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Presentation of the formalization

General notice

Some generated links do not point to the right place because of ambiguities: several files define the same name. A typical example is term which is defined in both Flanguage_v and Llanguage_v. The documentation does not assume these links to be correct, but still uses the syntax to enhance these names.
The links of the form <name>_v are unique and thus well-defined. They point to an empty inductive at the beginning of the file named <name>.v.

Quick pointers

A list of the files used in the formalization:

Excerpt from the manuscript

This formalization has been developed with Coq version 8.4pl2. It can be found online at There is a Makefile, so it suffices to run make to compile the Coq files or make html to also build the html version.
The formalization merges ideas from strong normalization proofs of System F and step-indexed techniques. The strong normalization proof techniques is initially inspired from A formalization of strong normalization for simply-typed lambda-calculus and system F but adapted for soundness proofs and step-indices. The step-indexed techniques are inspired from An indexed model of recursive types for foundational proof-carrying code but modified for strong reduction.
The main differences between the version of System Fcc presented in this chapter and its formalization in Coq are the use of de Bruijn indices and the parametrization of the type system. Using de Bruijn indices makes it a lot easier and cleaner to deal with binders. The parametrization is necessary to state the results and for the induction to go well.
We will now give a small glimpse of the Coq code for the reader to find its way through the files, definitions, and lemma. Files prefixed with the capital letter F refer to the indexed calculus: this letter stands for fuel. Files prefixed with the capital letter L refer to the lambda calculus. Files without a prefix letter are more general, like typesystem_v which factorizes the type systems for both the indexed calculus and the lambda calculus. We describe the files in dependency order.
We first have a few independent files. The file ext_v defines the extensionality axioms we use. Propositional and functional extensionality are the only axioms used. The other extensionality rules are lemmas. The file set_v defines a type for potentially infinite sets as predicates in Prop. The file minmax_v defines the tactic minmax to deal with indices. The file list_v defines useful lemmas about lists, which we use for environments and mappings.
Finally, the file mxx_v defines the parametrization of the type system using a value of type Mode, which is the pair of a boolean and a version. The boolean tells whether we allow recursive types or not. The soundness proof does not constrain this boolean while the normalization proof requires the boolean to be false. The version is defined by the inductive Version and contains three possible values: vP, vF, and vS. This manuscript corresponds to the vP version, which is the natural presentation. The vF version contains additional premises that are redundant by extraction but necessary for the soundness induction. Finally, the vS version removes some premises from the vF version which are required for extraction but not for soundness. The proof of soundness is thus done in the vS version. We define two helpers to tell whether a premise is required for extraction with mE or for soundness with mS. Finally, the mR helper tells which rules are about recursive types.
We can now define the indexed calculus in file Flanguage_v. We define the inductive term for terms. All constructors of this inductive are prefixed with a nat representing the index of the node. We then define a few functions to traverse terms, from which we define lifting of index predicates to term, and the lift and subst functions for de Bruijn lifting and substitution. We then define the reduction relation in the inductive red. We finally define errors in Err and valid terms V. What follows is a list of lemmas about lifting, substitutions, lowering, and other functions over indices.
We prove the strong normalization of the pure indexed calculus in file Fnormalization_v. This file is quite simple to follow: we define a measure, prove that it strictly decreases with reduction in red_measure, and finally prove that reduction is well founded in wf_der.
We can now define a semantics for this indexed calculus in file Fsemantics_v. We define the notion of interior in Dec, the notion of contraction in Red, and the notion of expansion in Exp. Using expansion, we can define the set of sound terms OK. We define pretypes in C and types in CE. We define the closure of a set in Cl, in order to define the arrow operator EArr, product operator EProd, and incoherent abstraction operator EPi. We show that these operators preserve types in CE_EArr, CE_EProd, and CE_EPi. We also define erasable types such as the coherent polymorphic type EFor, the top type ETop, the bottom type EBot, or recursive types EMu. We then define the notions we need to show that recursive types are equal to their unfolding. And we finally define the semantic judgment EJudg and the semantic typing rules of the STLC, such as ELam_sem. We also define a subtyping rule ECoer_sem and a distributivity rule Edistrib which will be used together to prove rule JCoer.
Once that the indexed calculus is defined, we may define the lambda calculus and the functions to go back and forth between them in file Llanguage_v. The structure of this file is similar to Flanguage_v with the difference that it now contains a drop and kfill function to translate terms from one language to the other. It also contains the key lemma drop_red_exists for the bisimulation between the reduction relation of both languages.
Independently from the indexed calculus and the lambda calculus, we can define the type part of System Fcc: everything but the term judgment. This is done in typesystem_v and is actually shared by both Ftypesystem_v and Ltypesystem_v, which define the term judgment for the indexed type system and lambda type system respectively. The last two files are exactly the same up to indices. All the syntax is gathered is a single Coq inductive, namely obj. This simplifies a lot the treatment of operations on the syntax, such as lifting or substitution, which are defined only once. In order to keep track of syntactical classes, we define a judgment cobj to classify each object in its grammatical class. In the paper version, we naturally assume that everything is syntactically well-formed, while we have to state it explicitly in Coq.
We prove the weakening, substitution, and extraction lemmas in typesystemextra_v. This file also contains the proof that the vP and vF version are equivalent and that the vS version is a consequence. This explains why the properties of the vS version also hold for the vP version.
The proof that each judgment of the indexed type system is sound lies in Fsoundness_v. We start by defining a notion of semantic objects sobj. A semantic object is either a set of indexed terms, the unit object, or a pair of objects. We then define the signature of the interpretation of each syntactical class in sem. Kinds are interpreted as sets of semantic objects, types as semantic objects, propositions as indexed propositions, type environments as sets of semantic environments (lists of semantics objects because we use de Bruijn indices), coinduction environments as indexed propositions, and finally term environments as semantic term environments (lists of semantic types, when the syntactical environment is valid). All these interpretation are parametrized by an surrounding semantic environment. We define the interpretation function semobj as a binary relation, but we show in semobj_eq that it behaves as a function. We then prove semantic lifting and substitution properties. And we finally prove the soundness of each judgment. The soundness of jfoo is proved in jfoo_sound.
We finally lift this soundness proof from the indexed type system to the lambda type system in Lsoundness_v. We first define when a term a is sound for a least k steps in OKstep and when it is sound for all number of steps in OK by coinduction. We prove that these two notions coincide. We then show how to transpose soundness from the indexed calculus to the lambda calculus in term_ge_OK. We prove that both type systems coincide and finally prove the soundness of System Fcc in soundness.
The Coq files Lsemantics_v and Lnormalization_v are similar to the files Fsemantics_v, Fsoundness_v, and Lsoundness_v but deal with the strong normalization result instead of the soundness result.

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