Library typechecker

Require Import Omega.
Require Import String.

Require Import mxx.
Require Import Llanguage.
Require Import typesystem.
Require Import Ltypesystem.
Require Import typesystemdec.

Inductive typechecker_v := .

Open Scope string_scope.

Inductive eobj : Set :=
(* k kinds coherence *)
| kexi (p : eobj) (K : eobj)
(* t types *)
| teq (t : eobj) (K : eobj)
| tVar (a : nat)
| tArr (t : eobj) (s : eobj)
| tProd (t : eobj) (s : eobj)
| tSum (t : eobj) (s : eobj)
| tFor (K : eobj) (t : eobj)
| tPi (K : eobj) (t : eobj)
| tMu (t : eobj)
| tBot
| tTop
| tUnit
| tPair (t1 : eobj) (t2 : eobj)
| tFst (t : eobj)
| tSnd (t : eobj)
| tPack (t : eobj) (p : eobj) (P : eobj)
| tUnpack (t : eobj)
(* p proofs *)
| peq (p : eobj) (P : eobj)
| pVar (c : nat)
| pTrue
| pPair (p1 : eobj) (p2 : eobj)
| pFst (p : eobj)
| pSnd (p : eobj)
| pExi (t : eobj)
| pLam (K : eobj) (p : eobj)
| pApp (p : eobj) (t : eobj)
| pRes (t : eobj)
| pFix (P : eobj) (p : eobj)
| pCoer (g : eobj) (t : eobj)
(* g coercions *)
| gProp (p : eobj)
| gRefl
| gTrans (g2 : eobj) (g1 : eobj)
| gWeak (g : eobj)
| gArr (g1 : eobj) (t : eobj) (g2 : eobj)
| gProd (g1 : eobj) (g2 : eobj)
| gSum (g1 : eobj) (g2 : eobj)
| gPi (h : eobj) (K : eobj) (g : eobj) (s : eobj)
| gGen (p : eobj)
| gInst (s : eobj)
| gUnfold
| gFold (t : eobj)
| gTop
| gBot (t : eobj)
(* h type environments coherence *)
| hNil
| hCons (h : eobj) (k : eobj)
(* G term environments *)
(* | wGNil *)
(* | wGCons (G : eobj) (t : eobj) *)
(* K kinds *)
| wKStar
| wKOne
| wKProd (K1 : eobj) (K2 : eobj)
| wKRes (K : eobj) (P : eobj)
(* P propositions *)
| wPTrue
| wPAnd (P1 : eobj) (P2 : eobj)
| wPCoer (h : eobj) (t : eobj) (s : eobj)
| wPExi (K : eobj)
| wPFor (K : eobj) (P : eobj)
(* H type environments wf *)
(* | wHNil *)
(* | wHCons (H' : eobj) (K' : eobj) *)
(* Y proposition environments wf *)
(* | wYNil *)
(* | wYCons (Y : eobj) (P : eobj) *)

Inductive eterm : Set :=
| eVar (x : nat)
| eLam (t : eobj) (a : eterm)
| eApp (a : eterm) (b : eterm)
| ePair (a : eterm) (b : eterm)
| eFst (a : eterm)
| eSnd (a : eterm)
| eInl (a : eterm) (S : eobj)
| eInr (T : eobj) (a : eterm)
| eMatch (a : eterm) (bl : eterm) (br : eterm)
| eGen (K : eobj) (a : eterm)
| eInst (a : eterm) (s : eobj)
| eCoer (g : eobj) (a : eterm)

Inductive jenv :=
| EK
| ET
| EP (Y0 : penv) (Y1 : penv)
| EC1 (Y0 : penv) (Y1 : penv)
| EC2 (Y0 : penv) (Y1 : penv) (H' : tenv) (t' : type)
| EH
| EG
| Ewf

Inductive message :=
| Empty : message
| Todo : message
| Impossible : message
| String : stringmessage
| BadSyntax : objmessage
| ExpectedGotClass : objclassclassmessage
| ExpectedJEnv : jenvmessage
| ExpectedGotJudg : jenvjudgmessage
| ExpectedGotObj : objobjmessage
| ExpectedGotJwf : classclassmessage
| GotTermType : termtypemessage
| NotWellFounded : typemessage
| NoRecTypes : message
| Obj : eobjmessagemessage
| Term : etermmessagemessage

Inductive exn A :=
| OK : Aexn A
| Err : messageexn A
Arguments OK [A] _.
Arguments Err [A] _.

Definition bind {A B} (x : exn A) (f : Aexn B) :=
  match x with
    | OK af a
    | Err mErr m
Notation "x >>= f" := (bind x f) (at level 60, right associativity).

Definition do_cobj f o c : exn (cobj o c) :=
  match get_cobj o with
    | Some (existT c' co) ⇒
      match class_dec c' c with
        | left HeqOK (eq_rect c' _ co c Heq)
        | right _Err (f (ExpectedGotClass o c c'))
    | _Err (f (BadSyntax o))

Definition xS {rec A} : mS (rec, vP)A.
Proof. intros mSv; exfalso; assumption. Defined.

Inductive agree : jenvjudgProp :=
| AK : {k}, agree EK (JK k)
| AT : {t k}, agree ET (JT t k)
| AP : {Y0 Y1 p}, agree (EP Y0 Y1) (JP Y0 Y1 p)
| AC2 : {Y0 Y1 H' t' t}, agree (EC2 Y0 Y1 H' t') (JC Y0 Y1 H' t' t)
| AH : {H'}, agree EH (JH H')
| AG : {G}, agree EG (JG G)
| Awf : {o c}, agree Ewf (Jwf o c)

Inductive Asig H H' := Acheck : HH', Happ H H' HH'Asig H H'.
Arguments Acheck [H H'] _ _.

Fixpoint Atc H H' : exn (Asig H H') :=
  match H' with
    | HNilOK (Acheck H (Happ0 _))
    | HCons H' k'
      match Atc H H' with
        | OK (Acheck HH' aHH') ⇒
          OK (Acheck (HCons HH' k') (Happ1 k' _ _ _ aHH'))
        | Err xErr x
    | _Err (BadSyntax H')

Lemma JPCoer_aux : {H Y0 Y1 Y02 Y12 xt'2 H' xt' xt H'2 rec},
  agree (EC2 Y0 Y1 H' xt') (JC Y02 Y12 H'2 xt'2 xt) →
  jobj (rec, vP) H (JC Y02 Y12 H'2 xt'2 xt) →
  jobj (rec, vP) H (JC Y0 Y1 H' xt' xt).
inversion H0; clear H0; subst.

Lemma JCProp_aux : {H Y0 Y1 Y02 Y12 xH' xt' H' t' xt rec},
  xt' = t'xH' = H'
  agree (EP Y0 Y1) (JP Y02 Y12 (PCoer xH' xt' xt)) →
  jobj (rec, vP) H (JP Y02 Y12 (PCoer xH' xt' xt)) →
  jobj (rec, vP) H (JP Y0 Y1 (PCoer H' t' xt)).
intros; subst.
inversion H2; clear H2; subst.

Inductive optb A : boolType :=
| Nob : optb A false
| Yesb : Aoptb A true
Arguments Nob [A].
Arguments Yesb [A] _.

Definition getb {A} (x : optb A true) : A :=
  match x with
    | Yesb xx

Definition mapb0 {B b} (f : B) : optb B b :=
  match b with
    | falseNob
    | trueYesb f

Definition mapb1 {A1 B b} (f : A1B) :=
  match b return optb _ b_ with
    | falsefun _Nob
    | truefun x1Yesb (f (getb x1))

Definition mapb2 {A1 A2 B b} (f : A1A2B) :=
  match b return optb _ boptb _ b_ with
    | falsefun _ _Nob
    | truefun x1 x2Yesb (f (getb x1) (getb x2))

Definition mapb3 {A1 A2 A3 B b} (f : A1A2A3B) :=
  match b return optb _ boptb _ boptb _ b_ with
    | falsefun _ _ _Nob
    | truefun x1 x2 x3Yesb (f (getb x1) (getb x2) (getb x3))

Definition mapb4 {A1 A2 A3 A4 B b} (f : A1A2A3A4B) :=
  match b return optb _ boptb _ boptb _ boptb _ b_ with
    | falsefun _ _ _ _Nob
    | truefun x1 x2 x3 x4Yesb (f (getb x1) (getb x2) (getb x3) (getb x4))

Notation "!0 f" := (mapb0 f) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "!1 x1 f" := (mapb1 f x1) (at level 80, x1 at level 0, no associativity).
Notation "!2 x1 x2 f" := (mapb2 f x1 x2) (at level 80, x1, x2 at level 0, no associativity).
Notation "!3 x1 x2 x3 f" := (mapb3 f x1 x2 x3) (at level 80, x1, x2, x3 at level 0, no associativity).
Notation "!4 x1 x2 x3 x4 f" := (mapb4 f x1 x2 x3 x4) (at level 80, x1, x2, x3, x4 at level 0, no associativity).

Inductive osig b rec H ej :=
| ocheck : j, optb (jobj (rec, vP) H j) boptb (agree ej j) bosig b rec H ej
| Hcheck : H' HH', optb (Happ H H' HH') bosig b rec H ej
Arguments ocheck [b rec H ej] _ _ _.
Arguments Hcheck [b rec H ej] _ _ _.

Fixpoint otc b rec H j (o : eobj) : exn (osig b rec H j) :=
  match o, j with
    | kexi p K, EK
      match otc b rec H (EP YNil YNil) p with
        | OK (ocheck (JP YNil YNil (PExi k)) jp _) ⇒
            match otc b rec H Ewf K with
              | OK (ocheck (Jwf k' CKind) wk' _) ⇒
                  match obj_dec k' k with
                    | left Heq
                        OK (ocheck _ (!2 jp wk' fun jp wk'JKexi _ H k jp
                         (fun _eq_rect k' (fun xjobj _ _ (Jwf x _)) wk' k Heq)) (!0 AK))
                    | right _Err Impossible
              | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj K (ExpectedGotJudg Ewf j))
              | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
              | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj p (ExpectedGotJudg (EP YNil YNil) j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | kexi _ _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tVar a, ET
      do_cobj (Obj o) H CTEnv >>= fun cH
      match get_Hnth H a with
        | Some (existT k nHak) ⇒ OK (ocheck _ (!0 JTVar _ H a k cH nHak) (!0 AT))
        | _Err Impossible
    | tVar _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tArr t s, ET
      match otc b rec H ET t with
        | OK (ocheck (JT xt KStar) jt _) ⇒
          match otc b rec H ET s with
            | OK (ocheck (JT xs KStar) js _) ⇒
              OK (ocheck _ (!2 jt js JTArr _ H xt xs) (!0 AT))
            | OK (ocheck (JT _ k) _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj s (ExpectedGotObj KStar k))
            | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj s (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
            | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck (JT _ k) _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotObj KStar k))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | tArr _ _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tProd t s, ET
      match otc b rec H ET t with
        | OK (ocheck (JT xt KStar) jt _) ⇒
          match otc b rec H ET s with
            | OK (ocheck (JT xs KStar) js _) ⇒
              OK (ocheck _ (!2 jt js JTProd _ H xt xs) (!0 AT))
            | OK (ocheck (JT _ k) _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj s (ExpectedGotObj KStar k))
            | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj s (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
            | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck (JT _ k) _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotObj KStar k))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | tProd _ _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tSum t s, ET
      match otc b rec H ET t with
        | OK (ocheck (JT xt KStar) jt _) ⇒
          match otc b rec H ET s with
            | OK (ocheck (JT xs KStar) js _) ⇒
              OK (ocheck _ (!2 jt js JTSum _ H xt xs) (!0 AT))
            | OK (ocheck (JT _ k) _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj s (ExpectedGotObj KStar k))
            | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj s (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
            | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck (JT _ k) _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotObj KStar k))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | tSum _ _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tFor K t, ET
      match otc b rec H Ewf K with
        | OK (ocheck (Jwf k CKind) wk _) ⇒
          match otc b rec (HCons H k) ET t with
            | OK (ocheck (JT xt KStar) jt _) ⇒
              OK (ocheck _ (!2 wk jt fun wkJTFor _ H k xt (fun _wk)) (!0 AT))
            | OK (ocheck (JT _ k) _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotObj KStar k))
            | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
            | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck (Jwf o c) _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj K (ExpectedGotJwf CKind c))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj K (ExpectedGotJudg Ewf j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | tFor _ _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tMu t, ET
      match rec with
        | true
          match otc b true (HCons H KStar) ET t with
            | OK (ocheck (JT t KStar) jt _) ⇒
              match get_jrec 0 t WF with
                | Some jr
                  OK (ocheck _ (!1 jt fun jtJTMu (true, vP) H t jr jt I) (!0 AT))
                | NoneErr (NotWellFounded t)
            | OK (ocheck (JT _ k) _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotObj KStar k))
            | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
            | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
            | Err xErr x
        | falseErr (Obj o NoRecTypes)
    | tMu _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tBot, ET
      do_cobj (Obj o) H CTEnv >>= fun cH
      OK (ocheck _ (!0 JTBot _ H cH) (!0 AT))
    | tBot, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tTop, ET
      do_cobj (Obj o) H CTEnv >>= fun cH
      OK (ocheck _ (!0 JTTop _ H cH) (!0 AT))
    | tTop, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tUnit, ET
      do_cobj (Obj o) H CTEnv >>= fun cH
      OK (ocheck _ (!0 JTUnit _ H cH) (!0 AT))
    | tUnit, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tPair t1 t2, ET
      match otc b rec H ET t1 with
        | OK (ocheck (JT x1 k1) j1 _) ⇒
          match otc b rec H ET t2 with
            | OK (ocheck (JT x2 k2) j2 _) ⇒
              OK (ocheck _ (!2 j1 j2 JTPair _ H x1 x2 k1 k2) (!0 AT))
            | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t2 (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
            | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t1 (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | tPair _ _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tFst t, ET
      match otc b rec H ET t with
        | OK (ocheck (JT x (KProd k1 k2)) j _) ⇒
          OK (ocheck _ (!1 j JTFst _ H x k1 k2) (!0 AT))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | tFst _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tSnd t, ET
      match otc b rec H ET t with
        | OK (ocheck (JT x (KProd k1 k2)) j _) ⇒
          OK (ocheck _ (!1 j JTSnd _ H x k1 k2) (!0 AT))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | tSnd _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tPack t p P, ET
      match otc b rec H ET t with
        | OK (ocheck (JT xt k) jt _) ⇒
          match otc b rec H (EP YNil YNil) p with
            | OK (ocheck (JP YNil YNil xtp) jp _) ⇒
              match otc b rec (HCons H k) Ewf P with
                | OK (ocheck (Jwf xp CProp) jP _) ⇒
                  match obj_dec xtp (subst xt 0 xp) with
                    | left Heq
                      OK (ocheck _ (!3 jP jt jp fun jP jt jpJTPack _ H xt k xp (fun _jP) jt
                                   (eq_rect xtp (fun xjobj _ _ (JP _ _ x)) jp _ Heq)) (!0 AT))
                    | right _Err (Obj p (ExpectedGotObj (subst xt 0 xp) xtp))
                | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj P (ExpectedGotJudg Ewf j))
                | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
                | Err xErr x
            | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj p (ExpectedGotJudg (EP YNil YNil) j))
            | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | tPack _ _ _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | tUnpack t, ET
      match otc b rec H ET t with
        | OK (ocheck (JT xt (KRes k p)) jt _) ⇒
          OK (ocheck _ (!1 jt JTUnpack _ H xt k p) (!0 AT))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | tUnpack _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    (* | pTrue *)
    (* | pPair (p1 : eobj) (p2 : eobj) *)
    (* | pFst (p : eobj) *)
    (* | pSnd (p : eobj) *)
    | pExi t, EP Y0 Y1
      do_cobj (Obj o) Y0 CPEnv >>= fun cY0
      do_cobj (Obj o) Y1 CPEnv >>= fun cY1
      match otc b rec H ET t with
        | OK (ocheck (JT xt xk) jt _) ⇒
          OK (ocheck _ (!1 jt JPExi _ H Y0 Y1 xt xk cY0 cY1) (!0 AP))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | pExi _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | pRes t, EP Y0 Y1
      do_cobj (Obj o) Y0 CPEnv >>= fun cY0
      do_cobj (Obj o) Y1 CPEnv >>= fun cY1
      match otc b rec H ET t with
        | OK (ocheck (JT xt (KRes k p)) jt _) ⇒
          OK (ocheck _ (!1 jt JPRes _ H Y0 Y1 xt k p cY0 cY1) (!0 AP))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | pRes _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | pCoer g t', EP Y0 Y1
      match otc b rec H (EC1 Y0 Y1) g with
        | OK (Hcheck H' HH' aHH') ⇒
          match otc b rec HH' ET t' with
            | OK (ocheck (JT xt' KStar) jt' _) ⇒
              match otc b rec H (EC2 Y0 Y1 H' xt') g with
                | OK (ocheck (JC Y02 Y12 H'2 xt'2 xt) jg gr) ⇒
                  OK (ocheck _ (!4 aHH' jg gr jt' fun aHH' jg gr jt'
                                JPCoer _ H Y0 Y1 H' HH' xt' xt aHH'
                                       (JPCoer_aux gr jg) jt') (!0 AP))
                | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj g (ExpectedGotJudg (EC2 Y0 Y1 H' xt') j))
                | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
                | Err xErr x
            | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t' (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
            | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | pCoer _ _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | gProp p, EC1 Y0 Y1
      match otc b rec H (EP Y0 Y1) p with
        | OK (ocheck (JP _ _ (PCoer H' _ _)) _ _) ⇒
          match Atc H H' with
            | OK (Acheck HH' aHH') ⇒ OK (Hcheck H' HH' (!0 aHH'))
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj p (ExpectedGotJudg (EP Y0 Y1) j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | gProp p, EC2 Y0 Y1 H' t'
      match otc b rec H (EP Y0 Y1) p with
        | OK (ocheck (JP Y02 Y12 (PCoer xH' xt' xt)) jp gr) ⇒
            match obj_dec xH' H', obj_dec xt' t' with
              | left Heq1, left Heq2
                  OK (ocheck _ (!2 jp gr fun jp grJCProp _ H Y0 Y1 H' t' xt
                               (JCProp_aux Heq2 Heq1 gr jp)) (!0 AC2))
              | _, _Err (String "otc gProp EC2")
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj p (ExpectedGotJudg (EP Y0 Y1) j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | gProp _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | gRefl, EC1 _ _OK (Hcheck HNil H (!0 Happ0 _))
    | gRefl, EC2 Y0 Y1 HNil t
      do_cobj (Obj o) H CTEnv >>= fun cH
      do_cobj (Obj o) Y0 CPEnv >>= fun cY0
      do_cobj (Obj o) Y1 CPEnv >>= fun cY1
      do_cobj (Obj o) t CType >>= fun ct
      OK (ocheck _ (!0 JCRefl _ H Y0 Y1 t cH cY0 cY1 ct) (!0 AC2))
    | gRefl, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    (* | gTrans (g2 : eobj) (g1 : eobj) *)
    (* | gWeak (g : eobj) *)
    (* | gArr (g1 : eobj) (t : eobj) (g2 : eobj) *)
    | gGen k, EC1 Y0 Y1
      match otc b rec H EK k with
        | OK (ocheck (JK k) _ _) ⇒
          OK (Hcheck (HCons HNil k) (HCons H k) (!0 Happ1 k _ _ _ (Happ0 _)))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj k (ExpectedGotJudg EK j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | gGen pk, EC2 Y0 Y1 (HCons HNil k) t
      do_cobj (Obj o) Y0 CPEnv >>= fun cY0
      do_cobj (Obj o) Y1 CPEnv >>= fun cY1
      do_cobj (Obj o) t CType >>= fun ct
      match otc b rec H EK pk with
        | OK (ocheck (JK k') jk _) ⇒
          match obj_dec k' k with
            | left Heq
              OK (ocheck _ (!1 jk fun jkJCGen _ H Y0 Y1 k t cY0 cY1 ct
                           (eq_rect k' (fun xjobj _ _ (JK x)) jk k Heq) xS) (!0 AC2))
            | right _Err Impossible
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj pk (ExpectedGotJudg EK j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | gGen _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | gInst s, EC1 Y0 Y1OK (Hcheck HNil H (!0 Happ0 _))
    | gInst s, EC2 Y0 Y1 HNil (TFor k t) ⇒
      do_cobj (Obj o) Y0 CPEnv >>= fun cY0
      do_cobj (Obj o) Y1 CPEnv >>= fun cY1
      do_cobj (Obj o) t CType >>= fun ct
      match otc b rec H ET s with
        | OK (ocheck (JT xs k') js _) ⇒
          match obj_dec k' k with
            | left Heq
              OK (ocheck _ (!1 js fun jsJCInst _ H Y0 Y1 k t xs cY0 cY1 ct xS
                           (eq_rect k' (fun kjobj _ _ (JT _ k)) js k Heq)) (!0 AC2))
            | right _Err (Obj s (ExpectedGotObj k k'))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj s (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | gInst _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    (* | gTop *)
    (* | gBot (t : eobj) *)
    | wKStar, Ewf
      do_cobj (Obj o) H CTEnv >>= fun cH
      OK (ocheck _ (!0 WKStar _ H cH) (!0 Awf))
    | wKStar, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | wKOne, Ewf
      do_cobj (Obj o) H CTEnv >>= fun cH
      OK (ocheck _ (!0 WKOne _ H cH) (!0 Awf))
    | wKOne, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | wKProd K1 K2, Ewf
      match otc b rec H Ewf K1 with
        | OK (ocheck (Jwf k1 CKind) j1 _) ⇒
          match otc b rec H Ewf K2 with
            | OK (ocheck (Jwf k2 CKind) j2 _) ⇒
              OK (ocheck _ (!2 j1 j2 WKProd _ H k1 k2) (!0 Awf))
            | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj K2 (ExpectedGotJudg Ewf j))
            | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj K1 (ExpectedGotJudg Ewf j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | wKProd _ _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | wKRes K P, Ewf
      match otc b rec H Ewf K with
        | OK (ocheck (Jwf k CKind) jk _) ⇒
          match otc b rec (HCons H k) Ewf P with
            | OK (ocheck (Jwf p CProp) jp _) ⇒
              OK (ocheck _ (!2 jk jp WKRes _ H k p) (!0 Awf))
            | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj P (ExpectedGotJudg Ewf j))
            | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj K (ExpectedGotJudg Ewf j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | wKRes _ _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | wPTrue, Ewf
      do_cobj (Obj o) H CTEnv >>= fun cH
      OK (ocheck _ (!0 WPTrue _ H cH) (!0 Awf))
    | wPTrue, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | wPAnd P1 P2, Ewf
      match otc b rec H Ewf P1 with
        | OK (ocheck (Jwf p1 CProp) j1 _) ⇒
          match otc b rec H Ewf P2 with
            | OK (ocheck (Jwf p2 CProp) j2 _) ⇒
              OK (ocheck _ (!2 j1 j2 WPAnd _ H p1 p2) (!0 Awf))
            | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj P2 (ExpectedGotJudg Ewf j))
            | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj P1 (ExpectedGotJudg Ewf j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | wPAnd _ _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    | wPCoer h t' t, Ewf
      match otc b rec H EH h with
        | OK (ocheck (JH H') jH' _) ⇒
          match otc b rec H ET t with
            | OK (ocheck (JT xt KStar) jt _) ⇒
              match Atc H H' with
                | OK (Acheck HH' aHH') ⇒
                  match otc b rec HH' ET t' with
                    | OK (ocheck (JT xt' KStar) jt' _) ⇒
                      OK (ocheck _ (!3 jH' jt' jt WPCoer _ H H' HH' xt' xt aHH') (!0 Awf))
                    | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t' (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
                    | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
                    | Err xErr x
                | Err xErr x
            | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
            | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj h (ExpectedGotJudg EH j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | wPCoer _ _ _, gErr (Obj o (ExpectedJEnv g))
    (* | wPExi (K : eobj) *)
    (* | wPFor (K : eobj) (P : eobj) *)
    | _, _Err (Obj o Todo)

Definition otcj rec H j o : exn judg :=
  match otc false rec H j o with
    | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ OK j
    | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
    | Err xErr x

Eval compute in (otcj true (HCons HNil KStar) ET (tVar 0)).
Eval compute in (otcj true (HCons HNil KStar) ET (tArr (tVar 0) (tVar 0))).
Eval compute in (otcj true HNil ET (tFor wKStar (tVar 0))).
Eval compute in (otcj true HNil ET tBot).
Eval compute in (otcj true HNil (EC2 YNil YNil HNil TTop) gRefl).
Eval compute in (otcj true HNil (EC2 YNil YNil (HCons HNil KStar) (TVar 0)) (gGen (pExi tTop))).

Lemma JCoer_aux : {H H' xt H'2 xt2 xs rec},
  agree (EC2 YNil YNil H' xt) (JC YNil YNil H'2 xt2 xs) →
  jobj (rec, vP) H (JC YNil YNil H'2 xt2 xs) →
  jobj (rec, vP) H (JC YNil YNil H' xt xs).
inversion H0; clear H0; subst.

Inductive asig b rec H G := acheck : a t, optb (jterm (rec, vP) H G a t) basig b rec H G.
Arguments acheck [b rec H G] _ _ _.

Fixpoint atc z rec H G (a : eterm) : exn (asig z rec H G) :=
  match a with
    | eVar x
      match (get_cobj G, get_Gnth G x) with
        | (Some (existT CAEnv cG), Some (existT t nGxt))
           OK (acheck (Var x) t (!0 JVar _ H G x t cG xS nGxt))
        | _Err (Term a Impossible)
    | eLam t a
      match otc z rec H ET t with
        | OK (ocheck (JT xt KStar) jt _) ⇒
          match atc z rec H (GCons G xt) a with
            | OK (acheck xa xs ja) ⇒
              OK (acheck (Lam xa) (TArr xt xs) (!2 jt ja JLam _ H G xa xt xs xS))
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck (JT _ k) _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotObj KStar k))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | eApp a b
      match atc z rec H G a with
        | OK (acheck xa (TArr xt xs) ja) ⇒
          match atc z rec H G b with
            | OK (acheck xb xt' jb) ⇒
              match obj_dec xt' xt with
                | left Heq
                  OK (acheck (App xa xb) xs (!2 ja jb fun ja jb
                             JApp _ H G xa xb xt xs xS xS ja (eq_rect xt' _ jb xt Heq)))
                | right _Err (Term b (GotTermType xb xt'))
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (acheck ra rt _) ⇒ Err (Term a (GotTermType ra rt))
        | Err xErr x
    | eInl a s
      match otc z rec H ET s with
        | OK (ocheck (JT xs KStar) js _) ⇒
          match atc z rec H G a with
            | OK (acheck xa xt ja) ⇒
              OK (acheck (Inl xa) (TSum xt xs) (!2 js ja JInl _ H G xa xt xs xS))
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck (JT _ k) _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj s (ExpectedGotObj KStar k))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj s (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | eInr t a
      match otc z rec H ET t with
        | OK (ocheck (JT xt KStar) jt _) ⇒
          match atc z rec H G a with
            | OK (acheck xa xs ja) ⇒
              OK (acheck (Inr xa) (TSum xt xs) (!2 jt ja fun jtJInr _ H G xa xt xs jt xS))
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck (JT _ k) _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotObj KStar k))
        | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj t (ExpectedGotJudg ET j))
        | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | eCoer g a
      match otc z rec H (EC1 YNil YNil) g with
        | OK (Hcheck H' HH' aHH') ⇒
          match atc z rec HH' (lift (Hlength H') 0 G) a with
            | OK (acheck xa xt ja) ⇒
              match otc z rec H (EC2 YNil YNil H' xt) g with
                | OK (ocheck (JC YNil YNil H'2 xt2 xs) jg gr) ⇒
                  OK (acheck xa xs (!4 aHH' ja jg gr fun aHH' ja jg gr
                        JCoer _ H H' HH' G xa xt xs aHH' xS xS ja (JCoer_aux gr jg)))
                | OK (ocheck j _ _) ⇒ Err (Obj g (ExpectedGotJudg (EC2 YNil YNil H' xt) j))
                | OK (Hcheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
                | Err xErr x
            | Err xErr x
        | OK (ocheck _ _ _) ⇒ Err Impossible
        | Err xErr x
    | _Err (Term a Todo)

Definition atcj b H G a : exn (term × type) :=
  match atc false b H G a with
    | OK (acheck ra rt _) ⇒ OK (ra, rt)
    | Err xErr x

Eval compute in (atcj true HNil GNil (eVar 0)).
Eval compute in (atcj true (HCons HNil KStar) GNil (eLam (tVar 0) (eVar 0))).
Eval compute in (atcj true (HCons HNil KStar) GNil
                      (eLam (tArr (tVar 0) (tVar 0)) (eLam (tVar 0) (eApp (eVar 1) (eVar 0))))).
Eval compute in (atcj true HNil GNil
  (eCoer (gGen (pExi tTop)) (eLam (tVar 0) (eVar 0)))).
Eval compute in (atcj true HNil GNil
  (eCoer (gInst tBot) (eCoer (gGen (pExi tTop)) (eLam (tVar 0) (eVar 0))))).