Library typesystem

Require Import Omega.
Require Import List.
Require Import Equality.

Require Import mxx.
Require Import ext.
Require Import list.

Inductive typesystem_v := .

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System Fcc (common part)

This file formalizes all definitions and typing rules of System Fcc that are not related terms. The only term related part of the system is the term judgment, which is described in Ltypesystem_v for its lambda version and Ltypesystem_v for its indexed (or fuel) version.


The formalization of the type system syntax differs from its definition in the manuscript in the sense that the formalization defines the syntax in two steps. We first define a unique inductive for all syntactical objects, and then define a judgment to classify these objects in there syntactical class of the manuscript.


We define objects, written o, in the inductive obj. They contain all syntactical objects of the manuscript: kinds k, types t or s, propositions p, type environments H, proposition environments Y, and term environments G.
Inductive obj : Set :=
(* kinds *)
| KStar
| KOne
| KProd (k1 : obj) (k2 : obj)
| KRes (k : obj) (p : obj)
(* types *)
| TVar (x : nat)
| TArr (t : obj) (s : obj)
| TOne
| TProd (t : obj) (s : obj)
| TVoid
| TSum (t : obj) (s : obj)
| TFor (k : obj) (t : obj)
| TPi (k : obj) (t : obj)
| TMu (t : obj)
| TBot
| TTop
| TUnit
| TPair (t1 : obj) (t2 : obj)
| TFst (t : obj)
| TSnd (t : obj)
(* props *)
| PTrue
| PAnd (p1 : obj) (p2 : obj)
| PCoer (H : obj) (t : obj) (s : obj)
| PExi (k : obj)
| PFor (k : obj) (p : obj)
(* tenvs *)
| HNil
| HCons (H : obj) (k : obj)
(* penvs *)
| YNil
| YCons (Y : obj) (p : obj)
(* aenvs *)
| GNil
| GCons (G : obj) (t : obj)
Notation kind := obj.
Notation type := obj.
Notation prop := obj.
Notation tenv := obj.
Notation penv := obj.
Notation aenv := obj.

Syntactical classes

We define in class the syntactical classes of the manuscript.
Inductive class :=
| CKind (* kinds *)
| CType (* types *)
| CProp (* propositions *)
| CTEnv (* type environments *)
| CPEnv (* proof environments *)
| CAEnv (* term environments *)

We write cobj o c when the object o is in the syntactical class c.
Inductive cobj : objclassProp :=
(* kinds *)
| CKStar : cobj KStar CKind
| CKOne : cobj KOne CKind
| CKProd : k1 k2, cobj k1 CKindcobj k2 CKindcobj (KProd k1 k2) CKind
| CKRes : k p, cobj k CKindcobj p CPropcobj (KRes k p) CKind
(* types *)
| CTVar : x, cobj (TVar x) CType
| CTArr : t s, cobj t CTypecobj s CTypecobj (TArr t s) CType
| CTOne : cobj TOne CType
| CTProd : t s, cobj t CTypecobj s CTypecobj (TProd t s) CType
| CTVoid : cobj TVoid CType
| CTSum : t s, cobj t CTypecobj s CTypecobj (TSum t s) CType
| CTFor : k t, cobj k CKindcobj t CTypecobj (TFor k t) CType
| CTPi : k t, cobj k CKindcobj t CTypecobj (TPi k t) CType
| CTMu : t, cobj t CTypecobj (TMu t) CType
| CTBot : cobj TBot CType
| CTTop : cobj TTop CType
| CTUnit : cobj TUnit CType
| CTPair : t1 t2, cobj t1 CTypecobj t2 CTypecobj (TPair t1 t2) CType
| CTFst : t, cobj t CTypecobj (TFst t) CType
| CTSnd : t, cobj t CTypecobj (TSnd t) CType
(* props *)
| CPTrue : cobj PTrue CProp
| CPAnd : p1 p2, cobj p1 CPropcobj p2 CPropcobj (PAnd p1 p2) CProp
| CPCoer : H t s, cobj H CTEnvcobj t CTypecobj s CTypecobj (PCoer H t s) CProp
| CPExi : k, cobj k CKindcobj (PExi k) CProp
| CPFor : k p, cobj k CKindcobj p CPropcobj (PFor k p) CProp
(* tenvs *)
| CHNil : cobj HNil CTEnv
| CHCons : H k, cobj H CTEnvcobj k CKindcobj (HCons H k) CTEnv
(* penvs *)
| CYNil : cobj YNil CPEnv
| CYCons : Y p, cobj Y CPEnvcobj p CPropcobj (YCons Y p) CPEnv
(* aenvs *)
| CGNil : cobj GNil CAEnv
| CGCons : G t, cobj G CAEnvcobj t CTypecobj (GCons G t) CAEnv


We define a few functions for environments. Due to the fact that the syntax is unified, pattern matching on a single syntactical class is not simple: it either needs dependent types or partial functions. As a consequence, we define most functions as relations instead of Coq functions.
The length of the type environment H is written Hlength H and is defined as a Coq function. When the argument is not a type environment, the return value is undefined (some natural number). The definition of this function is partial on objects, but total on type environments.
Fixpoint Hlength H :=
  match H with
    | HNil ⇒ 0
    | HCons H k ⇒ 1 + Hlength H
    | _ ⇒ 0 (* fake value *)

We look up the kind k of the nth type variable of the type environment H with Hnth H n k. This function is defined as a relation.
Inductive Hnth : tenvnatkindProp :=
| Hnth0 : n, Hnth HNil n KOne
| Hnth1 : H k, Hnth (HCons H k) 0 k
| Hnth2 : n H k k', Hnth H n kHnth (HCons H k') (1 + n) k

Lemma Hnth_eq : {a b c}, Hnth a b c {d}, Hnth a b dc = d.
induction 1; simpl; intros d Hx; inversion Hx; clear Hx; subst; auto.

The concatenation H1H2 of two type environments H1 and H2 is written Happ H1 H2 H1H2.
Inductive Happ : tenvtenvtenvProp :=
| Happ0 : H, Happ H HNil H
| Happ1 : k1 H1 H2 H2H1,
  Happ H2 H1 H2H1Happ H2 (HCons H1 k1) (HCons H2H1 k1)

Lemma Happ_eq : {a b c}, Happ a b c {d}, Happ a b dc = d.
induction 1; simpl; intros d Hx; inversion Hx; clear Hx; subst; auto.
rewrite (IHHapp H2H0); auto.

We look up the nth proposition p of the proof environment Y with Ynth Y n p.
Inductive Ynth : penvnatpropProp :=
| Ynth0 : n, Ynth YNil n PTrue
| Ynth1 : Y p, Ynth (YCons Y p) 0 p
| Ynth2 : n Y p p', Ynth Y n pYnth (YCons Y p') (1 + n) p

The concatenation Y1Y2 of two proof environments Y1 and Y2 is written Yapp Y1 Y2 Y1Y2.
Inductive Yapp : penvpenvpenvProp :=
| Yapp0 : Y, Yapp Y YNil Y
| Yapp1 : p1 Y1 Y2 Y2Y1,
  Yapp Y2 Y1 Y2Y1Yapp Y2 (YCons Y1 p1) (YCons Y2Y1 p1)

We look up the type t of the nth term variable of the term environment G with Gnth G n t.
Inductive Gnth : aenvnattypeProp :=
| Gnth0 : n, Gnth GNil n TTop
| Gnth1 : G t, Gnth (GCons G t) 0 t
| Gnth2 : n G t t', Gnth G n tGnth (GCons G t') (1 + n) t

We define a function to traverse objects and operating on their variables. The object traverse f i o has the same structure as o but for its variables TVar a that become f a i. The level i indicates how deep we are in the object: it is incremented each time we cross a binder. Objects have several binder constructs:
  • Kres k p binds a type variable of kind k in the proposition p
  • TFor k t binds a type variable of kind k in the type t
  • TPi k t binds a type variable of kind k in the type t
  • TMu t binds a type variable of kind KStar in the type t
  • PCoer H t s extends the environment of the type t with the type environment H
  • PFor k p binds a type variable of kind k in the proposition p
  • HCons H k extends the environment of the kind k with the type environment H
Definition traverse f := fix g i o :=
  match o with
  | KStarKStar
  | KOneKOne
  | KProd k1 k2KProd (g i k1) (g i k2)
  | KRes k pKRes (g i k) (g (1 + i) p)
  | TVar af a i
  | TArr t sTArr (g i t) (g i s)
  | TOneTOne
  | TProd t sTProd (g i t) (g i s)
  | TVoidTVoid
  | TSum t sTSum (g i t) (g i s)
  | TFor k tTFor (g i k) (g (1 + i) t)
  | TPi k tTPi (g i k) (g (1 + i) t)
  | TMu tTMu (g (1 + i) t)
  | TBotTBot
  | TTopTTop
  | TUnitTUnit
  | TPair t sTPair (g i t) (g i s)
  | TFst tTFst (g i t)
  | TSnd tTSnd (g i t)
  | PTruePTrue
  | PAnd p1 p2PAnd (g i p1) (g i p2)
  | PCoer H t sPCoer (g i H) (g (Hlength H + i) t) (g i s)
  | PExi kPExi (g i k)
  | PFor k pPFor (g i k) (g (1 + i) p)
  | HNilHNil
  | HCons H kHCons (g i H) (g (Hlength H + i) k)
  | YNilYNil
  | YCons Y pYCons (g i Y) (g i p)
  | GNilGNil
  | GCons G tGCons (g i G) (g i t)

We define the lifting function lift and substitution function subst using the traverse function with the lift_idx and subst_idx functions, respectively. The object lift d i o has the same structure as o but the variables greater or equal than i are incremented by d. The object subst t i o has the same structure as o but the variables greater than i are decremented by one and the variables equal to i are replaced with the type t lifted by i from level 0. This function permits to substitute objects, but only type substitution preserves the syntactical class.
Definition lift_idx d x i := TVar (if le_gt_dec i x then d + x else x).
Definition lift d := traverse (lift_idx d).
Definition shift := lift 1.
Hint Unfold lift_idx lift shift.

Definition subst_idx t x i :=
  match lt_eq_lt_dec x i with
    | inleft (left _) ⇒ TVar x
    | inleft (right _) ⇒ lift x 0 t
    | inright _TVar (x - 1)
Definition subst t := traverse (subst_idx t).
Hint Unfold subst_idx subst.

Ltac subst_lift_var := repeat (match goal with
    | |- context[subst_idx] ⇒ unfold subst_idx
    | |- context[lift_idx] ⇒ unfold lift_idx
    | |- context[lt_eq_lt_dec ?x ?y] ⇒
      destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec x y) as [[?|?]|?]; try (exfalso; omega); simpl; auto
    | |- context[le_gt_dec ?x ?y] ⇒
      destruct (le_gt_dec x y); try (exfalso; omega); simpl; auto

Lemma lift_0 : t i, lift 0 i t = t.
induction t; intros i; simpl; f_equal; auto.

Lemma Hlength_lift : d H i, Hlength (lift d i H) = Hlength H.
Proof. induction H; simpl; intros; auto. Qed.

Lemma Hlength_subst : b, cobj b CType
   H i, Hlength (subst b i H) = Hlength H.
intros b cb H.
induction H; simpl; intros; auto.
rewrite Hlength_lift.
clear x i e.
remember CType as c.
destruct cb; inversion Heqc; reflexivity.

Lemma lift_fusion : d1 d2 a i j, j ij d2 + i
  lift d1 j (lift d2 i a) = lift (d1 + d2) i a.
induction a; intros; simpl;
repeat match goal with
  | |- ?x = ?xreflexivity
  | |- context[Hlength (lift ?d ?i ?H)] ⇒ rewrite (Hlength_lift d H i)
  | IH : i j, __lift ?d1 j (lift ?d2 i ?a) = _
    |- context[lift ?d1 ?j (lift ?d2 ?i ?a)] ⇒
    rewrite (IH i j); [clear IH|omega|omega]
subst_lift_var; f_equal; omega.

Lemma lift_lift : d1 d2 a i j, j i
  lift d1 i (lift d2 j a) = lift d2 (j + d1) (lift d1 i a).
induction a; intros; simpl;
repeat match goal with
  | |- ?x = ?xreflexivity
  | |- context[Hlength (lift ?d ?i ?H)] ⇒ rewrite (Hlength_lift d H i)
  | IH : i j, _lift ?d1 i (lift ?d2 j ?a) = _
    |- context[lift ?d1 ?i (lift ?d2 ?j ?a)] ⇒
    rewrite (IH i j); [clear IH; simpl|omega]
subst_lift_var; f_equal; omega.
rewrite plus_assoc; reflexivity.
rewrite plus_assoc; reflexivity.

Lemma lift_lift_0 : d2 d1 j a,
  lift d1 0 (lift d2 j a) = lift d2 (d1 + j) (lift d1 0 a).
pose proof (lift_lift d1 d2 a 0 j).
rewrite H; [|omega].
f_equal; omega.

Lemma lift_shift_0 : d i a,
  lift 1 0 (lift d i a) = lift d (1 + i) (lift 1 0 a).
Proof. intros; pose proof (lift_lift_0 d 1 i a); auto. Qed.

Lemma lift_subst1 : b, cobj b CType
   d j a i,
  lift d (j + i) (subst b i a) = subst (lift d j b) i (lift d (j + 1 + i) a).
intros b cb.
induction a; intros i; simpl;
repeat match goal with
  | |- ?x = ?xreflexivity
  | IH : i, lift ?d (?j + i) (subst ?b i ?a) = _
    |- context[ lift ?d (?j + ?i) (subst ?b ?i ?a) ] ⇒
    rewrite (IH i); clear IH
  | IH : i, lift ?d (?j + i) (subst ?b i ?a) = _
    |- context[ lift ?d (?f (?j + ?i)) (subst ?b (?f ?i) ?a) ] ⇒
    repeat rewrite plus_n_Sm; rewrite (IH (f i)); clear IH
subst_lift_var; subst; [rewrite lift_lift_0|]; f_equal; omega.
(* *)
  rewrite (Hlength_subst b cb).
  rewrite Hlength_lift.
  pose proof (IHa2 (Hlength a1 + i)).
  replace (Hlength a1 + (j + i)) with (j + (Hlength a1 + i)) by omega.
  rewrite H.
  replace (j + 1 + (Hlength a1 + i)) with (Hlength a1 + (j + 1 + i)) by omega.
(* *)
  rewrite (Hlength_subst b cb).
  rewrite Hlength_lift.
  pose proof (IHa2 (Hlength a1 + i)).
  replace (Hlength a1 + (j + i)) with (j + (Hlength a1 + i)) by omega.
  rewrite H.
  replace (j + 1 + (Hlength a1 + i)) with (Hlength a1 + (j + 1 + i)) by omega.

Lemma lift_subst1_0 : d i b a, cobj b CType
  lift d i (subst b 0 a) = subst (lift d i b) 0 (lift d (1 + i) a).
intros d i b a cb.
pose proof (lift_subst1 b cb d i a 0).
repeat rewrite plus_0_r in H.
replace (i + 1) with (1 + i) in H by omega.

Lemma lift_subst2 : b, cobj b CType
   d a i j, i j
  lift d j (subst b i a) = subst b (d + i) (lift d j a).
intros b cb.
induction a; intros i j Hij; simpl; auto;
repeat match goal with
  | H : ?x |- ?xexact H
  | H : ?i ?j |- ?f ?i ?f ?jomega
  | |- ?x = ?xreflexivity
  | IH : i j, i jlift ?d j (subst ?b i ?a) = _
    |- context[ lift ?d ?j (subst ?b ?i ?a) ] ⇒
    rewrite (IH i); clear IH
  | IH : i, i ?jlift ?d ?j (subst ?b i ?a) = _
    |- context[ lift ?d (?f ?j) (subst ?b (?f ?i) ?a) ] ⇒
    rewrite (IH (f i)); clear IH
  | |- context[ S (?a + ?b) ] ⇒ rewrite (plus_n_Sm a b)
  | cb : cobj ?b CType |- context[ Hlength (subst ?b _ _) ] ⇒ rewrite (Hlength_subst b cb)
  | |- context[ Hlength (lift _ _ _) ] ⇒ rewrite Hlength_lift
subst_lift_var; subst; [rewrite lift_fusion; auto|]; f_equal; omega.
(* *)
(* *)

Lemma lift_subst2_0 : a b i, cobj b CType
  lift 1 0 (subst b i a) = subst b (1 + i) (lift 1 0 a).
pose proof (lift_subst2 b H 1 a i 0) as Hx.
apply Hx; omega.

Lemma subst_lift : b d a i l, i li d + l
  subst b i (lift (S d) l a) = lift d l a.
induction a; intros i l H1 H2; simpl; auto;
repeat match goal with
  | H : ?x |- ?xexact H
  | H : ?i ?j |- ?f ?i ?f ?jomega
  | H : ?i ?d + ?l |- ?f ?i ?d + ?f ?lomega
  | |- ?x = ?xreflexivity
  | IH : i l, __subst ?b i (lift (S ?d) l ?a) = _
    |- context[ subst ?b ?i (lift (S ?d) ?l ?a) ] ⇒
    rewrite (IH i l); clear IH
  | |- context[ Hlength (lift _ _ _) ] ⇒ rewrite Hlength_lift
f_equal; omega.

Lemma subst_lift_0 : a b, subst b 0 (lift 1 0 a) = a.
Proof. intros a b; pose proof (subst_lift b 0 a 0 0); simpl in *; rewrite H; auto; apply lift_0. Qed.

Lemma subst_subst : bd b d, cobj bd CTypecobj b CType a i,
  subst bd (d + i) (subst b i a) = subst (subst bd d b) i (subst bd (1 + d + i) a).
induction a; intros i; simpl; auto;
repeat match goal with
  | H : ?x |- ?xexact H
  | |- ?x = ?xreflexivity
  | |- context[ S (?n + ?m) ] ⇒ rewrite (plus_n_Sm n m)
  | |- context[ Hlength ?a + (?d + ?i) ] ⇒
    replace (Hlength a + (d + i)) with (d + (Hlength a + i)) by omega
  | IH : i, subst ?bd (?d + i) (subst ?b i ?a) = _
    |- context[ subst ?bd (?d + ?i) (subst ?b ?i ?a) ] ⇒
    rewrite (IH i); clear IH; simpl
  | IH : i, subst ?bd (?d + i) (subst ?b i ?a) = _
    |- context[ subst ?bd (?d + (?f ?i)) (subst ?b (?f ?i) ?a) ] ⇒
    rewrite (IH (f i)); clear IH; simpl
  | cb : cobj ?b CType |- context[ Hlength (subst ?b _ _) ] ⇒ rewrite (Hlength_subst b cb)
(* *)
  replace (subst bd d) with (subst bd (d + 0)) by (f_equal; omega).
  rewrite lift_subst2; [|auto|omega].
  f_equal; omega.
(* *)
  replace (d + S i) with (S (d + i)) by omega.
  rewrite subst_lift; [|omega..].
  f_equal; omega.

Lemma subst_subst_0 : a b bd d, cobj bd CTypecobj b CType
  subst bd d (subst b 0 a) = subst (subst bd d b) 0 (subst bd (1 + d) a).
replace d with (d + 0) by omega.
rewrite subst_subst; auto; repeat f_equal; omega.

Lemma subst_subst_0_0 : a b bd, cobj bd CTypecobj b CType
  subst bd 0 (subst b 0 a) = subst (subst bd 0 b) 0 (subst bd 1 a).
Proof. intros; rewrite subst_subst_0; auto; repeat f_equal; omega. Qed.



We define the well-foundness tokens WF and NE for well-founded functors and non-expansive ones, respectively.
Inductive recsort := WF | NE.

We write jrec a t rec when the type t has the well-foundness rec with respect to the type variable a.
Inductive jrec : nattyperecsortProp :=
| RECVar : a, jrec a (TVar a) NE
| RECArr : a t s, jrec a t NEjrec a s NEjrec a (TArr t s) WF
| RECProd : a t s, jrec a t NEjrec a s NEjrec a (TProd t s) WF
| RECSum : a t s, jrec a t NEjrec a s NEjrec a (TSum t s) WF
| RECFor : rec a k k' t, k = shift a k'jrec (1 + a) t recjrec a (TFor k t) rec
| RECPi : a k k' t, k = shift a k'jrec (1 + a) t NEjrec a (TPi k t) WF
| RECMu : rec a t, jrec 0 t WFjrec (1 + a) t recjrec a (TMu t) rec
| RECwf : a t t', t = shift a t'jrec a t WF
| RECne : a t, jrec a t WFjrec a t NE


We write jeq o1 o2 when objects o1 and o2 are equal. The soundness of the transitivity rule needs the intermediate object o2 to be syntactically well-formed. See the discussion for the definition of the inductive jobj later in this file.
Inductive jeq : typetypeclassProp :=
| EQrefl : o c, cobj o cjeq o o c
| EQsym : o1 o2 c, jeq o1 o2 cjeq o2 o1 c
| EQtrans : o1 o2 o3 c, jeq o1 o2 cjeq o2 o3 cjeq o1 o3 c
| EQcongrKProd : k11 k12 k21 k22,
  jeq k11 k12 CKindjeq k21 k22 CKindjeq (KProd k11 k21) (KProd k12 k22) CKind
| EQcongrKRes : k1 k2 p1 p2,
  jeq k1 k2 CKindjeq p1 p2 CPropjeq (KRes k1 p1) (KRes k2 p2) CKind
| EQcongrTArr : t1 t2 s1 s2,
  jeq t1 t2 CTypejeq s1 s2 CTypejeq (TArr t1 s1) (TArr t2 s2) CType
| EQcongrTProd : t1 t2 s1 s2,
  jeq t1 t2 CTypejeq s1 s2 CTypejeq (TProd t1 s1) (TProd t2 s2) CType
| EQcongrTSum : t1 t2 s1 s2,
  jeq t1 t2 CTypejeq s1 s2 CTypejeq (TSum t1 s1) (TSum t2 s2) CType
| EQcongrTFor : k1 k2 t1 t2,
  jeq k1 k2 CKindjeq t1 t2 CTypejeq (TFor k1 t1) (TFor k2 t2) CType
| EQcongrTPi : k1 k2 t1 t2,
  jeq k1 k2 CKindjeq t1 t2 CTypejeq (TPi k1 t1) (TPi k2 t2) CType
| EQcongrTMu : t1 t2, jeq t1 t2 CTypejeq (TMu t1) (TMu t2) CType
| EQcongrTPair : t1 t2 s1 s2,
  jeq t1 t2 CTypejeq s1 s2 CTypejeq (TPair t1 s1) (TPair t2 s2) CType
| EQcongrTFst : t1 t2, jeq t1 t2 CTypejeq (TFst t1) (TFst t2) CType
| EQcongrTSnd : t1 t2, jeq t1 t2 CTypejeq (TSnd t1) (TSnd t2) CType
| EQcongrPAnd : p11 p12 p21 p22,
  jeq p11 p12 CPropjeq p21 p22 CPropjeq (PAnd p11 p21) (PAnd p12 p22) CProp
| EQcongrPCoer : H1 H2 t1 t2 s1 s2,
  jeq H1 H2 CTEnvjeq t1 t2 CTypejeq s1 s2 CTypejeq (PCoer H1 t1 s1) (PCoer H2 t2 s2) CProp
| EQcongrPExi : k1 k2, jeq k1 k2 CKindjeq (PExi k1) (PExi k2) CProp
| EQcongrPFor : k1 k2 p1 p2,
  jeq k1 k2 CKindjeq p1 p2 CPropjeq (PFor k1 p1) (PFor k2 p2) CProp
| EQcongrHCons : H1 H2 k1 k2,
  jeq H1 H2 CTEnvjeq k1 k2 CKindjeq (HCons H1 k1) (HCons H2 k2) CTEnv
| EQcongrYCons : Y1 Y2 p1 p2,
  jeq Y1 Y2 CPEnvjeq p1 p2 CPropjeq (YCons Y1 p1) (YCons Y2 p2) CPEnv
| EQcongrGCons : G1 G2 t1 t2,
  jeq G1 G2 CAEnvjeq t1 t2 CTypejeq (GCons G1 t1) (GCons G2 t2) CAEnv
| EQTFstPair : t s, cobj t CTypecobj s CTypejeq (TFst (TPair t s)) t CType
| EQTSndPair : t s, cobj t CTypecobj s CTypejeq (TSnd (TPair t s)) s CType


We can finally define the main judgment, which is the judgment for objects.
We first define the judgments of the manuscript:
  • JK k for the kind coherence judgment
  • JT t k for the type judgment
  • JP Y0 Y1 p for the proposition judgment
  • JH H' for the type environment coherence judgment
  • JG G for the term environment judgment
  • Jwf c o for the well-formedness judgment
This last judgment is only necessary in the manuscript version. We discuss this notion in the next paragraph (inductive jobj).
Inductive judg : Set :=
| JK (k : kind)
| JT (t : type) (k : kind)
| JP (Y0 : penv) (Y1 : penv) (p : prop)
| JC (Y0 : penv) (Y1 : penv) (H' : tenv) (t' : type) (t : type)
| JH (H' : tenv)
| JG (G : aenv)
| Jwf (o : obj) (c : class)

Definition jlift d i j :=
  match j with
    | JK kJK (lift d i k)
    | JT t kJT (lift d i t) (lift d i k)
    | JP Y0 Y1 pJP (lift d i Y0) (lift d i Y1) (lift d i p)
    | JC Y0 Y1 H' t' tJC (lift d i Y0) (lift d i Y1)
                             (lift d i H') (lift d (Hlength H' + i) t') (lift d i t)
    | JH H'JH (lift d i H')
    | JG GJG (lift d i G)
    | Jwf o cJwf (lift d i o) c

Lemma jlift_0 : j, jlift 0 0 j = j.
Proof. destruct j; simpl; repeat rewrite lift_0; reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma jlift_lift : d1 d2 a i j, j i
  jlift d1 i (jlift d2 j a) = jlift d2 (j + d1) (jlift d1 i a).
destruct a; simpl; intros;
repeat (rewrite (lift_lift d1 d2); [|omega]); try reflexivity.
repeat rewrite Hlength_lift.
repeat (rewrite (lift_lift d1 d2); [|omega]).
f_equal; f_equal; omega.

Lemma jlift_lift_0 : d1 d2 i j,
  jlift d1 0 (jlift d2 i j) = jlift d2 (d1 + i) (jlift d1 0 j).
pose proof (jlift_lift d1 d2 j 0 i).
rewrite H; [|omega].
f_equal; omega.

Lemma jlift_fusion : d1 d2 i j a,
  j ij d2 + ijlift d1 j (jlift d2 i a) = jlift (d1 + d2) i a.
destruct a; simpl; intros; repeat (rewrite lift_fusion; [|omega..]); try reflexivity.
rewrite Hlength_lift.
repeat (rewrite lift_fusion; [|omega..]).

Definition jsubst s i j :=
  match j with
    | JK kJK (subst s i k)
    | JT t kJT (subst s i t) (subst s i k)
    | JP Y0 Y1 pJP (subst s i Y0) (subst s i Y1) (subst s i p)
    | JC Y0 Y1 H' t' tJC (subst s i Y0) (subst s i Y1)
                             (subst s i H') (subst s (Hlength H' + i) t') (subst s i t)
    | JH H'JH (subst s i H')
    | JG GJG (subst s i G)
    | Jwf o cJwf (subst s i o) c

Lemma jlift_subst2 : b, cobj b CType
   d a i j, i j
  jlift d j (jsubst b i a) = jsubst b (d + i) (jlift d j a).
destruct a; simpl; intros; repeat (rewrite lift_subst2; [|auto|omega]); try reflexivity.
rewrite Hlength_lift.
rewrite Hlength_subst; auto.
repeat (rewrite lift_subst2; [|auto|omega]).

Lemma jlift_subst2_0 : a b i, cobj b CType
  jlift 1 0 (jsubst b i a) = jsubst b (1 + i) (jlift 1 0 a).
pose proof (jlift_subst2 b H 1 a i 0) as Hx.
apply Hx; omega.

We write jobj j when the judgment j holds. The formalization differs from the manuscript in the sense that it requires additional but redundant premises. This redundancy comes from the extraction lemma and is needed for inductions, because the proof of soundness needs sometimes more than the soundness of the premises of the manuscript, it also needs the soundness of some judgments extracted from the premises. In the definition of jobj we will explicitly state when a premise is required for soundness (and thus redundant) with the letter S, and we will also state when a premise is not needed for soundness but present in the manuscript with the letter E (like extraction). Ideally, we would parametrize the formalization whether we are in the E or S version of the type system, and show that the E version implies the S version.
Soundness alse needs some objects to be in the correct syntactical class. In the manuscript, this holds by syntactical well-formedness, but in the formalization, since objects are unified, we need to state it explicitly. We write such premises with the letter C (like syntactical class).
The premises marked with E are commented, since they are not necessary for soundness. And premises marked with C are cobj judgments, since they are about syntactical well-formedness.
Inductive jobj v : tenvjudgProp :=
(* kinds *)
| JKexi : H k,
  jobj v H (JP YNil YNil (PExi k)) →
  (mE vjobj v H (Jwf k CKind)) →
  jobj v H (JK k)
(* types *)
| JTeq : H t k k',
  jobj v H (JT t k) →
  jeq k k' CKind
  (mE vjobj v H (Jwf k' CKind)) →
  jobj v H (JT t k')
| JTVar : H a k,
  cobj H CTEnv
  Hnth H a k
  jobj v H (JT (TVar a) (lift (1 + a) 0 k))
| JTArr : H t s,
  jobj v H (JT t KStar) →
  jobj v H (JT s KStar) →
  jobj v H (JT (TArr t s) KStar)
| JTOne : H,
  cobj H CTEnv
  jobj v H (JT TOne KStar)
| JTProd : H t s,
  jobj v H (JT t KStar) →
  jobj v H (JT s KStar) →
  jobj v H (JT (TProd t s) KStar)
| JTVoid : H,
  cobj H CTEnv
  jobj v H (JT TVoid KStar)
| JTSum : H t s,
  jobj v H (JT t KStar) →
  jobj v H (JT s KStar) →
  jobj v H (JT (TSum t s) KStar)
| JTFor : H k t,
  (mE vjobj v H (Jwf k CKind)) →
  jobj v (HCons H k) (JT t KStar) →
  jobj v H (JT (TFor k t) KStar)
| JTPi : H k t,
  (mE vjobj v H (Jwf k CKind)) →
  jobj v (HCons H k) (JT t KStar) →
  jobj v H (JT (TPi k t) KStar)
| JTMu : H t,
  jrec 0 t WF
  jobj v (HCons H KStar) (JT t KStar) →
  mR vjobj v H (JT (TMu t) KStar)
| JTBot : H,
  cobj H CTEnv
  jobj v H (JT TBot KStar)
| JTTop : H,
  cobj H CTEnv
  jobj v H (JT TTop KStar)
| JTUnit : H,
  cobj H CTEnv
  jobj v H (JT TUnit KOne)
| JTPair : H t1 t2 k1 k2,
  jobj v H (JT t1 k1) →
  jobj v H (JT t2 k2) →
  jobj v H (JT (TPair t1 t2) (KProd k1 k2))
| JTFst : H t k1 k2,
  jobj v H (JT t (KProd k1 k2)) →
  jobj v H (JT (TFst t) k1)
| JTSnd : H t k1 k2,
  jobj v H (JT t (KProd k1 k2)) →
  jobj v H (JT (TSnd t) k2)
| JTPack : H t k p,
  (mE vjobj v (HCons H k) (Jwf p CProp)) →
  jobj v H (JT t k) →
  jobj v H (JP YNil YNil (subst t 0 p)) →
  jobj v H (JT t (KRes k p))
| JTUnpack : H t k p,
  jobj v H (JT t (KRes k p)) →
  jobj v H (JT t k)
(* props (logic) *)
| JPeq : H Y0 Y1 p p',
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 p) →
  jeq p p' CProp
  (mE vjobj v H (Jwf p' CProp)) →
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 p')
| JPVar : H Y0 Y1 n p,
  cobj H CTEnv
  cobj Y0 CPEnv
  cobj Y1 CPEnv
  Ynth Y0 n p
  mR vjobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 p)
| JPTrue : H Y0 Y1,
  cobj H CTEnv
  cobj Y0 CPEnv
  cobj Y1 CPEnv
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 PTrue)
| JPAndPair : H Y0 Y1 p1 p2,
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 p1) →
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 p2) →
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 (PAnd p1 p2))
| JPAndFst : H Y0 Y1 p1 p2,
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 (PAnd p1 p2)) →
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 p1)
| JPAndSnd : H Y0 Y1 p1 p2,
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 (PAnd p1 p2)) →
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 p2)
| JPExi : H Y0 Y1 t k,
  cobj Y0 CPEnv
  cobj Y1 CPEnv
  jobj v H (JT t k) →
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 (PExi k))
| JPForIntro : H Y0 Y1 k p,
  (mE vjobj v H (Jwf k CKind)) →
  jobj v (HCons H k) (JP (lift 1 0 Y0) (lift 1 0 Y1) p) →
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 (PFor k p))
| JPForElim : H Y0 Y1 t k p,
  jobj v H (JT t k) →
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 (PFor k p)) →
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 (subst t 0 p))
| JPRes : H Y0 Y1 t k p,
  cobj Y0 CPEnv
  cobj Y1 CPEnv
  jobj v H (JT t (KRes k p)) →
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 (subst t 0 p))
| JPFix : H Y0 Y1 p,
  (mE vjobj v H (Jwf p CProp)) →
  jobj v H (JP Y0 (YCons Y1 p) p) →
  mR vjobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 p)
| JPCoer : H Y0 Y1 H' HH' t' t,
  Happ H H' HH'
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 H' t' t) →
  jobj v HH' (JT t' KStar) →
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 (PCoer H' t' t))
(* props (coercions) *)
| JCProp : H Y0 Y1 H' t' t,
  jobj v H (JP Y0 Y1 (PCoer H' t' t)) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 H' t' t)
| JCRefl : H Y0 Y1 t,
  cobj H CTEnv
  cobj Y0 CPEnv
  cobj Y1 CPEnv
  cobj t CType
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 HNil t t)
| JCTrans : H H2 H1 Y0 Y1 t1 t2 t3 HH2 H2H1,
  Happ H H2 HH2
  Happ H2 H1 H2H1
  jobj v HH2 (JC (lift (Hlength H2) 0 Y0) (lift (Hlength H2) 0 Y1) H1 t1 t2) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 H2 t2 t3) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 H2H1 t1 t3)
| JCWeak : H H' Y0 Y1 t s,
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 H' (lift (Hlength H') 0 t) s) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 HNil t s)
| JCArr : H H' Y0 Y1 t' s' t s Y0Y1 HH',
  Yapp Y0 Y1 Y0Y1
  Happ H H' HH'
  (mS vjobj v H (JH H')) →
  (mS vjobj v HH' (JT t' KStar)) →
  (mS vjobj v HH' (JT s' KStar)) →
  (mE vjobj v H (JT t KStar)) →
  jobj v HH' (JC (lift (Hlength H') 0 Y0Y1) YNil HNil (lift (Hlength H') 0 t) t') →
  jobj v H (JC Y0Y1 YNil H' s' s) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 H' (TArr t' s') (TArr t s))
| JCProd : H H' HH' Y0 Y1 t' s' t s Y0Y1,
  Yapp Y0 Y1 Y0Y1
  Happ H H' HH'
  (mS vjobj v H (JH H')) →
  (mS vjobj v HH' (JT t' KStar)) →
  (mS vjobj v HH' (JT s' KStar)) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0Y1 YNil H' t' t) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0Y1 YNil H' s' s) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 H' (TProd t' s') (TProd t s))
| JCSum : H H' HH' Y0 Y1 t' s' t s Y0Y1,
  Yapp Y0 Y1 Y0Y1
  Happ H H' HH'
  (mS vjobj v H (JH H')) →
  (mS vjobj v HH' (JT t' KStar)) →
  (mS vjobj v HH' (JT s' KStar)) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0Y1 YNil H' t' t) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0Y1 YNil H' s' s) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 H' (TSum t' s') (TSum t s))
| JCPi : H H' HH' HaH' Y0 Y1 k k' s' t' t Y0Y1,
  Yapp Y0 Y1 Y0Y1
  Happ H H' HH'
  Happ (HCons H k) (lift 1 0 H') HaH'
  (mE vjobj v H (Jwf k CKind)) →
  jobj v H (JH H') →
  (mS vjobj v (HCons HH' k') (JT t' KStar)) →
  jobj v HaH' (JT s' (lift 1 (Hlength H') k')) →
  jobj v (HCons H k) (JC (lift 1 0 Y0Y1) YNil
                         (lift 1 0 H') (subst s' 0 (lift 1 (1 + Hlength H') t')) t) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 H' (TPi k' t') (TPi k t))
| JCGen : H Y0 Y1 k t,
  cobj Y0 CPEnv
  cobj Y1 CPEnv
  cobj t CType
  jobj v H (JK k) →
  (mS vjobj v (HCons H k) (JT t KStar)) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 (HCons HNil k) t (TFor k t))
| JCInst : H Y0 Y1 k t s,
  cobj Y0 CPEnv
  cobj Y1 CPEnv
  cobj t CType
  (mS vjobj v (HCons H k) (JT t KStar)) →
  jobj v H (JT s k) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 HNil (TFor k t) (subst s 0 t))
| JCUnfold : H Y0 Y1 t,
  cobj H CTEnv
  cobj Y0 CPEnv
  cobj Y1 CPEnv
  cobj t CType
  (mS vjrec 0 t WF) →
  (mS vjobj v (HCons H KStar) (JT t KStar)) →
  mR vjobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 HNil (TMu t) (subst (TMu t) 0 t))
| JCFold : H Y0 Y1 t,
  cobj Y0 CPEnv
  cobj Y1 CPEnv
  jrec 0 t WF
  jobj v (HCons H KStar) (JT t KStar) →
  mR vjobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 HNil (subst (TMu t) 0 t) (TMu t))
| JCTop : H Y0 Y1 t,
  cobj H CTEnv
  cobj Y0 CPEnv
  cobj Y1 CPEnv
  cobj t CType
  (mS vjobj v H (JT t KStar)) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 HNil t TTop)
| JCBot : H Y0 Y1 t,
  cobj Y0 CPEnv
  cobj Y1 CPEnv
  jobj v H (JT t KStar) →
  jobj v H (JC Y0 Y1 HNil TBot t)
(* tenvs *)
| JHNil : H,
  cobj H CTEnv
  jobj v H (JH HNil)
| JHCons : H H' HH' k,
  Happ H H' HH'
  jobj v H (JH H') →
  jobj v HH' (JK k) →
  jobj v H (JH (HCons H' k))
(* aenvs *)
| JGNil : H,
  cobj H CTEnv
  jobj v H (JG GNil)
| JGCons : H G t,
  jobj v H (JG G) →
  jobj v H (JT t KStar) →
  jobj v H (JG (GCons G t))
(* well-formedness *)
| WKStar : H,
  cobj H CTEnv
  jobj v H (Jwf KStar CKind)
| WKOne : H,
  cobj H CTEnv
  jobj v H (Jwf KOne CKind)
| WKProd : H k1 k2,
  jobj v H (Jwf k1 CKind) →
  jobj v H (Jwf k2 CKind) →
  jobj v H (Jwf (KProd k1 k2) CKind)
| WKRes : H k p,
  jobj v H (Jwf k CKind) →
  jobj v (HCons H k) (Jwf p CProp) →
  jobj v H (Jwf (KRes k p) CKind)
| WPTrue : H,
  cobj H CTEnv
  jobj v H (Jwf PTrue CProp)
| WPAnd : H p1 p2,
  jobj v H (Jwf p1 CProp) →
  jobj v H (Jwf p2 CProp) →
  jobj v H (Jwf (PAnd p1 p2) CProp)
| WPCoer : H H' HH' t' t,
  Happ H H' HH'
  jobj v H (JH H') →
  jobj v HH' (JT t' KStar) →
  jobj v H (JT t KStar) →
  jobj v H (Jwf (PCoer H' t' t) CProp)
| WPExi : H k,
  jobj v H (Jwf k CKind) →
  jobj v H (Jwf (PExi k) CProp)
| WPFor : H k p,
  jobj v H (Jwf k CKind) →
  jobj v (HCons H k) (Jwf p CProp) →
  jobj v H (Jwf (PFor k p) CProp)
| WHNil : H,
  cobj H CTEnv
  jobj v H (Jwf HNil CTEnv)
| WHCons : H H' HH' k',
  Happ H H' HH'
  jobj v H (Jwf H' CTEnv) →
  jobj v HH' (Jwf k' CKind) →
  jobj v H (Jwf (HCons H' k') CTEnv)
| WYNil : H,
  cobj H CTEnv
  jobj v H (Jwf YNil CPEnv)
| WYCons : H Y p,
  jobj v H (Jwf Y CPEnv) →
  jobj v H (Jwf p CProp) →
  jobj v H (Jwf (YCons Y p) CPEnv)