (HCons H k) (JT t KStar).
Proof. intros. apply jobj_TPi_inversion_ctx with KStar; auto using KRes_ctx. Qed.
Lemma JH_extra : ∀ {v H H'}, mE v → jobj v H (JH H') → jobj v H (Jwf H' CTEnv).
intros v H H' mEv j.
remember (JH H') as e.
generalize H' Heqe; clear H' Heqe.
induction j; intros ? Heq; inversion Heq; clear Heq; subst.
apply WHNil; auto.
inversion j2; clear j2; subst.
apply WHCons with HH'; auto.
Definition extrajudg v H J :=
match J with
| JK k ⇒ jobj v H (Jwf k CKind)
| JT t k ⇒ jobj v H (Jwf k CKind)
| JP Y0 Y1 p ⇒
jobj v H (Jwf Y0 CPEnv) → jobj v H (Jwf Y1 CPEnv) → jobj v H (Jwf p CProp)
| JC Y0 Y1 H' t' t ⇒
jobj v H (Jwf Y0 CPEnv) → jobj v H (Jwf Y1 CPEnv) →
( jobj v H (JH H') ∧ ∀ HH', Happ H H' HH' →
jobj v HH' (JT t' KStar) → jobj v H (JT t KStar) )
| JH H' ⇒ True
| JG _ ⇒ True
| Jwf _ _ ⇒ True
Hint Unfold extrajudg.
Lemma jobj_extra : ∀ {v H J}, mE v → jobj v H J →
jobj v HNil (Jwf H CTEnv) → extrajudg v H J.
Ltac destruct_extra :=
match goal with
| |- _ → _ ⇒ intro
| Hx : ?P → _, Hy : ?P |- _ ⇒ pose proof (Hx Hy); clear Hx
Ltac inversion_extra :=
match goal with
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf KStar _) |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf KOne _) |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (KProd _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (KRes _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (TVar _) _) |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (TArr _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (TProd _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (TFor _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (TPi _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (TMu _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf TUnit _) |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (TPair _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (TFst _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (TSnd _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf PTrue _) |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (PAnd _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (PCoer _ _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (PExi _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (PFor _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf HNil _) |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (HCons _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf YNil _) |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (YCons _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf GNil _) |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : jobj _ _ (Jwf (GCons _ _) _) |- _ ⇒ inversion H; clear H; subst
Ltac clean_extra :=
match goal with
| H1 : ?P, H2 : ?P |- _ ⇒ clear H2
Ltac assert_extra :=
match goal with
| Hx : ?P → _ |- _ ⇒ assert P as Hy; [clear Hx|pose proof (Hx Hy); clear Hx]
Ltac crush_extra := repeat destruct_extra; repeat inversion_extra; repeat clean_extra.
Ltac cobj_extra :=
match goal with
| Hx : jobj ?v HNil (Jwf ?H CTEnv) |- cobj ?H CTEnv ⇒ apply (jobj_class Hx)
intros v H J mEv.
induction 1; intro;
try match goal with
| |- extrajudg _ _ (JG _) ⇒ exact I
| |- extrajudg _ _ (JH _) ⇒ exact I
| |- extrajudg _ _ (Jwf _ _) ⇒ exact I
end; unfold extrajudg in *; crush_extra.
(* 45: JKexi *) assumption.
(* 44: JTeq *) assumption.
(* 43: JTVar *) apply Hnth_extra; auto.
(* 42: JTArr *) apply WKStar; cobj_extra.
(* 41: JTOne *) apply WKStar; cobj_extra.
(* 40: JTProd *) apply WKStar; cobj_extra.
(* 39: JTVoid *) apply WKStar; cobj_extra.
(* 38: JTSum *) apply WKStar; cobj_extra.
(* 37: JTFor *) apply WKStar; cobj_extra.
(* 36: JTPi *) apply WKStar; cobj_extra.
(* 35: JTMu *) apply WKStar; cobj_extra.
(* 34: JTBot *) apply WKStar; cobj_extra.
(* 33: JTTop *) apply WKStar; cobj_extra.
(* 32: JTUnit *) apply WKOne; cobj_extra.
(* 31: JTPair *) apply WKProd; assumption.
(* 30: JTFst *) assumption.
(* 29: JTSnd *) assumption.
(* 28: JTPack *) apply WKRes; assumption.
(* 27: JTUnpack *) assumption.
(* 26: JPeq *) assumption.
(* 25: JPVar *) eapply Ynth_extra; eassumption.
(* 24: JPTrue *) apply WPTrue; cobj_extra.
(* 23: JPAndPair *) apply WPAnd; assumption.
(* 22: JPAndFst *) assumption.
(* 21: JPAndSnd *) assumption.
(* 20: JPExi *) eauto using jobj.
(* 19: JPForIntro *)
apply WPFor; auto.
destruct (jobj_class H6) as [cH ck].
pose proof (jobj_shift_0 H4 ck).
pose proof (jobj_shift_0 H5 ck).
apply IHjobj; auto.
apply WHCons with (HH':=H); auto.
apply Happ_HNil; auto.
(* 18: JPForElim *)
apply (jobj_subst_0 H10 H0_).
(* 17: JPRes *)
apply (jobj_subst_0 H12).
eapply JTUnpack; eauto.
(* 16: JPFix *) assumption.
(* 15: JPCoer *)
destruct H4 as [? Ht].
apply WPCoer with HH'; auto.
apply (Ht HH'); auto.
(* 14: JCProp *) auto.
(* 13: JCRefl *)
split; auto using JHNil.
intros ? Ha; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; auto.
(* 12: JCTrans *)
destruct H7 as [jH2 jt3].
pose proof (JH_extra mEv jH2) as wH2.
destruct (jobj_class wH2) as [cH cH2].
assert (cobj HH2 CTEnv) as cHH2 by (apply (Happ_cobj H0); auto).
assert_clear IHjobj1 jHH2; [apply (Happ_Jwf_0 _ H0); auto|].
assert_clear IHjobj1 c1; [apply (jobj_lift_0 H0 cHH2 H5); auto|].
assert_clear IHjobj1 c2; [apply (jobj_lift_0 H0 cHH2 H6); auto|].
destruct IHjobj1 as [jH1 jt2].
pose proof (JH_extra mEv jH1) as wH1.
destruct (jobj_class wH1) as [_ cH1].
assert (cobj H2H1 CTEnv) by eauto using Happ_cobj.
split. { apply Happ_jobj with (b:=H2) (ab:=HH2) (c:=H1); auto. }
intros ? Ha jt1.
apply (jt3 HH2); auto.
apply (jt2 HH'); auto.
apply Happ_assoc_left with (a:=H) (b:=H2) (bc:=H2H1); auto.
(* 11: JCWeak *)
destruct H4 as [jH' js].
destruct (jobj_class jH') as [cH cH'].
split; auto using JHNil.
intros Htmp Ha jt; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; rename Htmp into H.
destruct (Happ_exists cH' H) as [HH' aHH'].
apply (js HH'); auto.
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) as cHH' by (apply (Happ_cobj aHH'); auto).
apply (jobj_lift_0 aHH' cHH' jt).
(* 10: JCArr *)
assert_clear H13 wY0Y1; [apply (Yapp_Jwf H0); auto|].
destruct (jobj_class wY0Y1) as [cH _].
assert_clear H13 wYNil; [apply WYNil; auto|].
destruct H13 as [jH' js].
split; auto.
intros Htmp Ha jts'; rewrite (Happ_eq Ha H1) in *; clear Htmp Ha.
destruct (jobj_TArr_inversion mEv jts') as [jt' js'].
apply JTArr; eauto.
(* 9: JCProd *)
assert_clear H12 wY0Y1; [apply (Yapp_Jwf H0); auto|].
destruct (jobj_class wY0Y1) as [cH _].
assert_clear H12 wYNil; [apply WYNil; auto|].
destruct H12 as [jH' jt].
apply_clear H11 wY0Y1.
apply_clear H11 wYNil.
destruct H11 as [_ js].
split; auto.
intros Htmp Ha jts'; rewrite (Happ_eq Ha H1) in *; clear Htmp Ha.
destruct (jobj_TProd_inversion mEv jts') as [jt' js'].
apply JTProd; eauto.
(* 8: JCSum *)
assert_clear H12 wY0Y1; [apply (Yapp_Jwf H0); auto|].
destruct (jobj_class wY0Y1) as [cH _].
assert_clear H12 wYNil; [apply WYNil; auto|].
destruct H12 as [jH' jt].
apply_clear H11 wY0Y1.
apply_clear H11 wYNil.
destruct H11 as [_ js].
split; auto.
intros Htmp Ha jts'; rewrite (Happ_eq Ha H1) in *; clear Htmp Ha.
destruct (jobj_TSum_inversion mEv jts') as [jt' js'].
apply JTSum; eauto.
(* 7: JCPi *)
destruct (jobj_class H11) as [cH ck].
assert_clear IHjobj3 wHk; [apply WHCons with H; auto using Happ_HNil|].
assert_clear IHjobj3 wY0Y1l.
{ apply (@jobj_shift_0 H k v (Jwf Y0Y1 CPEnv)); auto.
apply (Yapp_Jwf H0); auto. }
assert_clear IHjobj3 wYNilHk; [apply WYNil; auto using cobj|].
destruct IHjobj3 as [_ jt].
split; auto.
intros Htmp Ha jkt'; rewrite (Happ_eq Ha H1) in *; clear Htmp Ha.
pose proof (jobj_TPi_inversion mEv jkt') as jt'.
apply JTPi; auto.
apply (jt HaH'); auto.
apply @jobj_subst_0 with (s:=s') (k:=lift 1 (Hlength H') k')
(j:=JT (lift 1 (1 + Hlength H') t') KStar); auto.
destruct (jobj_class H0_) as [_ cH'].
destruct (jobj_class jt') as [ck' _]; inversion ck'; clear ck'; subst.
apply @jobj_lift with (H1:=H) (H2:=HCons HNil k) (H3:=HCons H' k')
(j:=JT t' KStar) (H1H2:=HCons H k) (H1H3:= HCons HH' k'); auto using cobj, Happ.
simpl; rewrite plus_0_r; auto using Happ1.
(* 6: JCGen *)
destruct (jobj_class H3) as [cH ck].
split; [apply JHCons with H; auto using Happ0, JHNil|].
intros ? Ha jt; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst.
inversion H16; clear H16; subst.
rename H2H1 into H.
apply JTFor; auto.
(* 5: JCInst *)
destruct (jobj_class H9) as [cH ck].
split; auto using JHNil.
intros Htmp Ha jkt; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; rename Htmp into H.
pose proof (jobj_TFor_inversion mEv jkt) as jt.
apply (jobj_subst_0 jt); auto.
(* 4: JCUnfold *)
split; auto using JHNil.
intros Htmp Ha jkt; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; rename Htmp into H.
pose proof (jobj_TMu_inversion mEv jkt) as [jt _].
apply (jobj_subst_0 jt); auto.
(* 3: JCFold *)
destruct (jobj_class H5) as [_ cH].
split; auto using JHNil.
intros Htmp Ha _; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; rename Htmp into H.
apply JTMu; auto.
(* 2: JCTop *)
split; auto using JHNil.
intros Htmp Ha _; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; rename Htmp into H.
apply JTTop; auto.
(* 1: JCBot *)
destruct (jobj_class H3) as [_ cH].
split; auto using JHNil.
Lemma Gnth_extra : ∀ {v H G x t}, Gnth G x t → jobj v H (JG G) → jobj v H (JT t KStar).
induction 1; simpl; intros Hj; destruct (jobj_class Hj) as [cH _]; eauto using jobj;
inversion Hj; auto.
Lemma jterm_extra : ∀ {v H G a t}, mE v → jterm v H G a t →
jobj v HNil (Jwf H CTEnv) → jobj v H (JG G) →
jobj v H (JT t KStar).
Ltac destruct_extra ::=
match goal with
| |- _ → _ ⇒ intro
| Hx : ?P → _, Hy : ?P |- _ ⇒ pose proof (Hx Hy); clear Hx
intros v H G a t mEv.
induction 1; intros; repeat destruct_extra.
(* 14: JVar *) apply (Gnth_extra H2); auto.
(* 13: JLam *) apply JTArr; eauto using jobj.
(* 12: JApp *) apply (jobj_TArr_inversion mEv H6).
(* 11: JUnit *) apply JTOne; auto.
(* 10: JPair *) apply JTProd; eauto using jobj.
(* 9: JFst *) apply (jobj_TProd_inversion mEv H6).
(* 8: JSnd *) apply (jobj_TProd_inversion mEv H6).
(* 7: JAbsurd *) assumption.
(* 6: JInl *) apply JTSum; eauto using jobj.
(* 5: JInr *) apply JTSum; eauto using jobj.
(* 4: JMatch *)
destruct (jobj_TSum_inversion mEv H8).
apply H6; apply JGCons; auto.
(* 3: JGen *)
destruct (jobj_class H3) as [_ cH].
apply JTPi; auto.
apply IHjterm.
{ apply WHCons with H; auto using Happ_HNil. }
destruct (jobj_class H5) as [_ ck'].
apply (jobj_shift_0 H4 ck').
(* 2: JInst *)
pose proof (jobj_TPi_inversion mEv H6).
apply (jobj_subst_0 H5 H2).
(* 1: JCoer *)
destruct (jobj_class H4) as [cH _].
pose proof (jobj_extra mEv H4 H5) as eC; unfold extrajudg in eC.
assert_clear eC wYNil; [apply WYNil; auto|].
apply_clear eC wYNil.
destruct eC as [jH' js].
pose proof (JH_extra mEv jH') as wH'.
apply (js HH'); auto.
destruct (jobj_class jH') as [_ cH'].
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) as cHH'; [apply (Happ_cobj H0); auto|].
apply IHjterm; [apply (Happ_Jwf_0 v H0); auto|].
apply (jobj_lift_0 H0 cHH' H6).
Lemma jobj_FS : ∀ {b H J}, jobj (b, vF) H J → jobj (b, vS) H J.
intros b H J Hj.
remember (b, vF) as v.
induction Hj; subst v.
eapply JKexi; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JTeq; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JTVar; eauto.
eapply JTArr; eauto.
eapply JTOne; eauto.
eapply JTProd; eauto.
eapply JTVoid; eauto.
eapply JTSum; eauto.
eapply JTFor; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JTPi; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JTMu; eauto.
eapply JTBot; eauto.
eapply JTTop; eauto.
eapply JTUnit; eauto.
eapply JTPair; eauto.
eapply JTFst; eauto.
eapply JTSnd; eauto.
eapply JTPack; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JTUnpack; eauto.
eapply JPeq; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JPVar; eauto.
eapply JPTrue; eauto.
eapply JPAndPair; eauto.
eapply JPAndFst; eauto.
eapply JPAndSnd; eauto.
eapply JPExi; eauto.
eapply JPForIntro; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JPForElim; eauto.
eapply JPRes; eauto.
eapply JPFix; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JPCoer; eauto.
eapply JCProp; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JCRefl; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JCTrans; eauto.
eapply JCWeak; eauto.
eapply JCArr; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JCProd; eauto.
eapply JCSum; eauto.
eapply JCPi; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JCGen; eauto.
eapply JCInst; eauto.
eapply JCUnfold; eauto.
eapply JCFold; eauto.
eapply JCTop; eauto.
eapply JCBot; eauto.
eapply JHNil; eauto.
eapply JHCons; eauto.
eapply JGNil; eauto.
eapply JGCons; eauto.
eapply WKStar; eauto.
eapply WKOne; eauto.
eapply WKProd; eauto.
eapply WKRes; eauto.
eapply WPTrue; eauto.
eapply WPAnd; eauto.
eapply WPCoer; eauto.
eapply WPExi; eauto.
eapply WPFor; eauto.
eapply WHNil; eauto.
eapply WHCons; eauto.
eapply WYNil; eauto.
eapply WYCons; eauto.
Lemma jterm_FS : ∀ {b H G a t}, jterm (b, vF) H G a t → jterm (b, vS) H G a t.
intros b H G a t Hj.
remember (b, vF) as v.
induction Hj; subst v;
repeat match goal with
| H : _ (_, vF) → _ |- _ ⇒ let H' := fresh "H" in
pose proof (H I) as H'; clear H; rename H' into H
eapply JVar; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JLam; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JApp; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JUnit; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JPair; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JFst; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JSnd; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JAbsurd; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JInl; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JInr; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JMatch; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JGen; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JInst; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
eapply JCoer; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FS; auto.
Lemma jobj_FP : ∀ {b H J}, jobj (b, vF) H J → jobj (b, vP) H J.
intros b H J Hj.
remember (b, vF) as v.
induction Hj; subst v.
eapply JKexi; eauto.
eapply JTeq; eauto.
eapply JTVar; eauto.
eapply JTArr; eauto.
eapply JTOne; eauto.
eapply JTProd; eauto.
eapply JTVoid; eauto.
eapply JTSum; eauto.
eapply JTFor; eauto.
eapply JTPi; eauto.
eapply JTMu; eauto.
eapply JTBot; eauto.
eapply JTTop; eauto.
eapply JTUnit; eauto.
eapply JTPair; eauto.
eapply JTFst; eauto.
eapply JTSnd; eauto.
eapply JTPack; eauto.
eapply JTUnpack; eauto.
eapply JPeq; eauto.
eapply JPVar; eauto.
eapply JPTrue; eauto.
eapply JPAndPair; eauto.
eapply JPAndFst; eauto.
eapply JPAndSnd; eauto.
eapply JPExi; eauto.
eapply JPForIntro; eauto.
eapply JPForElim; eauto.
eapply JPRes; eauto.
eapply JPFix; eauto.
eapply JPCoer; eauto.
eapply JCProp; eauto.
eapply JCRefl; eauto.
eapply JCTrans; eauto.
eapply JCWeak; eauto.
eapply JCArr; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JCProd; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JCSum; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JCPi; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JCGen; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JCInst; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JCUnfold; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JCFold; eauto.
eapply JCTop; eauto; intro Hf; exfalso; exact Hf.
eapply JCBot; eauto.
eapply JHNil; eauto.
eapply JHCons; eauto.
eapply JGNil; eauto.
eapply JGCons; eauto.
eapply WKStar; eauto.
eapply WKOne; eauto.
eapply WKProd; eauto.
eapply WKRes; eauto.
eapply WPTrue; eauto.
eapply WPAnd; eauto.
eapply WPCoer; eauto.
eapply WPExi; eauto.
eapply WPFor; eauto.
eapply WHNil; eauto.
eapply WHCons; eauto.
eapply WYNil; eauto.
eapply WYCons; eauto.
Lemma jterm_FP : ∀ {b H G a t}, jterm (b, vF) H G a t → jterm (b, vP) H G a t.
intros b H G a t Hj.
remember (b, vF) as v.
induction Hj; subst v;
repeat match goal with
| H : _ (_, vF) → _ |- _ ⇒ let H' := fresh "H" in
pose proof (H I) as H'; clear H; rename H' into H
eapply JVar; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JLam; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JApp; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JUnit; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JPair; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JFst; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JSnd; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JAbsurd; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JInl; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JInr; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JMatch; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JGen; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JInst; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
eapply JCoer; eauto; intros; apply jobj_FP; auto.
Definition hypjudg1 b H J :=
match J with
| JK k ⇒ True
| JT t k ⇒ True
| JP Y0 Y1 p ⇒ jobj (b, vF) H (Jwf Y0 CPEnv) ∧ jobj (b, vF) H (Jwf Y1 CPEnv)
| JC Y0 Y1 H' t' t ⇒ jobj (b, vF) H (Jwf Y0 CPEnv) ∧ jobj (b, vF) H (Jwf Y1 CPEnv)
| JH H' ⇒ True
| JG _ ⇒ True
| Jwf _ _ ⇒ True
Definition ccljudg1 b H J :=
match J with
| JK k ⇒ True
| JT t k ⇒ True
| JP Y0 Y1 p ⇒ True
| JC Y0 Y1 H' t' t ⇒ jobj (b, vF) H (Jwf H' CTEnv)
| JH H' ⇒ True
| JG _ ⇒ True
| Jwf _ _ ⇒ True
Definition hypjudg2 b H J :=
match J with
| JK k ⇒ True
| JT t k ⇒ True
| JP Y0 Y1 p ⇒ True
| JC Y0 Y1 H' t' t ⇒ ∃ HH', Happ H H' HH' ∧ jobj (b, vF) HH' (JT t' KStar)
| JH H' ⇒ True
| JG _ ⇒ True
| Jwf _ _ ⇒ True
Hint Unfold hypjudg1 ccljudg1 hypjudg2.
Ltac curry H := let H' := fresh "H" in
pose proof (fun a b ⇒ H (conj a b)) as H'; clear H; rename H' into H.
Lemma jobj_PF : ∀ {b H J}, jobj (b, vF) HNil (Jwf H CTEnv) → jobj (b, vP) H J →
hypjudg1 b H J → ( ccljudg1 b H J
∧ (hypjudg2 b H J → jobj (b, vF) H J) ).
Ltac clear_True := repeat match goal with
| H : True |- _ ⇒ clear H
| |- True ∧ _ ⇒ split; [exact I|]
| H : True ∧ _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H as [_ H]
| |- True → _ ⇒ intros _
| H : True → _ |- _ ⇒ let H' := fresh "H" in
pose proof (H I) as H'; clear H; rename H' into H
intros b H J Hwf Hj.
remember (b, vP) as v.
induction Hj; subst v; simpl in *; intros Hh;
assert (cobj H CTEnv) as cH by apply (jobj_class Hwf);
repeat match goal with
| H : mE (_, vP) → _ |- _ ⇒ let H' := fresh "H" in
pose proof (H I) as H'; clear H; rename H' into H
| H : mS (_, vP) → _ |- _ ⇒ clear H
| Hx : ?P → _, Hy : ?P |- _ ⇒ apply_clear Hx Hy
| H : (?x ∧ ?y) → _ |- _ ⇒ let H' := fresh "H" in
pose proof (fun a b ⇒ H (conj a b)) as H'; clear H; rename H' into H
| cH : cobj ?H CTEnv , Hx : jobj (b, vF) ?H (Jwf YNil CPEnv) → _ |- _ ⇒
apply_clear Hx (WYNil (b, vF) H cH)
end; clear_True.
eapply JKexi; eauto.
eapply JTeq; eauto.
eapply JTVar; eauto.
eapply JTArr; eauto.
eapply JTOne; eauto.
eapply JTProd; eauto.
eapply JTVoid; eauto.
eapply JTSum; eauto.
{ eapply JTFor; eauto.
apply IHHj; auto.
apply WHCons with (HH':=H); auto using Happ_HNil. }
{ eapply JTPi; eauto.
apply IHHj; auto.
apply WHCons with (HH':=H); auto using Happ_HNil. }
{ eapply JTMu; eauto.
apply IHHj; auto.
apply WHCons with (HH':=H); eauto using Happ_HNil, jobj. }
eapply JTBot; eauto.
eapply JTTop; eauto.
eapply JTUnit; eauto.
eapply JTPair; eauto.
eapply JTFst; eauto.
eapply JTSnd; eauto.
{ eapply JTPack; eauto.
intros _.
apply H1; auto.
pose proof (@jobj_extra (b, vF) _ _ I IHHj1 Hwf).
apply WHCons with (HH':=H); auto using Happ_HNil. }
eapply JTUnpack; eauto.
eapply JPeq; eauto.
eapply JPVar; eauto.
eapply JPTrue; eauto.
eapply JPAndPair; eauto.
eapply JPAndFst; eauto.
eapply JPAndSnd; eauto.
eapply JPExi; eauto.
{ eapply JPForIntro; eauto.
apply IHHj; auto.
{ apply WHCons with (HH':=H); eauto using Happ_HNil. }
destruct (jobj_class H1) as [_ ?].
destruct Hh as [Hl Hr].
split; [apply (jobj_shift_0 Hl)|apply (jobj_shift_0 Hr)]; auto. }
eapply JPForElim; eauto.
eapply JPRes; eauto.
{ eapply JPFix; eauto.
destruct Hh.
apply IHHj; auto.
eauto using jobj. }
{ (* JPCoer *)
destruct Hh as [wY0 wY1].
destruct (jobj_class Hj1) as [_ [_ [_ [cH' _]]]].
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) as cHH'; [apply (Happ_cobj H0); auto|].
destruct IHHj1 as [jH' jc].
assert_clear IHHj2 wHH'.
{ apply (Happ_Jwf_0 (b, vF) H0); auto. }
eapply JPCoer; eauto. }
{ (* JCProp *)
destruct Hh as [wY0 wY1].
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jobj_extra x IHHj) I Hwf wY0 wY1) as wC.
inversion wC; clear wC; subst.
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ JH_extra x H6) I).
split; auto.
intros [Htmp [Ha jt']]; rewrite (Happ_eq Ha H4) in *; clear Htmp Ha.
eapply JCProp; eauto. }
{ (* JCRefl *)
split; auto using WHNil.
intros [Htmp [Ha jt]]; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; rename Htmp into H.
eapply JCRefl; eauto. }
{ (* JCTrans *)
rename H0 into aHH2.
rename H3 into aH2H1.
destruct Hh as [wY0 wY1].
destruct IHHj2 as [wH2 IHHj2].
destruct (jobj_class wH2) as [_ cH2].
assert (cobj HH2 CTEnv) as cHH2. { apply (Happ_cobj aHH2); auto. }
assert_clear IHHj1 wHH2. { apply (Happ_Jwf_0 (b, vF) aHH2); auto. }
curry IHHj1.
assert_clear IHHj1 wY0l. { apply (jobj_lift_0 aHH2 cHH2 wY0). }
assert_clear IHHj1 wY1l. { apply (jobj_lift_0 aHH2 cHH2 wY1). }
destruct IHHj1 as [wH1 IHHj1].
destruct (jobj_class wH1) as [_ cH1].
assert (cobj H2H1 CTEnv) as cH2H1. { apply (Happ_cobj aH2H1); auto. }
split. { apply (Happ_Jwf (b, vF) aHH2 aH2H1 cH2H1); auto. }
intros [HH' [aHH' jt1]].
assert (Happ HH2 H1 HH') as aHH'L.
{ apply Happ_assoc_left with (a:=H) (b:=H2) (bc:=H2H1); auto. }
assert_clear IHHj1 c1; [|clear c1]. { ∃ HH'; auto. }
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jobj_extra x IHHj1 wHH2 wY0l wY1l) I) as [jH1 jt2] .
apply_clear jt2 HH'.
apply_clear jt2 aHH'L.
apply_clear jt2 jt1.
apply JCTrans with (H2:=H2) (H1:=H1) (t2:=t2) (HH2:=HH2); auto.
apply IHHj2.
∃ HH2; auto. }
{ (* JCWeak *)
destruct Hh as [wY0 wY1].
destruct IHHj as [wH' IHHj].
split. { auto using WHNil. }
intros [Htmp [Ha jt]]; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; rename Htmp into H.
apply JCWeak with H'.
apply IHHj.
destruct (jobj_class wH') as [_ cH'].
destruct (Happ_exists cH' H) as [HH' aHH'].
∃ HH'; split; auto.
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) as cHH' by (apply (Happ_cobj aHH'); auto).
apply (jobj_lift_0 aHH' cHH' jt). }
{ (* JCArr *)
rename H0 into aY0Y1, H1 into aHH', H9 into jt.
destruct Hh as [wY0 wY1].
assert_clear IHHj2 wY0Y1. { apply (Yapp_Jwf aY0Y1 wY0 wY1). }
assert_clear IHHj2 wYNil. { apply WYNil; auto. }
destruct IHHj2 as [wH' IHHj2].
destruct (jobj_class wH') as [_ cH'].
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) as cHH' by (apply (Happ_cobj aHH'); auto).
assert_clear IHHj1 wHH'. { apply Happ_Jwf_0 with (a:=H) (b:=H'); auto. }
curry IHHj1.
assert_clear IHHj1 wY0Y1l. { apply (jobj_lift_0 aHH' cHH' wY0Y1). }
assert_clear IHHj1 c1; [|clear c1]. { apply WYNil; auto. }
destruct IHHj1 as [_ IHHj1].
split; auto.
intros [Htmp [Ha jts']]; rewrite (Happ_eq Ha aHH') in *; clear Htmp Ha.
destruct ((fun x ⇒ jobj_TArr_inversion x jts') I) as [jt' js'].
assert_clear IHHj2 c1; [|clear c1]. { ∃ HH'; auto. }
assert_clear IHHj1 c1; [|clear c1].
{ ∃ HH'.
split. { apply Happ0. }
apply (jobj_lift_0 aHH' cHH' jt). }
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jobj_extra x IHHj2 Hwf wY0Y1 wYNil) I) as [jH' _].
apply JCArr with Y0Y1 HH'; auto. }
{ (* JCProd *)
rename H0 into aY0Y1, H1 into aHH'.
destruct Hh as [wY0 wY1].
assert_clear IHHj2 wY0Y1. { apply (Yapp_Jwf aY0Y1 wY0 wY1). }
apply_clear IHHj1 wY0Y1.
assert_clear IHHj2 wYNil. { apply WYNil; auto. }
apply_clear IHHj1 wYNil.
destruct IHHj2 as [wH' IHHj2].
destruct IHHj1 as [_ IHHj1].
destruct (jobj_class wH') as [_ cH'].
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) as cHH' by (apply (Happ_cobj aHH'); auto).
split; auto.
intros [Htmp [Ha jts']]; rewrite (Happ_eq Ha aHH') in *; clear Htmp Ha.
destruct ((fun x ⇒ jobj_TProd_inversion x jts') I) as [jt' js'].
assert_clear IHHj1 c1; [|clear c1]. { ∃ HH'; auto. }
assert_clear IHHj2 c1; [|clear c1]. { ∃ HH'; auto. }
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jobj_extra x IHHj1 Hwf wY0Y1 wYNil) I) as [jH' _].
apply JCProd with HH' Y0Y1; auto. }
{ (* JCSum *)
rename H0 into aY0Y1, H1 into aHH'.
destruct Hh as [wY0 wY1].
assert_clear IHHj2 wY0Y1. { apply (Yapp_Jwf aY0Y1 wY0 wY1). }
apply_clear IHHj1 wY0Y1.
assert_clear IHHj2 wYNil. { apply WYNil; auto. }
apply_clear IHHj1 wYNil.
destruct IHHj2 as [wH' IHHj2].
destruct IHHj1 as [_ IHHj1].
destruct (jobj_class wH') as [_ cH'].
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) as cHH' by (apply (Happ_cobj aHH'); auto).
split; auto.
intros [Htmp [Ha jts']]; rewrite (Happ_eq Ha aHH') in *; clear Htmp Ha.
destruct ((fun x ⇒ jobj_TSum_inversion x jts') I) as [jt' js'].
assert_clear IHHj1 c1; [|clear c1]. { ∃ HH'; auto. }
assert_clear IHHj2 c1; [|clear c1]. { ∃ HH'; auto. }
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jobj_extra x IHHj1 Hwf wY0Y1 wYNil) I) as [jH' _].
apply JCSum with HH' Y0Y1; auto. }
{ (* JCPi *)
rename H0 into aY0Y1, H1 into aHH', H2 into aHaH', H4 into wk.
destruct Hh as [wY0 wY1].
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ JH_extra x IHHj1) I) as wH'.
destruct (jobj_class wH') as [_ cH'].
destruct (jobj_class wk) as [_ ck].
assert (cobj HaH' CTEnv) as cHaH'.
{ apply (Happ_cobj aHaH'); auto using cobj, cobj_lift. }
assert (jobj (b, vF) HNil (Jwf (HCons H k) CTEnv)) as wHk.
{ apply WHCons with H; auto using Happ_HNil. }
assert (jobj (b, vF) (HCons H k) (Jwf (lift 1 0 H') CTEnv)) as wH'l.
{ apply (jobj_shift_0 wH' ck). }
assert_clear IHHj2 wHaH'.
{ apply (Happ_Jwf_0 (b, vF) aHaH' cHaH'); auto. }
split; auto.
intros [Htmp [Ha jkt']]; rewrite (Happ_eq Ha aHH') in *; clear Htmp Ha.
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jobj_TPi_inversion x jkt') I) as jt'.
apply_clear IHHj3 wHk.
curry IHHj3.
assert (jobj (b, vF) H (Jwf Y0Y1 CPEnv)) as wY0Y1. { apply (Yapp_Jwf aY0Y1); auto. }
assert_clear IHHj3 wY0Y1l. { apply (jobj_shift_0 wY0Y1); auto. }
assert_clear IHHj3 c1; [|clear c1]. { apply WYNil; auto using cobj. }
destruct IHHj3 as [_ IHHj3].
apply JCPi with HH' HaH' s' Y0Y1; auto.
apply IHHj3.
∃ HaH'.
split; auto.
destruct (jobj_class jt') as [ck' _]; inversion ck'; clear ck'; subst.
apply @jobj_subst_0 with (s:=s') (k:=lift 1 (Hlength H') k')
(j:=JT (lift 1 (1 + Hlength H') t') KStar); auto.
apply @jobj_lift with (H1:=H) (H2:=HCons HNil k) (H3:=HCons H' k')
(j:=JT t' KStar) (H1H2:=HCons H k) (H1H3:= HCons HH' k'); auto using cobj, Happ.
simpl; rewrite plus_0_r; auto using Happ1. }
{ (* JCGen *)
rename H0 into cY0, H1 into cY1, H2 into ct.
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jobj_extra x IHHj Hwf) I) as wk.
split. { apply WHCons with H; auto using Happ0, WHNil. }
intros [? [Ha jt]]; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst.
inversion H6; clear H6; subst.
rename H2H1 into H.
apply JCGen; auto. }
{ (* JCInst *)
rename H0 into cY0, H1 into cY1, H2 into ct.
split. { apply WHNil; auto. }
intros [Htmp [Ha jkt]]; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; rename Htmp into H.
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jobj_TFor_inversion x jkt) I) as jt.
apply JCInst; auto. }
{ (* JCUnfold *)
clear H0.
rename H1 into cY0, H2 into cY1, H3 into ct.
split. { apply WHNil; auto. }
intros [Htmp [Ha jkt]]; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; rename Htmp into H.
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jobj_TMu_inversion x jkt) I) as [jt rt].
apply JCUnfold; auto. }
{ (* JCFold *)
rename H0 into cY0, H1 into cY1, H2 into rt.
split. { apply WHNil; auto. }
intros [Htmp [Ha jkt]]; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; rename Htmp into H.
assert_clear IHHj wHs.
{ apply WHCons with H; auto using Happ_HNil, WKStar. }
apply JCFold; auto. }
{ (* JCTop *)
clear H0.
rename H1 into cY0, H2 into cY1, H3 into ct.
split. { apply WHNil; auto. }
intros [Htmp [Ha jkt]]; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; rename Htmp into H.
apply JCTop; auto. }
{ (* JCBot *)
rename H0 into cY0, H1 into cY1.
split. { apply WHNil; auto. }
intros [Htmp [Ha jkt]]; inversion Ha; clear Ha; subst; rename Htmp into H.
apply JCBot; auto. }
eapply JHNil; eauto.
{ (* JHCons *)
rename H0 into aHH'.
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ JH_extra x IHHj1) I) as wH'.
destruct (jobj_class wH') as [_ cH'].
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) as cHH'. { apply (Happ_cobj aHH'); auto. }
assert_clear IHHj2 wHH'. { apply (Happ_Jwf_0 (b, vF) aHH'); auto. }
apply JHCons with HH'; auto. }
eapply JGNil; eauto.
eapply JGCons; eauto.
eapply WKStar; eauto.
eapply WKOne; eauto.
eapply WKProd; eauto.
{ (* WKRes *)
assert_clear IHHj2 wHk. { apply WHCons with H; auto using Happ_HNil. }
apply WKRes; auto. }
eapply WPTrue; eauto.
eapply WPAnd; eauto.
{ (* WPCoer *)
rename H0 into aHH'.
destruct (jobj_class Hj1) as [_ cH'].
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) as cHH'. { apply (Happ_cobj aHH'); auto. }
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ JH_extra x IHHj1) I).
assert_clear IHHj2 wHH'. { apply (Happ_Jwf_0 (b, vF) aHH' cHH'); auto. }
apply WPCoer with HH'; auto. }
eapply WPExi; eauto.
{ (* WPFor *)
assert_clear IHHj2 wHk. { apply WHCons with H; auto using Happ_HNil. }
apply WPFor; auto. }
eapply WHNil; eauto.
{ (* WHCons *)
rename H0 into aHH'.
destruct (jobj_class IHHj1) as [_ cH'].
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) as cHH'. { apply (Happ_cobj aHH'); auto. }
assert_clear IHHj2 wHH'. { apply (Happ_Jwf_0 (b, vF) aHH' cHH'); auto. }
apply WHCons with HH'; auto. }
eapply WYNil; eauto.
eapply WYCons; eauto.
Lemma jterm_PF : ∀ {b H G a t}, jobj (b, vF) HNil (Jwf H CTEnv) →
jobj (b, vF) H (JG G) → jterm (b, vP) H G a t → jterm (b, vF) H G a t.
intros b H G a t Hwf HG Hj.
remember (b, vP) as v.
induction Hj; subst v; assert (cobj H CTEnv) by apply (jobj_class Hwf);
repeat match goal with
| H : True |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H : mE (_, vP) → _ |- _ ⇒ let H' := fresh "H" in
pose proof (H I) as H'; clear H; rename H' into H
| H : mS (_, vP) → _ |- _ ⇒ clear H
| Hx : ?P → _, Hy : ?P |- _ ⇒ apply_clear Hx Hy
(* 14: JVar *)
apply JVar; auto.
intros _.
apply (Gnth_extra H2); auto.
(* 13: JLam *)
pose proof (proj2 (jobj_PF Hwf H1 I) I) as jt.
assert_clear IHHj c1; [auto using JGCons|].
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj Hwf) I c1).
apply JLam; auto.
(* 12: JApp *)
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj1 Hwf) I HG) as Hts.
destruct ((fun x ⇒ jobj_TArr_inversion x Hts) I).
apply JApp with t; auto.
(* 11: JUnit *)
apply JUnit; auto.
(* 10: JPair *)
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj1 Hwf) I HG).
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj2 Hwf) I HG).
apply JPair; auto.
(* 9: JFst *)
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj Hwf) I HG) as Hts.
destruct ((fun x ⇒ jobj_TProd_inversion x Hts) I).
apply JFst with s; auto.
(* 8: JSnd *)
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj Hwf) I HG) as Hts.
destruct ((fun x ⇒ jobj_TProd_inversion x Hts) I).
apply JSnd with t; auto.
(* 7: JAbsurd *)
pose proof (proj2 (jobj_PF Hwf H0 I) I).
apply JAbsurd; auto.
(* 6: JInl *)
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj Hwf) I HG).
pose proof (proj2 (jobj_PF Hwf H1 I) I).
apply JInl; auto.
(* 5: JInr *)
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj Hwf) I HG).
pose proof (proj2 (jobj_PF Hwf H0 I) I).
apply JInr; auto.
(* 4: JMatch *)
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj1 Hwf) I HG) as Hts.
destruct ((fun x ⇒ jobj_TSum_inversion x Hts) I).
assert_clear IHHj3 c3; [auto using JGCons|].
assert_clear IHHj2 c2; [auto using JGCons|].
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj2 Hwf) I c2).
apply JMatch with tl tr; auto.
(* 3: JGen *)
pose proof (proj2 (jobj_PF Hwf H0 I) I) as wk'.
destruct (jobj_class wk') as [_ ck'].
assert_clear IHHj c1.
{ apply WHCons with H; auto using Happ_HNil. }
assert_clear IHHj c2.
{ apply (jobj_shift_0 HG ck'). }
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj c1) I c2) as eHHj.
apply JGen; auto.
(* 2: JInst *)
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj Hwf) I HG) as Ht.
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jobj_TPi_inversion x Ht) I) as jt.
pose proof (proj2 (jobj_PF Hwf H1 I) I).
apply JInst with k'; auto.
(* 1: JCoer *)
rename H0 into aHH', H4 into cH, H3 into jcP.
destruct (jobj_class jcP) as [_ [_ [_ [cH' [ct cs]]]]].
assert (cobj HH' CTEnv) as cHH' by (apply (Happ_cobj aHH'); auto).
pose proof (jobj_PF Hwf jcP) as jcF; simpl in jcF.
curry jcF.
assert_clear jcF wYNil. { apply WYNil; auto. }
apply_clear jcF wYNil.
destruct jcF as [wH' jcF].
assert_clear IHHj wHH'. { apply (Happ_Jwf_0 (b, vF) aHH'); auto. }
assert_clear IHHj HGl. { apply (jobj_lift_0 aHH' cHH' HG). }
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jterm_extra x IHHj wHH' HGl) I).
assert_clear jcF c1; [|clear c1]. { ∃ HH'; auto. }
pose proof ((fun x ⇒ jobj_extra x jcF Hwf) I) as eC; simpl in eC.
apply_clear eC wYNil.
apply_clear eC wYNil.
destruct eC as [jH' _].
apply JCoer with H' HH' t; auto.