Library Fsemantics

Require Import Omega.
Require Import Min.
Require Import List.

Require Import ext.
Require Import set.
Require Import minmax.
Require Import Flanguage.
Require Import Fnormalization.

Inductive Fsemantics_v := .

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Semantics of the Indexed Calculus

Definition of types

Set properties

We define the interior of a set of terms R as the set of terms smaller than a term in R.
Definition Dec (R : set) : set := fun b a, R a le_term b a.
Hint Unfold Dec.

We define the contraction of a set of terms R as the set of direct reducts of a term of R.
Definition Red (R : set) : set := fun b a, R a red a b.
Hint Unfold Red.

We define the expansion of a set of terms R with respect to the property P, the set of terms satisfying P and for which all their direct reducts are in R.
Definition Exp (P : set) (R : set) : set := fun aP a b, red a bR b.
Hint Unfold Exp.

Definition ExpFix (P : set) (a : term) (R : b, red a bProp) : Prop :=
  P a b (H : red a b), R b H.

Neutral and valid terms are stable by interior, while head normal forms are stable by both interior and contraction.
Lemma DecN : Inc (Dec N) N.
intros b [a [Na ba]].
destruct b; destruct a; simpl in ba; try (exfalso; exact ba); try exact I; inversion Na.

Lemma DecCN : Inc (Dec CN) CN.
intros b [a [CNa ba]].
destruct b; destruct a; simpl in ba; try (exfalso; exact ba); try exact I; inversion CNa.

Lemma RedCN : Inc (Red CN) CN.
Proof. intros b [a [CNa Hred]]. apply CN_red with a; auto. Qed.

Definition DecV : Inc (Dec V) V.
intros b [a [Va ba]] Eb; apply Va; clear Va; generalize a ba Eb; clear a ba Eb.
induction b; intros a ba Eb; destruct_binary a ba; inversion Eb;
try match goal with
  | H : fill ?c _ _ = _ |- _destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H
end; subst.
(* 20: CtxLam *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxLam); auto.
(* 19: CtxApp1 *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxApp1 a2); auto.
(* 18: CtxApp2 *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxApp2 a1); auto.
(* 17: App *)
  apply ErrApp.
  apply CN_le_term with b1; auto.
  apply NotArr_le_term with b1; auto.
(* 16: CtxPair1 *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxPair1 a2); auto.
(* 15: CtxPair2 *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxPair2 a1); auto.
(* 14: CtxFst *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxFst); auto.
(* 13: Fst *)
  apply ErrFst.
  apply CN_le_term with b; auto.
  apply NotProd_le_term with b; auto.
(* 12: CtxSnd *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxSnd); auto.
(* 11: Snd *)
  apply ErrSnd.
  apply CN_le_term with b; auto.
  apply NotProd_le_term with b; auto.
(* 10: CtxAbsurd *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxAbsurd); auto.
(* 9: Absurd *)
  apply ErrAbsurd.
  apply CN_le_term with b; auto.
(* 8: CtxInl *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxInl); auto.
(* 7: CtxInr *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxInr); auto.
(* 6: CtxMatch1 *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxMatch1 a2 a3); auto.
(* 5: CtxMatch2 *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxMatch2 a1 a3); auto.
(* 4: CtxMatch3 *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxMatch3 a1 a2); auto.
(* 3: Match *)
  apply ErrMatch.
  apply CN_le_term with b1; auto.
  apply NotSum_le_term with b1; auto.
(* 2: CtxInst *)
  apply ErrCtx with (c := CtxInst); auto.
(* 1: Inst *)
  apply ErrInst.
  apply CN_le_term with b; auto.
  apply NotPi_le_term with b; auto.

Lemma DecNV : Inc (Dec NV) NV.
intros b [a [[Na Va] ba]].
split; [apply DecN|apply DecV]; a; auto.

Sound terms

We say that a term is sound if all its reduction paths lead to a valid term. Said otherwise, we coinductively define the set of sound terms as the set of terms equal to its expansion with respect to valid terms.
Definition OK : set := Fix _ (ExpFix V).

Lemma OK_def : OK = Exp V OK.
apply extEq; split; intros a Ha.
(* -> *)
  unfold OK, Fix in Ha.
  rewrite Init.Wf.Fix_eq in Ha; [exact Ha|intros].
  apply functional_extensionality_dep; intros.
  apply functional_extensionality_dep; intros.
  apply H.
(* <- *)
  unfold OK, Fix.
  rewrite Init.Wf.Fix_eq; [exact Ha|intros].
  apply functional_extensionality_dep; intros.
  apply functional_extensionality_dep; intros.
  apply H.

Lemma fold_OK : a, Exp V OK aOK a.
Proof. intros; rewrite OK_def; auto. Qed.

Lemma unfold_OK : a, OK aExp V OK a.
Proof. intros; rewrite <- OK_def; auto. Qed.

The closure operator

We define the closure of a set R, the closure of R by expansion with respect to valid neutral terms.
Definition Cl (R : set) : set := Fix _ (fun a ClRR a ExpFix NV a ClR).

Lemma Cl_def : R, Cl R = Union R (Exp NV (Cl R)).
intros R; apply extEq; split; intros a Ha.
(* -> *)
  unfold Cl, Fix in Ha.
  rewrite Init.Wf.Fix_eq in Ha; [exact Ha|intros].
  repeat f_equal.
  apply functional_extensionality_dep; intros.
  apply functional_extensionality_dep; intros.
  apply H.
(* <- *)
  unfold Cl, Fix.
  rewrite Init.Wf.Fix_eq; [exact Ha|intros].
  repeat f_equal.
  apply functional_extensionality_dep; intros.
  apply functional_extensionality_dep; intros.
  apply H.

Lemma fold_Cl : R a, (R a Exp NV (Cl R) a) → Cl R a.
Proof. intros; rewrite Cl_def; auto. Qed.

Lemma unfold_Cl : R a, Cl R a → (R a Exp NV (Cl R) a).
Proof. intros; rewrite Cl_def in H; auto. Qed.

Lemma Cl_monotone : (R S : set), ( a, R aS a) → a, Cl R aCl S a.
intros R S RS a.
induction_red a; rewrite Cl_def; intros [Ha|[NVa Expa]]; rewrite Cl_def; [left|right]; auto.

Pretype and types

We define predicates for sets of sound terms or sets stable by interior, contraction, or expansion with respect to valid neutral terms.
Definition Pok R := Inc R OK.
Definition Pdec R := Inc (Dec R) R.
Definition Pred R := Inc (Red R) R.
Definition Pexp R := Inc (Exp NV R) R.
Hint Unfold Pok Pdec Pred Pexp.

We define C the set of pretypes, which are sets of sound terms stable by interior and contraction. We define CE the set of types, which are pretypes stable by expansion (with respect to valid neutral terms). These two notions are very close to the notion of reducibility candidates, which is why we write them C and CE.
Record C (R : set) : Prop := C_ {
  Cok : Pok R ;
  Cdec : Pdec R ;
  Cred : Pred R }.
Arguments Cok [R] _ _ _.
Arguments Cdec [R] _ _ _.
Arguments Cred [R] _ _ _.

Record CE (R : set) : Prop := CE_ {
  CEok : Pok R ;
  CEdec : Pdec R ;
  CEred : Pred R ;
  CEexp : Pexp R }.
Arguments CEok [R] _ _ _.
Arguments CEdec [R] _ _ _.
Arguments CEred [R] _ _ _.
Arguments CEexp [R] _ _ _.

Lemma CE_CPexp : R, Pexp RC RCE R.
intros R PR CR; apply CE_.
apply (Cok CR).
apply (Cdec CR).
apply (Cred CR).
apply PR.

Lemma C_CE : {R}, CE RC R.
Proof. intros ? [? ? ? ?]; apply C_; auto. Qed.


We can show that the set of sound terms is a type.
Lemma Pdec_OK : Pdec OK.
intros b; intros [a [OKa ba]].
generalize b OKa ba; clear b OKa ba; induction_red a; intros b OKa ba.
rewrite OK_def in OKa; rewrite OK_def.
destruct OKa as [Va Expa].
split; [apply DecV; a; auto|intros b' redb].
destruct (le_term_red _ _ _ ba redb) as [a' [? ?]].
apply IHa with (b := a'); auto.

Lemma Pred_OK : Pred OK.
intros b [a [OKa Hred]].
rewrite OK_def in OKa.
destruct OKa as [_ Expa].
apply Expa; auto.

Lemma Pexp_OK : Pexp OK.
Proof. intros a [[Na Va] Expa]; rewrite OK_def; auto. Qed.

Lemma C_OK : C OK.
apply C_.
- intros a OKa; exact OKa.
- apply Pdec_OK.
- apply Pred_OK.

The closure operator preserves the pretype property and adds by definition the expansion property. As a consequence, the closure of a pretype is a type.
Lemma OKV : a, OK aV a.
Proof. intros a OKa; rewrite OK_def in OKa; destruct OKa; assumption. Qed.

Lemma Cv : {R a}, Pok RR aV a.
Proof. intros R a CR Ra; apply OKV; apply CR; assumption. Qed.

Lemma Pexp_Cl : R, Pexp (Cl R).
Proof. intros R a Ha; rewrite Cl_def; right; exact Ha. Qed.

Lemma C_Cl : {R}, C RC (Cl R).
intros R CR; apply C_.
(* 3: Cok *)
  intros a; induction_red a.
  intros Cla; rewrite Cl_def in Cla.
  destruct Cla as [Pa|[[Na Va] Expa]].
  (* 4: Pa *) apply (Cok CR); exact Pa.
  (* 3: Expa *)
    rewrite OK_def.
    split; [exact Va|intros b Hred].
    apply IHa; [|apply Expa]; assumption.
(* 2: Cdec *)
  intros b; induction_red b. intros [a [Cla ba]].
  rewrite Cl_def in Cla; rewrite Cl_def.
  destruct Cla as [Pa|[NVa Expa]]; [left|right].
  (* 3: Pb *)
    apply (Cdec CR); a; split; assumption.
  (* 2: Expb *)
    split; [apply DecNV; a; split; assumption|].
    intros; apply IHb; try assumption.
    destruct (le_term_red _ _ _ ba H) as [a0 [? ?]].
     a0; auto.
(* 1: Cred *)
  intros b [a [Cla Hred]]; rewrite Cl_def in Cla.
  destruct Cla as [Pa|[[Na Va] Expa]]; auto.
  rewrite Cl_def; left; apply (Cred CR); a; auto.

Lemma CE_Cl : {R}, C RCE (Cl R).
intros R CR.
pose proof (C_Cl CR) as [? ? ?].
apply CE_; auto.
apply Pexp_Cl.

The closure operator is also idempotent on types.
Lemma destruct_Cl_CN : R a, CN aCl R aR a.
intros R a CNa Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha as [Ha|[[Na _] _]]; auto.
exfalso; apply (CN_N a); auto.

Lemma split_Cl : (R : set) a, (CN aR a) → (N aExp NV (Cl R) a) → Cl R a.
Proof. intros R a H1 H2; destruct (N_dec a); apply fold_Cl; [left|right]; auto. Qed.

Lemma Cl_CE : R, CE RCl R = R.
intros R CR; apply extEq; split; intros a Ha; [|rewrite Cl_def; left; auto].
generalize Ha; clear Ha; induction_red a; intros Ha.
destruct (N_dec a); [apply destruct_Cl_CN; auto|].
apply (CEexp CR).
repeat split; auto; [apply (Cv (Cok (C_Cl (C_CE CR)))); auto|].
intros b Hred.
apply IHa; auto.
apply (Cred (C_Cl (C_CE CR))).
a; auto.

The arrow and product operators

We define the arrow pretype operator PArr R S from type R to type S as the set of sound term abstractions satisfying a substitution property directly related to the reduction rule of the arrow type. If the term abstraction Lam k a has no fuel, then it is in all arrow types. If it has some strictly positive fuel k, then we consider k - 1 to be the current level of observation. For all argument b in R, the substitution subst b 0 a has to be in S. Because we only observe at level k - 1, we lower the term before checking membership. This explains why the arrow (pre)type operator is well-founded (Lemma WF_PArr): level k only looks at level k - 1.
We then define the arrow type operator EArr as the closure of its pretype version.
Definition PArr (R S : set) : set := fun lam
   k a, lam = Lam k a OK a
  (k > 0 → b, R (lower (k - 1) b) → S (lower (k - 1) (subst b 0 a))).
Definition EArr (R S : set) : set := Cl (PArr R S).
Hint Unfold PArr EArr.

We similarly define the product pretype operator PProd R S of types R and S as the set of sound pairs satisfying a projection property directly related to the reduction rules of the product type. If a pair Pair k a b has no fuel, then it is in all product types. If it has some strictly positive fuel k, then we consider k - 1 to be the current level of observation and each component (or projection of the pair) has to be in the correct type.
We then define the product type operator EProd as the closure of its pretype version.
Definition POne : set := fun unit k, unit = Unit k.
Definition EOne : set := Cl POne.
Hint Unfold POne EOne.

Definition PProd (R S : set) : set := fun pair
   k a b, pair = Pair k a b (OK a OK b)
  (k > 0 → (R (lower (k - 1) a) S (lower (k - 1) b))).
Definition EProd (R S : set) : set := Cl (PProd R S).
Hint Unfold PProd EProd.

Definition PVoid : set := fun voidFalse.
Definition EVoid : set := Cl PVoid.
Hint Unfold PVoid EVoid.

Definition PSum (R S : set) : set := fun sum
   k a, ((sum = Inl k a OK a (k > 0 → (R (lower (k - 1) a))))
             (sum = Inr k a OK a (k > 0 → (S (lower (k - 1) a))))).
Definition ESum (R S : set) : set := Cl (PSum R S).
Hint Unfold PSum ESum.

In order to show that the arrow and product operators preserve pretypes and types, we show a few lemmas. Variables are sound and in all sets stable by expansion. Term abstractions and pairs are sound, if their components are sound.
Lemma OK_Var : k n, OK (Var k n).
intros k n; rewrite OK_def.
split; [apply V_Var|].
intros b Hred; inversion Hred.
destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H.

Lemma R_Var : {R k n}, Pexp RR (Var k n).
intros R k n CR; apply CR.
split; [apply NV_Var|].
intros b Hred; inversion Hred.
destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H.

Lemma OK_Unit : {k}, OK (Unit k).
intros k.
rewrite OK_def.
split; [apply V_Unit|].
intros b Hred; inversion Hred.
destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst.

Lemma OK_Lam : {k a}, OK aOK (Lam k a).
intros k a; induction_red a.
rewrite OK_def; intros [Va Expa].
split; [apply V_Lam; exact Va|].
intros b Hred; inversion Hred.
destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst.
apply Pdec_OK.
(Lam (S k0) a'); split; [apply IHa; auto|].
simpl; split; auto.
apply binary_fuel_refl; auto.

Lemma OK_Pair : {k a b}, OK aOK bOK (Pair k a b).
intros k a; induction_red a; intros b; induction_red b.
intros OKa OKb; generalize OKa OKb; rewrite OK_def; intros [Va Expa] [Vb Expb].
split; [apply V_Pair; assumption|].
intros b0 Hred; inversion Hred.
destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst;
apply Pdec_OK;
repeat (match goal with
  | |- Dec OK (Pair ?k ?a ?b) ⇒ (Pair (S k) a b)
  | |- _ _split
  | |- OK (Pair _ _ _) ⇒ first [apply IHa|apply IHb]
  | |- le_term _ _simpl; split; [|split]
  | |- le_term ?x ?xapply binary_fuel_refl
end; auto).

Lemma OK_Inl : {k a}, OK aOK (Inl k a).
intros k a; induction_red a.
rewrite OK_def; intros [Va Expa].
split; [apply V_Inl; exact Va|].
intros b Hred; inversion Hred.
destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst.
apply Pdec_OK.
(Inl (S k0) a'); split; [apply IHa; auto|].
simpl; split; auto.
apply binary_fuel_refl; auto.

Lemma OK_Inr : {k a}, OK aOK (Inr k a).
intros k a; induction_red a.
rewrite OK_def; intros [Va Expa].
split; [apply V_Inr; exact Va|].
intros b Hred; inversion Hred.
destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst.
apply Pdec_OK.
(Inr (S k0) a'); split; [apply IHa; auto|].
simpl; split; auto.
apply binary_fuel_refl; auto.

Lemma R_lower : R a k, Pdec RR aR (lower k a).
intros R a k CR Ra.
apply CR.
a; split; auto.
apply le_term_lower_trivial.

We also show that term soundness does not look at the actual names of free variables. Free variables are just inert objects.
Lemma OK_subst_Var : a i x, OK (subst (Var 0 x) i a) → OK a.
intros a; induction_red a; intros i x OKa.
apply fold_OK.
pose proof (unfold_OK _ OKa) as [Va Expa].
split; [apply V_subst_N with (b := Var 0 x) (i := i); simpl; auto|].
intros b Hred; eapply IHa; [assumption|].
apply Expa; apply red_subst; assumption.

The arrow pretype operator preserves pretypes.
Lemma C_PArr : R {S}, C SC (PArr R S).
intros R S CS.
apply C_.
(* 3: Cok *)
  intros lam [k [a [Heq [Hok Hsub]]]]; subst.
  apply OK_Lam; auto.
(* 2: Cdec *)
  intros a' [lam [[k [a [Heq [Hok Hsub]]]] lea]]; subst.
  destruct_binary a' lea.
  rename k0 into k'; k'; a'; split; [reflexivity|split].
  (* 3: Hok *)
    apply Pdec_OK; a; auto.
  (* 2: Hsub *)
    intros Hk' b Rb.
    rewrite lower_subst; rewrite <- subst_lower; rewrite <- lower_subst.
    apply (Cdec CS); (lower (k - 1) (subst (lower (k' - 1) b) 0 a)).
    split; [apply Hsub; [omega|]|].
    (* 3 *)
      rewrite lower_lower.
      rewrite Min.min_l; auto; omega.
    (* 2 *)
      apply le_term_lower; [omega|].
      apply le_term_subst; [apply binary_fuel_refl|]; auto.
(* 1: Cred *)
  intros a' [lam [[k [a [Heq [Hok Hsub]]]] Hred]]; subst.
  inversion Hred.
  destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst;
  rename a'0 into a', k0 into k.
   k; a'; split; [reflexivity|split].
  (* 2: Hok *)
    apply Pred_OK; a; auto.
  (* 1: Hsub *)
    intros Hk b Rb.
    rewrite lower_subst; rewrite <- subst_lower; rewrite <- lower_subst.
    destruct k; [inversion Hk|clear Hk]; simpl in ×.
    pose proof (red_subst _ _ (lower k b) H0 0).
    pose proof (red_lower _ _ k H) as [? [? ?]].
    rewrite <- minus_n_O in ×.
    apply (Cdec CS).
     x; split; auto.
    apply (Cred CS).
    eexists; split; [|eassumption].
    apply Hsub; [omega|].
    rewrite lower_lower.
    rewrite Min.min_l; auto; omega.

The arrow operator builds a type if its return set is a pretype.
Lemma CE_EArr : R {S}, C SCE (EArr R S).
intros; apply CE_Cl.
apply C_PArr; auto.

This result is not necessary for the proof of soundness, but we discuss it in the manuscript.
Lemma Push_right_Arr : R' S' R S, C S'Pexp RInc (EArr R' S') (EArr R S) → Inc S' S.
intros R' S' R S CS' CR Hinc a S'a.
destruct (term_le_exists a) as [k ak].
remember (Lam (1 + k) (shift 0 a)) as a'.
assert (EArr R S a').
(* 2 *)
- apply Hinc.
  subst; apply fold_Cl; left.
   (1 + k), (shift 0 a); repeat split; auto.
  (* +1: ok *)
    apply OK_subst_Var with 0 0.
    unfold shift; rewrite subst_lift_0.
    apply (Cok CS'); auto.
  (* +0 *)
  simpl; intros Hk b Rb; rewrite <- minus_n_O in ×.
  unfold shift; rewrite subst_lift_0.
  apply (Cdec CS'); a; repeat split; auto.
  apply le_term_lower_trivial.
(* 1 *)
- subst.
  unfold EArr in H; apply destruct_Cl_CN in H; simpl; auto.
  destruct H as [? [? [Heq [Hok Hsub]]]]; inversion Heq; clear Heq; subst.
  simpl in *; rewrite <- minus_n_O in ×.
  rewrite (term_le_lower a k); auto.
  unfold shift in Hsub; rewrite <- (subst_lift_0 a (Var 0 0)).
  apply Hsub; try omega.
  apply R_Var.
  apply CR.

The one pretype operator is a type.
Lemma C_POne : C POne.
apply C_.
(* Cok *)
  intros a [k ?]; subst; apply OK_Unit.
(* Cdec *)
  intros a [one [[k ?] lea]]; subst.
  destruct_binary a lea.
   k0; reflexivity.
(* Cred *)
  intros a [one [[k ?] Hred]]; subst.
  inversion Hred.
  destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H.

Lemma CE_EOne : CE EOne.
intros; apply CE_Cl.
apply C_POne; auto.

The product pretype operator preserves prettypes.
Lemma C_PProd : {R S}, C RC SC (PProd R S).
intros R S CR CS.
apply C_.
(* 3: Cok *)
  intros pair [k [a [b [Heq [[Hoka Hokb] Hproj]]]]]; subst.
  apply OK_Pair; auto.
(* 2: Cdec *)
  intros a' [pair [[k [a [b [Heq [[Hoka Hokb] Hproj]]]]] lea]]; subst.
  destruct_binary a' lea.
  rename k0 into k', a'1 into a', a'2 into b'; k'; a'; b';
  split; [reflexivity|split].
  (* 3: Hok *) split; apply Pdec_OK; [ a| b]; split; auto.
  (* 2: Hsub *)
    intros Hk'; assert (k > 0) as Hk by omega; destruct (Hproj Hk).
    split; [apply (Cdec CR); (lower (k - 1) a)|apply (Cdec CS); (lower (k - 1) b)];
    split; auto; apply le_term_lower; first [omega|auto].
(* 1: Cred *)
  intros a' [pair [[k [a [b [Heq [[Hoka Hokb] Hproj]]]]] Hred]]; subst.
  inversion Hred.
  destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst;
  [rename a'0 into a'|rename a'0 into b']; rename k0 into k;
   k; [ a'; b| a; b']; (split; [reflexivity|split]).
  (* CtxPair1 *)
    (* 4: Hok *)
      split; auto; apply Pred_OK; a; split; auto.
    (* 3: Hsub *)
      intros Hk; assert (1 + k > 0) as Hk' by omega; destruct (Hproj Hk').
      destruct k; [inversion Hk|clear Hk]; simpl in *; rewrite <- minus_n_O.
      split; [apply (Cdec CR)|apply (Cdec CS)].
      (* 4: R *)
        pose proof (red_lower _ _ k H0) as [? [? ?]].
         x; split; auto.
        apply (Cred CR); eexists; eauto.
      (* 3: S *)
         (lower (1 + k) b); split; auto.
        apply le_term_lower; auto.
        apply binary_fuel_refl; auto.
  (* CtxPair2 *)
    (* 2: Hok *)
      split; auto; apply Pred_OK; b; split; auto.
    (* 1: Hsub *)
      intros Hk; assert (1 + k > 0) as Hk' by omega; destruct (Hproj Hk').
      destruct k; [inversion Hk|clear Hk]; simpl in *; rewrite <- minus_n_O.
      split; [apply (Cdec CR)|apply (Cdec CS)].
      (* 2: R *)
         (lower (1 + k) a); split; auto.
        apply le_term_lower; auto.
        apply binary_fuel_refl; auto.
      (* 1: S *)
        pose proof (red_lower _ _ k H0) as [? [? ?]].
         x; split; auto.
        apply (Cred CS); eexists; eauto.

The product operator builds a type if its arguments are types.
Lemma CE_EProd : {R S}, C RC SCE (EProd R S).
intros; apply CE_Cl.
apply C_PProd; auto.

The void pretype operator is a type.
Lemma C_PVoid : C PVoid.
apply C_.
(* Cok *)
  intros a Ha; destruct Ha.
(* Cdec *)
  intros a [void [Hvoid lea]]; destruct Hvoid.
(* Cred *)
  intros a [void [Hvoid Hred]]; destruct Hvoid.

Lemma CE_EVoid : CE EVoid.
intros; apply CE_Cl.
apply C_PVoid; auto.

The sum pretype operator preserves prettypes.
Lemma C_PSum : {R S}, C RC SC (PSum R S).
intros R S CR CS.
apply C_.
(* 3: Cok *)
  intros sum [k [a [[Heq [Hok Hin]]|[Heq [Hok Hin]]]]]; subst.
  apply OK_Inl; auto.
  apply OK_Inr; auto.
(* 2: Cdec *)
  intros a' [sum [[k [a [[Heq [Hok Hin]]|[Heq [Hok Hin]]]]] lea]]; subst;
  destruct_binary a' lea; rename k0 into k'; k'; a'; [left|right];
  (split; [reflexivity|split; [apply Pdec_OK; a; auto|]]);
  intros Hk'; assert (k > 0) as Hk by omega;
  [apply (Cdec CR)|apply (Cdec CS)]; (lower (k - 1) a);
  split; auto; apply le_term_lower; first [omega|auto].
(* 1: Cred *)
  intros a' [sum [[k [a [[Heq [Hok Hin]]|[Heq [Hok Hin]]]]] Hred]]; subst;
  inversion Hred; destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst;
  rename a'0 into a'; rename k0 into k; k; a'; [left|right];
  (split; [reflexivity|split; [apply Pred_OK; a; auto|]]);
  intros Hk; assert (1 + k > 0) as Hk' by omega;
  (destruct k; [inversion Hk|clear Hk]); simpl in *; rewrite <- minus_n_O;
  [apply (Cdec CR)|apply (Cdec CS)]; pose proof (red_lower _ _ k H0) as [? [? ?]];
   x; split; auto; [apply (Cred CR)|apply (Cred CS)]; eexists; eauto.

The sum operator builds a type if its arguments are types.
Lemma CE_ESum : {R S}, C RC SCE (ESum R S).
intros; apply CE_Cl.
apply C_PSum; auto.

The forall operator

We define For I cond func as the intersection of a family of sets func indexed with the Coq elements of I satisfying the condition cond. The forall operator EFor I cond func is then the set of sound terms in the intersection For I cond func.
The forall operator preserves the property P, written EFor_preserve P, if given that for all valid indices i H the indexed set func i H satisfies the property P, the forall type EFor I cond func satisfies the property P too.
Definition For I (cond : IProp) (func : i, cond iset) : set := fun a
   i H, func i H a.
Definition EFor I (cond : IProp) (func : i, cond iset) : set := fun a
  OK a For I cond func a.
Definition EFor_preserve P := Ix cond func,
  ( i H, P (func i H)) → P (EFor Ix cond func).
Hint Unfold For EFor EFor_preserve.

The forall operator preserves pretypes.
Lemma C_EFor : EFor_preserve C.
intros Ix cond func Hfor; apply C_.
(* Cok *)
  intros a [OKa Ha]; exact OKa.
(* Cdec *)
  intros b [a [[OKa Ha] ba]].
  split; [apply Pdec_OK; a; auto|].
  intros i ci.
  apply (Cdec (Hfor i ci)).
   a; auto.
(* Cred *)
  intros b [a [[OKa Ha] Hred]].
  split; [apply Pred_OK; a; auto|].
  intros i ci.
  apply (Cred (Hfor i ci)); a; auto.

The forall operator preserves stability by expansion.
Lemma Pexp_EFor : EFor_preserve Pexp.
intros Ix cond func Hfor a [NVa Expa].
- apply Pexp_OK.
  split; auto.
  intros b Hred; apply (Expa b Hred).
- intros i ci.
  apply (Hfor i ci).
  split; auto.
  intros b Hred.
  apply (Expa b Hred).

The forall operator preserves types.
Lemma CE_EFor : EFor_preserve CE.
intros Ix cond func Hfor.
apply CE_CPexp.
apply Pexp_EFor; auto; intros; apply CEexp; auto.
apply C_EFor; auto; intros; apply C_CE; auto.

The pi operator

We define the pi pretype operator PPi I cond func, as the set of type abstractions satisfying an intersection property related to its destruction with type application. Type abstractions are always sound, which is why we do not explicitly state it. A type abstraction Gen k a with no fuel is in all pi pretypes. If it has some strictly positive fuel, then the body (lower with k - 1) has to be in all possible semantic instantiations.
The pi type operator EPi I cond func is simply the closure of its pretype version PPUi I cond func.
Definition PPi I (cond : IProp) (func : i, cond iset) : set := fun gen
   k a, gen = Gen k a
  (k > 0 → i H, func i H (lower (k - 1) a)).
Definition EPi I cond func : set := Cl (PPi I cond func).
Hint Unfold PPi EPi.

Lemma OK_Gen : k a, OK (Gen k a).
intros k a; induction_red a.
rewrite OK_def; split.
- intros Erra; inversion Erra.
  destruct c; simpl in H; inversion H; clear H.
- intros b Hred; inversion Hred.
  destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H.

The pi pretype operator preserves pretypes.
Lemma C_PPi : I cond func, ( i H, C (func i H)) → C (PPi I cond func).
intros I cond func Cfunc.
apply C_.
(* 3: Cok *)
  intros gen [k [a [Heq Hfor]]]; subst.
  apply OK_Gen; auto.
(* 2: Cdec *)
  intros a' [gen [[k [a [Heq Hfor]]] lea]]; subst.
  destruct_binary a' lea.
  rename k0 into k'; k'; a'; split; [reflexivity|].
  intros Hk' i Hi.
  apply (Cdec (Cfunc i Hi)).
   (lower (k - 1) a); split; [apply Hfor; omega|].
  apply le_term_lower; auto; omega.
(* 1: Cred *)
  intros a' [gen [[k [a [Heq Hfor]]] Hred]]; subst.
  inversion Hred.
  destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H.

The pi type operator builds a type if its family of sets are pretypes.
Lemma CE_EPi : I cond func, ( i H, C (func i H)) → CE (EPi I cond func).
intros; apply CE_Cl.
apply C_PPi; auto.

The exists operator

This operator is actually problematic, which explains why the following definition and properties are not natural. Existential types cannot be simply expressed as erasable types. In System F, the soundness of erasable existential types actually relies on the standardization of the Lambda Calculus.
We define the exists pretype operator PExi I cond func, as the union of its indexed sets. The exists type operator EExi I cond func is simply the closure of its pretype version.
The exists pretype operator preserves the property P, written PExi_preserve P, if given that all indexed sets satisfy P, the exists pretype operator satisfies P too.
The preservation property for the exists type operator is different. We write, EExi_preserve P Q, when the exists type operator satisfies the property Q whenever all its indexed sets satisfy P.
Definition PExi I (cond : IProp) (func : i, cond iset) : set :=
  fun a i H, func i H a.
Definition PExi_preserve P := Ix cond func,
  ( i H, P (func i H)) → P (PExi Ix cond func).
Definition EExi I cond func := Cl (PExi I cond func).
Definition EExi_preserve P Q := Ix cond func,
  ( i H, P (func i H)) → Q (EExi Ix cond func).
Hint Unfold PExi PExi_preserve EExi EExi_preserve.

The exists pretype operator preserves pretypes.
Lemma C_PExi : PExi_preserve C.
intros Ix cond func Hfor; apply C_.
(* Cok *) intros a [i [Ci Ha]]; apply (Cok (Hfor i Ci)); apply Ha.
(* Cdec *)
  intros b [a [[i [Ci Hb]] ba]]; i, Ci.
  apply (Cdec (Hfor i Ci)); a; auto.
(* Cred *)
  intros b [a [[i [Ci Hb]] ba]]; i, Ci.
  apply (Cred (Hfor i Ci)); a; auto.

The exists type operator is always stable by expansion.
Lemma Pexp_EExi : EExi_preserve (fun _True) Pexp.
intros Ix cond func Hexi a [NVa Expa].
apply fold_Cl; right; auto.

The exists type operator builds a type when its indexed sets are pretypes.
Lemma CE_EExi : EExi_preserve C CE.
intros Ix cond func Hexi.
apply CE_CPexp.
apply Pexp_EExi; auto.
apply C_Cl; apply C_PExi; auto.

The top and bottom operators

We define the top operator ETop as the exists type operator of all types. It is a type, and thus a pretype.
Definition ETop : set := EExi set CE (fun R _R).

Lemma CE_ETop : CE ETop.
Proof. apply CE_EExi; intros i H; apply C_CE; auto. Qed.

Lemma C_ETop : C ETop.
Proof. apply C_CE; apply CE_ETop. Qed.

We define the bottom operator EBot as the forall type operator of all types. It is a type, and thus a pretype.
Definition EBot : set := EFor set CE (fun R _R).

Lemma CE_EBot : CE EBot.
apply CE_EFor.
intros i H; exact H.

Lemma C_EBot : C EBot.
Proof. apply C_CE; apply CE_EBot. Qed.

Lemma EVoid_EBot : EVoid = EBot.
apply extEq; split; intros a.
(* -> *)
  induction_red a.
  intros Ha.
  unfold EVoid in Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha as [Ha|[NVa Expa]].
  { destruct Ha. }
  apply (CEexp CE_EBot).
  split; auto.
(* <- *)
  intros [OKa Fora].
  apply Fora.
  apply CE_EVoid.

Recursive types

Recursive types explain why we need to use an indexed semantics instead of a usual semantic of types as sets of lambda terms. Reduction may not always terminate and some proofs relying on strong normalization do not hold. Using indices permits to recover the proof step using induction on strong normalization of terms. See for example the proof of Lemma EApp_sem.
We write iter F k X the k-iteration of a functor F (a function on sets) on the set X and show a few simple properties. In particular, if a property P holds for X and is preserved by F (which we write CF P F), then it holds for all iterations of F on X.
Fixpoint iter (F : setset) k X : set :=
  match k with
    | OX
    | S kF (iter F k X)

Definition CF (P : setProp) (F : setset) : Prop := R, P RP (F R).
Hint Unfold CF.

Lemma CF_iter_F : P F R, CF P FP R k, P (iter F k R).
intros P F R CFF CR k; induction k; auto.
apply (CFF (iter F k R)); apply IHk.

Lemma iter_dec : F X k, iter F (1 + k) X = iter F k (F X).
Proof. intros F X k; induction k; simpl in *; [|rewrite IHk]; reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma iter_le : F X k j, j kiter F k X = iter F j (iter F (k - j) X).
intros F X k; induction k; intros j Hjk; [inversion Hjk; reflexivity|simpl in *].
destruct j as [|j]; [reflexivity|].
rewrite (IHk j); [reflexivity|omega].

The mu operator

We define the mu pretype operator Mu Bot F as the iteration of F on Bot controlled by indices. A term a is in the pretype operator Mu Bot F if it is in the k-iteration of F on Bot for all indices k greater than a, ie. all indices k greater than all the indices of a.
An alternative version Mu' Bot F of the mu pretype operator is to see it as the limit of the k-iterations of F on Bot when k approaches infinity. The limit is defined as a monotone union indexed by k of some approximation (see approx) of the k-iteration of F on Bot. The proof is done in Lemma Mu_Mu' and requires the functor F to be well-founded.
The mu type operator is its pretype version instantiated with EBot as the starting set.
Definition Mu Bot (F : setset) : set := fun a
   k, term_lt a kiter F k Bot a.
Definition EMu := Mu EBot.
Hint Unfold Mu EMu.

Definition Mu' Bot (F : setset) : set := fun a
   k, term_lt a k iter F k Bot a.

The notion of k-approximation

We define the k-approximation of a set R, written approx R k, the subset of R of terms smaller than k. This permits to talk about a set R at level k. At level 0, approx R 0 is empty because no term are smaller than zero. And the limit of approx R k when k reaches infinity is the set R itself. Because this level relies on terms, it is common to all sets and we can thus show properties about sets only by looking at fixed but arbitrary levels. A typical example will be the proof that the mu operator is equal to its unfolding (Lemmas Mu_approx_iter, Mu_unfold, and Mu_fold).
We then show a few simple commutation properties about approx.
Definition approx (R : set) k : set := fun aterm_lt a k R a.
Hint Unfold approx.

Lemma approx_unfold : k R a, approx R k aR a.
Proof. intros R k a [Hk Ha]; exact Ha. Qed.

Lemma approx_fold : (R : set) k a, R aterm_lt a kapprox R k a.
Proof. intros R k a Ha ak; auto. Qed.

Lemma approx_approx : R j k, j kapprox R j = approx (approx R k) j.
intros R j k jk.
apply extEq; split; intros a [? ?]; repeat split; auto.
(* 2 *)
  eapply unary_fuel_1; [|apply H].
  simpl; intros; omega.
(* 1 *)
  destruct H0; auto.

Lemma approx_min : R j k, approx (approx R k) j = approx R (min j k).
intros R j k.
apply extEq; split; intros a [? ?]; repeat split; auto.
destruct H0; apply term_lt_min; auto.
destruct H0; auto.
apply lt_term_le with (min j k); auto.
apply lt_term_le with (min j k); auto.

Lemma approx_swap : R j k, approx (approx R k) j = approx (approx R j) k.
intros R j k.
apply extEq; split; intros a [? [? ?]]; repeat split; auto.

Lemma approx0 : R S, Inc (approx R 0) (approx S 0).
Proof. intros R S a [? ?]; exfalso; apply (term_lt_0 a); auto. Qed.

Lemma approx0_eq : R S, approx R 0 = approx S 0.
Proof. intros R S; apply extEq; split; intros a Ha; apply (approx0 _ _ a Ha). Qed.

Lemma approx_inc : R S, ( k a, approx R k aapprox S k a) → a, R aS a.
intros R S H a Ra.
destruct (term_lt_exists a) as [k ak].
apply approx_unfold with (k := k); auto.

Lemma approx_eq : R S, ( k, approx R k = approx S k) → R = S.
intros R S H.
apply extEq; split; intros a Ha; (eapply approx_inc; [|apply Ha]); intros.
rewrite <- H; auto.
rewrite H; auto.

Lemma Cl_approx : R k a, approx (Cl R) k aCl (approx R k) a.
intros R k a.
induction_red a; intros [ak Ha].
apply unfold_Cl in Ha as [Ha|[NVa Expa]]; apply fold_Cl; [left|right]; auto.
split; auto; intros b Hred.
apply IHa; auto; split; auto.
apply term_lt_red with (a := a); auto.

Lemma Cl_approx_eq : R k, approx (Cl R) k = approx (Cl (approx R k)) k.
intros R k; apply extEq; split.
(* -> *)
  intros a [ak Ha]; split; auto.
  apply Cl_approx; auto.
(* <- *)
  intros a; induction_red a; intros [ak Ha].
  split; auto.
  apply unfold_Cl in Ha as [[_ Ha]|[NVa Expa]]; apply fold_Cl; [left|right]; auto.
  split; auto; intros b Hred.
  apply IHa; auto; split; auto.
  apply term_lt_red with (a := a); auto.

Lemma Inc_approx : R k a, approx R k aR a.
Proof. intros; apply (approx_unfold k); auto. Qed.

The notion of well-foundness and non-expansiveness

The mu type operator has good properties only if its iterated functor is well-founded. This notion is introduced in this section.
We define the set CST of constant type functors, the set WFj j of j-well-founded functors, the set WF of well-founded functors, and the set NE of non-expansiveness functors.
A functor is constant if it returns always the same set. A functor is j-well-founded, if F only uses level k - j of R to builds the level k of F R. A functor is well-founded if it is 1-well-founded, and it is non-expansive if it is 0-well-founded.
Definition CST (F : setset) : Prop := C, R, F R = C.
Definition WFj j (F : setset) : Prop :=
   R k, approx (F R) k = approx (F (approx R (k - j))) k.
Definition WF F :=
   R k, approx (F R) (1 + k) = approx (F (approx R k)) (1 + k).
Definition NE := WFj 0.
Hint Unfold CST WFj WF NE.

Lemma WFj_WF : F, WFj 1 F WF F.
intros; split; intros ? R k.
(* 2 *)
  rewrite (H R (1 + k)).
  destruct k; simpl; auto.
(* 1 *)
  destruct k; simpl; [apply approx0_eq|].
  replace (k - 0) with k by omega.
  apply H.

A constant functor is j-well-founded for all level j, and reciprocally.
Lemma WF_CST : F, CST F j, WFj j F.
Proof. intros F [C HF] j R k; rewrite 2 HF; reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma CST_WF : F, ( j, WFj j F) → CST F.
intros F HF; (F EBot); intros R.
apply approx_eq; intros k.
rewrite (HF k R k).
rewrite (HF k EBot k).
replace (k - k) with 0 by omega.
rewrite approx0_eq with (S := EBot).

If a functor is i-well-founded, then it is j-well-founded for all level j smaller than i.
Lemma WFj_dec : F i j, i jWFj i FWFj j F.
intros F ij j Hij HF R k.
rewrite (HF R k).
rewrite (HF (approx R (k - j)) k).
rewrite <- (approx_approx R (k - ij) (k - j)); [|omega].

The identity functor is non-expansive.
Lemma NE_id : F, ( R, F R = R) → NE F.
Proof. intros F H R k; repeat rewrite H; rewrite <- approx_approx; auto; omega. Qed.

The starting set of the k-iteration of a well-founded functor F does not matter at level k.
Lemma WF_swap : F R S k, WF Fapprox (iter F k R) k = approx (iter F k S) k.
intros F R S k WFF; induction k.
(* 0 *)
  apply extEq; split; simpl; apply approx0; assumption.
(* 1+ *)
  rewrite (WFF (iter F k R)); rewrite (WFF (iter F k S)); simpl.
  replace (k - 0) with k by omega.
  rewrite IHk; reflexivity.

Approximation preserves pretypes.
Lemma C_approx : R k, C RC (approx R k).
intros R k CR.
apply C_.
(* Pok *) intros a [_ Ha]; apply (Cok CR); auto.
(* Pdec *)
  intros b [a [[ak Ha] ba]].
  split; [apply le_term_lt with a; auto|].
  apply (Cdec CR); a; auto.
(* Pred *)
  intros b [a [[ak Ha] Hred]].
  split; [apply term_lt_red with a; auto|].
  apply (Cred CR); a; auto.

All k-iterations of a well-founded functor F are equal at level j for all k greater or equal to j.
Lemma WF_approx_le : F R j k, WF Fj k
  approx (iter F k R) j = approx (iter F j R) j.
intros F R j k WFF Hjk.
rewrite iter_le with (j := j) (k := k); [|exact Hjk].
apply WF_swap; auto.

If a term a is smaller than k and j, then it is the the k-iteration of a well-founded functor F whenever it is in the j-iteration of F.
Lemma WF_iter_lt : F R j k a, WF Fterm_lt a kterm_lt a j
  iter F j R aiter F k R a.
intros F R j k a WFF ak aj Fja.
remember (min k j) as x.
assert (x k); [subst; apply le_min_l|].
assert (x j); [subst; apply le_min_r|].
apply (approx_unfold x).
rewrite WF_approx_le; auto.
rewrite <- WF_approx_le with (k := j); auto.
apply approx_fold; auto; subst.
apply term_lt_min; assumption.

The mu operator preserves types when the functor is well-founded and preserves types.
Lemma CE_EMu : F, CF CE FWF FCE (EMu F).
pose proof CE_EBot as CEBot.
intros F CFF WFF; apply CE_.
(* Cok *)
  intros a Ha.
  destruct (term_lt_exists a).
  pose proof (Ha x H).
  apply (CEok (CF_iter_F CE F EBot CFF CEBot x)); assumption.
(* Cdec *)
  intros b [a [Ha ba]] j bj.
  destruct (term_lt_exists a) as [k ak].
  pose proof (le_term_lt b a k ba ak) as bk.
  apply WF_iter_lt with (j := k); auto.
  apply CEdec; [apply CF_iter_F; auto|].
   a; split; auto.
(* Cred *)
  intros b [a [Ha Hred]] j bj.
  destruct (term_lt_exists a) as [k ak].
  pose proof (term_lt_red a b k Hred ak) as bk.
  apply WF_iter_lt with (j := k); auto.
  apply CEred; [apply CF_iter_F; auto|].
   a; split; auto.
(* Cexp *)
  intros a [NVa Expa] j aj.
  apply CEexp; [apply CF_iter_F; auto|].
  split; auto; intros b Hred.
  apply (Expa b Hred).
  apply term_lt_red with a; auto.

We show that for well-founded functors, the mu operator is actually the k-iteration at level k. This permits to show that the mu operator is equal to its unfolding for well-founded functors.
Lemma Mu_approx_iter : F k Bot, WF Fapprox (Mu Bot F) k = approx (iter F k Bot) k.
intros F k Bot WFF; apply extEq; split; intros a [ak Ha]; split; auto.
intros j aj.
eapply WF_iter_lt; auto; [apply ak|apply Ha].

Lemma Mu_unfold : F Bot, WF FInc (Mu Bot F) (F (Mu Bot F)).
intros F Bot WFF a Ha.
destruct (term_lt_exists a) as [k ak].
assert (term_lt a (1 + k)); [eapply unary_fuel_1; [|apply ak]; instantiate; simpl; intros j H; omega|clear ak].
apply approx_unfold with (k := 1 + k).
rewrite WFF.
rewrite Mu_approx_iter; [|assumption].
rewrite <- WFF.
apply approx_fold; auto.
apply (Ha (1 + k)); auto.

Lemma Mu_fold : F Bot, WF FInc (F (Mu Bot F)) (Mu Bot F).
intros F Bot WFF a Ha k ak.
destruct k; [exfalso; apply (term_lt_0 a ak)|].
apply approx_unfold with (k := 1 + k); simpl.
rewrite WFF.
rewrite <- Mu_approx_iter; [|assumption].
rewrite <- WFF.
apply approx_fold; auto.

Lemma Mu_Mu' : F Bot, WF FMu Bot F = Mu' Bot F.
intros F Bot WFF; apply extEq; split; intros a Ha.
(* -> *)
  destruct (term_lt_exists a) as [k ak].
   k; auto.
(* <- *)
  destruct Ha as [k [ak Ha]].
  intros j aj.
  apply WF_iter_lt with k; auto.

Computational types are well-founded

Computational types are well-founded in the sense that, they increase by one the level of well-foundness of their arguments. For example, if F is j-well-founded and G is k-well-founded, then

  fun XEArr (F X) (G X)
is (1 + min j k)-well-founded.
The arrow pretype and type operators are well-founded.
Lemma WF_PArr : R S k,
  approx (PArr R S) (1 + k) = approx (PArr (approx R k) (approx S k)) (1 + k).
intros R S k; apply extEq; split; intros a [ak Ha]; split; auto.
(* -> *)
  generalize ak Ha; clear ak Ha; induction_red a; intros ak Ha.
  destruct Ha as [j [a' [Heq [Hok Hsub]]]].
  rename a into lam, a' into a; j; a; split; [|split]; auto; subst lam.
  intros Hj b Rb.
  split; destruct ak as [jk ak].
  (* 3 *)
    apply unary_fuel_map_trivial; intros.
    destruct (lt_dec k0 (j - 1)); [rewrite min_l|rewrite min_r]; omega.
  (* 2 *)
    apply Hsub; auto.
    apply (Inc_approx R k); auto.
(* <- *)
  generalize ak Ha; clear ak Ha; induction_red a; intros ak Ha.
  destruct Ha as [j [a' [Heq [Hok Hsub]]]].
  rename a into lam, a' into a; j; a; split; [|split]; auto; subst lam.
  intros Hj b Rb; destruct ak as [jk ak].
  apply Hsub; auto.
  split; auto.
  apply unary_fuel_map_trivial; intros.
  destruct (lt_dec k0 (j - 1)); [rewrite min_l|rewrite min_r]; omega.

Lemma WF_EArr : R S k,
  approx (EArr R S) (1 + k) = approx (EArr (approx R k) (approx S k)) (1 + k).
intros R S k.
unfold EArr.
rewrite Cl_approx_eq.
rewrite WF_PArr.
rewrite <- Cl_approx_eq.

Lemma WFj_EArr : R S k,
  approx (EArr R S) k = approx (EArr (approx R (k - 1)) (approx S (k - 1))) k.
intros R S k.
destruct k; [apply approx0_eq|]; simpl; rewrite <- minus_n_O.
apply WF_EArr.

The product pretype and type operators are well-founded.
Lemma WF_PProd : R S k,
  approx (PProd R S) (1 + k) = approx (PProd (approx R k) (approx S k)) (1 + k).
intros R S k; apply extEq; split; intros a [ak Ha]; split; auto.
(* 2: -> *)
  generalize ak Ha; clear ak Ha; induction_red a; intros ak Ha.
  destruct Ha as [j [a' [b' [Heq [Hok Hproj]]]]].
  rename a into pair, a' into a, b' into b; j, a, b; split; [|split]; auto; subst pair.
  intros Hj; split.
  (* 3: R *)
    split; destruct ak as [jk [ak bk]]; [|apply Hproj; auto].
    apply unary_fuel_map_trivial; intros.
    destruct (lt_dec k0 (j - 1)); [rewrite min_l|rewrite min_r]; omega.
  (* 2: S *)
    split; destruct ak as [jk [ak bk]]; [|apply Hproj; auto].
    apply unary_fuel_map_trivial; intros.
    destruct (lt_dec k0 (j - 1)); [rewrite min_l|rewrite min_r]; omega.
(* 1: <- *)
  generalize ak Ha; clear ak Ha; induction_red a; intros ak Ha.
  destruct Ha as [j [a' [b' [Heq [Hok Hproj]]]]].
  rename a into pair, a' into a, b' into b; j, a, b; split; [|split]; auto; subst pair.
  intros Hj; destruct ak as [jk [ak bk]].
  split; apply Hproj; auto.

Lemma WF_EProd : R S k,
  approx (EProd R S) (1 + k) = approx (EProd (approx R k) (approx S k)) (1 + k).
intros R S k.
unfold EProd.
rewrite Cl_approx_eq.
rewrite WF_PProd.
rewrite <- Cl_approx_eq.

Lemma WFj_EProd : R S k,
  approx (EProd R S) k = approx (EProd (approx R (k - 1)) (approx S (k - 1))) k.
intros R S k.
destruct k; [apply approx0_eq|]; simpl; rewrite <- minus_n_O.
apply WF_EProd.

The sum pretype and type operators are well-founded.
Lemma WF_PSum : R S k,
  approx (PSum R S) (1 + k) = approx (PSum (approx R k) (approx S k)) (1 + k).
intros R S k; apply extEq; split; intros a [ak Ha]; split; auto.
(* 2: -> *)
  generalize ak Ha; clear ak Ha; induction_red a; intros ak Ha;
  destruct Ha as [j [a' [[Heq [Hok Hin]]|[Heq [Hok Hin]]]]];
  rename a into sum, a' into a; j, a; [left|right];
  (split; [|split]); auto; subst sum; intros Hj; split; auto;
  destruct ak as [jk ak]; apply unary_fuel_map_trivial; intros;
  (destruct (lt_dec k0 (j - 1)); [rewrite min_l|rewrite min_r]); omega.
(* 1: <- *)
  generalize ak Ha; clear ak Ha; induction_red a; intros ak Ha;
  destruct Ha as [j [a' [[Heq [Hok Hin]]|[Heq [Hok Hin]]]]];
  rename a into sum, a' into a; j, a; [left|right];
  (split; [|split]); auto; subst sum; intros Hj; destruct ak as [jk ak];
  apply Hin; auto.

Lemma WF_ESum : R S k,
  approx (ESum R S) (1 + k) = approx (ESum (approx R k) (approx S k)) (1 + k).
intros R S k.
unfold ESum.
rewrite Cl_approx_eq.
rewrite WF_PSum.
rewrite <- Cl_approx_eq.

Lemma WFj_ESum : R S k,
  approx (ESum R S) k = approx (ESum (approx R (k - 1)) (approx S (k - 1))) k.
intros R S k.
destruct k; [apply approx0_eq|]; simpl; rewrite <- minus_n_O.
apply WF_ESum.

The pi pretype and type operators are well-founded.
Lemma WF_PPi : I cond func k,
  approx (PPi I cond func) (1 + k) = approx (PPi I cond (fun i Happrox (func i H) k)) (1 + k).
intros I cond func k; apply extEq; split; intros a [ak Ha]; split; auto.
(* -> *)
  destruct Ha as [j [a' [Heq Hpi]]].
  rename a into gen, a' into a; j; a; split; auto.
  intros Hj i H; subst gen.
  destruct ak as [jk ak].
  split; [|apply Hpi; auto].
  apply unary_fuel_map_trivial; intros.
  destruct (lt_dec k0 (j - 1)); [rewrite min_l|rewrite min_r]; omega.
(* <- *)
  destruct Ha as [j [a' [Heq Hpi]]].
  rename a into gen, a' into a; j; a; split; auto.
  intros Hj i H; subst gen.
  destruct ak as [jk ak].
  apply Hpi; auto.

Lemma WF_EPi : I cond func k,
  approx (EPi I cond func) (1 + k) = approx (EPi I cond (fun i Happrox (func i H) k)) (1 + k).
intros I cond func k.
unfold EPi.
rewrite Cl_approx_eq.
rewrite WF_PPi.
rewrite <- Cl_approx_eq.

Lemma WFj_EPi : I cond func k,
  approx (EPi I cond func) k = approx (EPi I cond (fun i Happrox (func i H) (k - 1))) k.
intros I cond func k.
destruct k; [apply approx0_eq|]; simpl; rewrite <- minus_n_O.
apply WF_EPi.

Erasable types are non-expansive

Erasable types are non-expansive in the sense that they preserve the level of well-foundness of their arguments. For example, if the indexed sets func X are j-well-founded according to X, then the forall operator EFor I cond (func X) is j-well-founded according to X.
The forall operator is non-expansive.
Lemma WFj_EFor : j F Ix cond func, ( i H, WFj j (fun Xfunc X i H)) →
  ( X, F X = EFor Ix cond (func X)) → WFj j F.
intros j F Ix cond func H HF R k; repeat rewrite HF.
apply extEq; split; intros a [ak [OKa Ha]]; split; auto; split; auto; intros i ci.
(* 2: -> *)
  apply approx_unfold with k.
  rewrite <- H.
  apply approx_fold; auto.
(* 1: -> *)
  apply approx_unfold with k.
  rewrite H.
  apply approx_fold; auto.

The exists pretype and type operators are non-expansive.
Lemma WFj_PExi : j F Ix cond func, ( i H, WFj j (fun Xfunc X i H)) →
  ( X, F X = PExi Ix cond (func X)) → WFj j F.
intros j F Ix cond func H HF R k; repeat rewrite HF.
apply extEq; split; intros a [ak [i [ci Ha]]]; split; auto; i, ci.
(* 2: -> *)
  apply approx_unfold with k.
  rewrite <- H.
  apply approx_fold; auto.
(* 1: -> *)
  apply approx_unfold with k.
  rewrite H.
  apply approx_fold; auto.

Lemma WFj_EExi : j F Ix cond func, ( i H, WFj j (fun Xfunc X i H)) →
  ( X, F X = EExi Ix cond (func X)) → WFj j F.
intros j F Ix cond func H HF R k; repeat rewrite HF.
apply extEq; split; intros a [ak Ha]; split; auto.
(* -> *)
  generalize ak Ha; clear ak Ha; induction_red a; intros ak Ha.
  unfold EExi in Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha as [?|[? ?]]; apply fold_Cl; [left|right].
  (* +1 *)
    apply approx_unfold with k.
    rewrite <- (WFj_PExi j (fun XPExi Ix cond (func X)) Ix cond func); auto.
  (* +0 *)
    split; auto; intros b Hred.
    apply IHa; auto.
    apply term_lt_red with a; auto.
(* <- *)
  generalize ak Ha; clear ak Ha; induction_red a; intros ak Ha.
  unfold EExi in Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha as [?|[? ?]]; apply fold_Cl; [left|right].
  (* +1 *)
    apply approx_unfold with k.
    rewrite (WFj_PExi j (fun XPExi Ix cond (func X)) Ix cond func); auto.
  (* +0 *)
    split; auto; intros b Hred.
    apply IHa; auto.
    apply term_lt_red with a; auto.

The mu operator of a well-founded functor is non-expansive.
Lemma WFj_min : F R jk k, WFj (jk - k) F
  approx (F R) jk = approx (F (approx R k)) jk.
intros F R jk k HF.
destruct (le_gt_dec jk k).
(* 2 *)
  replace (jk - k) with 0 in HF by omega.
  rewrite HF.
  rewrite (HF (approx R k)).
  replace (jk - 0) with jk by omega.
  rewrite (approx_approx R jk k); auto.
(* 1 *)
  rewrite HF.
  replace (jk - (jk - k)) with k by omega.

Lemma WFj_Mu : j F Bot, ( X, WF (F X)) →
  ( Y, WFj j (fun XF X Y)) →
  WFj j (fun X ⇒ (Mu Bot (fun YF X Y))).
intros j F Bot HX HY R k.
rewrite 2 Mu_approx_iter; auto.
assert ( i,
  approx (iter (fun Y : setF R Y) k Bot) k =
  approx (iter (fun Y : setF (approx R (i + (k - j))) Y) k Bot) k); [|apply (H 0)].
induction k; intros i; [apply approx0_eq|].
destruct (le_gt_dec j k).
(* 2: j <= k *)
  replace (i + (S k - j)) with (1 + i + (k - j)) by omega.
  simpl; rewrite HX; simpl.
  rewrite IHk with (1 + i); simpl.
  rewrite <- HX; simpl.
  apply (WFj_min (fun XF X _) R).
  apply WFj_dec with j; auto; omega.
(* 1 *)
  replace (i + (S k - j)) with i by omega.
  simpl; rewrite HX; simpl.
  rewrite IHk with i.
  replace (i + (k - j)) with i by omega.
  rewrite <- HX; simpl.
  apply (WFj_min (fun XF X _) R).
  apply WFj_dec with j; auto; omega.

Semantic judgment

We define a notion of semantic judgment and show the soundness of the usual rules of the simply typed lambda calculus. We also show a type coercion rule and distributivity rule, that together show a typing coercion rule.
The judgment operator uses a substitution operator. We write Subst R S the set of term a such that for all argument b in R, the substitution subst b 0 a is in S.
The judgment operator EJudg G S, where G is a list of sets for the free variables, is defined inductively on the list G, using S for the nil case and Subst for the substitution of the last free variable. A term a is thus in EJudg G S if its substitution with terms in G is in S.
Another solution for the definition of the inductive case, closer to a simultaneous substitution, could have been:

  Subst (Map (lift (length G) 0) R) (EJudg G S)
where Map f R is the set of terms of the form f a whenever a is in the set R. Our version is closer to a telescope. Each substitution may use the preceding free variables, and not have to refer to the top-level.
Definition Subst (R S : set) : set := fun a b, R bS (subst b 0 a).
Fixpoint EJudg (G : list set) (S : set) : set :=
  match G with
    | nilS
    | cons R GSubst (EJudg G R) (EJudg G S)
Hint Unfold Subst EJudg.

We show that the judgment EJudg G S is a pretype whenever the set S is a pretype and the sets G are stable by expansion.
Lemma Pdec_EJudg : G S, C SPdec (EJudg G S).
induction G as [|R G]; intros S CS a' [a [Ha ba]]; simpl in ×.
(* nil *)
  apply (Cdec CS); a; auto.
(* cons *)
  intros b Hb; apply IHG; auto.
   (subst b 0 a); split; auto.
  apply le_term_subst; auto.
  apply binary_fuel_refl; auto.

Lemma Pred_EJudg : G S, C SPred (EJudg G S).
induction G as [|R G]; intros S CS a' [a [Ha ba]]; simpl in ×.
(* nil *)
  apply (Cred CS); a; auto.
(* cons *)
  intros b Hb; apply IHG; auto.
   (subst b 0 a); split; auto.
  apply red_subst; auto.

Lemma EJudg_Var : G S, Pexp SEJudg G S (Var 0 (length G + 1)).
intros G S CS; induction G; simpl.
(* 2: nil *) apply R_Var; auto.
(* 1: cons *)
  intros b Hb.
  simpl; subst_lift_var.
  rewrite <- minus_n_O.
  apply IHG.

Lemma Pok_EJudg : G S, Forall Pexp GC SPok (EJudg G S).
induction G as [|R G]; intros S CG CS a Ha; simpl in ×.
(* 2: nil *)
  apply (Cok CS); auto.
(* 1: cons *)
  apply OK_subst_Var with (x := (length G + 1)) (i := 0).
  inversion CG; subst.
  apply (IHG S H2 CS _).
  apply Ha; apply EJudg_Var; auto.

Lemma C_EJudg : G S, Forall Pexp GC SC (EJudg G S).
intros G S CG CS; apply C_.
(* CPok *) apply Pok_EJudg; auto.
(* CPdec *) apply Pdec_EJudg; auto.
(* CPred *) apply Pred_EJudg; auto.

Soundness of the computational typing rules

We show that the typing rules for variables, abstractions, applications, pairs, projections, type abstractions, and type applications are sound.
All the proofs proceed by induction on the environment G. Constructors use the definition of the associated type operator, while destructors proceed by induction on the strong normalization of the conclusion term and stability by expansion of types.

Lemma EVar_sem : R k x G, C R
  nth x G ETop = R
  EJudg G R (Var k x).
induction x; intros G CR Hx;
(destruct G as [|R0 G]; simpl in *; subst; [apply R_Var; apply Pexp_Cl|]).
(* 0 *)
  intros b Rb; simpl; subst_lift_var; rewrite lift_0.
  apply Pdec_EJudg; auto.
  eexists; split; [apply Rb|].
  apply le_term_lower_trivial.
(* 1+ *)
  intros b0 Rb0.
  simpl; subst_lift_var; rewrite <- minus_n_O.
  apply IHx; auto.

Lemma ELam_sem : G R S k a, Pexp RC S
  EJudg (R :: G) S a
  EJudg G (EArr R S) (Lam k a).
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros R S k a CR CS Ha; simpl in ×.
(* 2: nil *)
  apply fold_Cl; left.
   k; a; split; [|split]; auto.
  (* 3: Hok *)
    apply OK_subst_Var with 0 0.
    apply (Cok CS); apply Ha; apply R_Var; auto.
  (* 2: Hsub *)
    intros Hk b Rb.
    rewrite lower_subst; rewrite <- subst_lower; rewrite <- lower_subst.
    apply (Cdec CS).
     (subst (lower (k - 1) b) 0 a).
    split; [apply Ha; auto|].
    apply le_term_lower_trivial.
(* 1: cons *)
  intros b0 Rb0; subst; simpl.
  apply IHG; auto.
  intros b Rb.
  replace b with (subst b0 0 (shift 0 b)); [|apply subst_lift_0].
  rewrite <- subst_subst_0; apply Ha; auto.
  intros ? ?; rewrite subst_lift_0; auto.

Lemma EApp_sem : G R S k a b, C RCE S
  EJudg G (EArr R S) a
  EJudg G R b
  EJudg G S (App k a b).
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros R S k a b CR CS Ha Hb; simpl in ×.
(* 2: nil *)
  generalize Ha b Hb k; clear Ha b Hb k; induction_red a; intros Ha b; induction_red b; intros Hb k.
  apply (CEexp CS); split; [split|]; simpl; auto.
  (* 3: V *)
    intros Errab; inversion Errab; [destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H|]; subst.
    (* 5: CtxApp1 *) generalize H0; apply (Cv (CEok (CE_EArr R (C_CE CS)))); auto.
    (* 4: CtxApp2 *) generalize H0; apply (Cv (Cok CR)); auto.
    (* 3: App *)
      unfold EArr in Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha.
      destruct Ha.
      (* 4: PArr *)
        destruct H as [? [? [? ?]]]; subst; apply (H3 x x0 eq_refl).
      (* 3: Exp *)
        destruct H as [[? ?] ?].
        apply CN_N with a; auto.
  (* 2: Exp *)
    intros b0 Hred; inversion Hred.
    destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst.
    (* 4: CtxApp1 *) apply IHa; auto; apply (CEred (CE_EArr R (C_CE CS))); a; auto.
    (* 3: CtxApp2 *) apply IHb; auto; apply (Cred CR); b; auto.
    (* 2: App *)
      unfold EArr in Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha as [[? [? [? [? ?]]]]|Expa]; subst.
      (* 3: PArr *)
        inversion H; clear H; subst; simpl in ×.
        rewrite <- minus_n_O in H1.
        apply (CEdec CS); auto.
         (lower k0 (subst b 0 x0)); split; [apply H1; auto; [omega|]|].
        (* 4 *)
          apply (Cdec CR).
           b; split; auto.
          apply le_term_lower_trivial.
        (* 3 *) apply le_term_lower; [|apply binary_fuel_refl; auto]; minmax.
      (* 2: Exp *)
        destruct Expa as [[? ?] ?].
        inversion H.
(* 1: cons *)
  intros b0 Rb0; simpl.
  apply (IHG R S); auto.

Lemma EUnit_sem : G k, EJudg G EOne (Unit k).
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros k; simpl in ×.
(* nil *)
  apply fold_Cl; left.
   k; reflexivity.
(* cons *)
  intros b0 Rb0; simpl; apply IHG; auto.

Lemma EPair_sem : G R S k a b, C RC S
  EJudg G R a
  EJudg G S b
  EJudg G (EProd R S) (Pair k a b).
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros R S k a b CR CS Ha Hb; simpl in ×.
(* nil *)
  apply fold_Cl; left.
   k, a, b; split; [|split]; auto.
  (* Hok *)
    split; [apply (Cok CR)|apply (Cok CS)]; auto.
  (* Hproj *)
    intros Hk; split; [apply (Cdec CR); a|apply (Cdec CS); b];
    split; auto; apply le_term_lower_trivial.
(* cons *)
  intros b0 Rb0; simpl; apply IHG; auto.

Lemma EFst_sem : G R S k a, CE RC S
  EJudg G (EProd R S) a
  EJudg G R (Fst k a).
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros R S k a CR CS Ha; simpl in ×.
(* nil *)
  generalize Ha k; clear Ha k; induction_red a; intros Ha k.
  apply (CEexp CR); split; [split|]; simpl; auto.
  (* V *)
    intros Errab; inversion Errab; [destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H|]; subst.
    (* CtxFst *) generalize H0; apply (Cv (CEok (CE_EProd (C_CE CR) CS))); auto.
    (* Fst *)
      unfold EProd in Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha.
      destruct Ha.
      (* 4: PProd *)
        destruct H as [? [? [? [? ?]]]]; subst.
        apply (H2 x x0 x1 eq_refl).
      (* 3: Exp *)
        destruct H as [[? ?] ?].
        apply CN_N with a; auto.
  (* Exp *)
    intros b0 Hred; inversion Hred.
    destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst.
    (* CtxFst *) apply IHa; auto; apply (CEred (CE_EProd (C_CE CR) CS)); a; auto.
    (* Fst *)
      unfold EProd in Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha as [[? [? [? [? [? ?]]]]]|Expa]; subst.
      (* PProd *)
        inversion H; clear H; subst; simpl in ×.
        rewrite <- minus_n_O in H1.
        apply (CEdec CR); auto.
         (lower k0 x0); split; [apply H1; auto; omega|].
        apply le_term_lower; [|apply binary_fuel_refl; auto]; minmax.
      (* Exp *)
        destruct Expa as [[? ?] ?]; inversion H.
(* cons *)
  intros b0 Rb0; simpl.
  apply (IHG R S); auto.

Lemma ESnd_sem : G R S k a, C RCE S
  EJudg G (EProd R S) a
  EJudg G S (Snd k a).
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros R S k a CR CS Ha; simpl in ×.
(* nil *)
  generalize Ha k; clear Ha k; induction_red a; intros Ha k.
  apply (CEexp CS); split; [split|]; simpl; auto.
  (* V *)
    intros Errab; inversion Errab; [destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H|]; subst.
    (* CtxSnd *) generalize H0; apply (Cv (CEok (CE_EProd CR (C_CE CS)))); auto.
    (* Snd *)
      unfold EProd in Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha.
      destruct Ha.
      (* 4: PProd *)
        destruct H as [? [? [? [? ?]]]]; subst.
        apply (H2 x x0 x1 eq_refl).
      (* 3: Exp *)
        destruct H as [[? ?] ?].
        apply CN_N with a; auto.
  (* Exp *)
    intros b0 Hred; inversion Hred.
    destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst.
    (* CtxSnd *) apply IHa; auto; apply (CEred (CE_EProd CR (C_CE CS))); a; auto.
    (* Snd *)
      unfold EProd in Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha as [[? [? [? [? [? ?]]]]]|Expa]; subst.
      (* PProd *)
        inversion H; clear H; subst; simpl in ×.
        rewrite <- minus_n_O in H1.
        apply (CEdec CS); auto.
         (lower k0 x1); split; [apply H1; auto; omega|].
        apply le_term_lower; [|apply binary_fuel_refl; auto]; minmax.
      (* Exp *)
        destruct Expa as [[? ?] ?]; inversion H.
(* cons *)
  intros b0 Rb0; simpl.
  apply (IHG R S); auto.

Lemma EAbsurd_sem : G S k a, CE S
  EJudg G EVoid a
  EJudg G S (Absurd k a).
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros S k a CS Ha; simpl in ×.
(* nil *)
  generalize Ha k; clear Ha k; induction_red a; intros Ha k.
  apply (CEexp CS); split; [split|]; simpl; auto.
  (* V *)
    intros Errab; inversion Errab; [destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H|]; subst.
    (* CtxAbsurd *) generalize H0; apply (Cv (CEok CE_EVoid)); auto.
    (* Absurd *)
    apply (destruct_Cl_CN PVoid a); auto.
  (* Exp *)
    intros b0 Hred; inversion Hred.
    destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst.
    (* CtxAbsurd *) apply IHa; auto; apply (CEred CE_EVoid); a; auto.
(* cons *)
  intros b0 Rb0; simpl.
  apply (IHG S); auto.

Lemma EInl_sem : G R S k a, C R
  EJudg G R a
  EJudg G (ESum R S) (Inl k a).
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros R S k a CR Ha; simpl in ×.
(* nil *)
  apply fold_Cl; left.
   k, a; left; split; [|split]; auto.
  (* Hok *) apply (Cok CR); auto.
  (* Hin *)
    intros Hk; apply (Cdec CR); a;
    split; auto; apply le_term_lower_trivial.
(* cons *)
  intros b0 Rb0; simpl; apply IHG; auto.

Lemma EInr_sem : G R S k a, C S
  EJudg G S a
  EJudg G (ESum R S) (Inr k a).
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros R S k a CS Ha; simpl in ×.
(* nil *)
  apply fold_Cl; left.
   k, a; right; split; [|split]; auto.
  (* Hok *) apply (Cok CS); auto.
  (* Hin *)
    intros Hk; apply (Cdec CS); a;
    split; auto; apply le_term_lower_trivial.
(* cons *)
  intros b0 Rb0; simpl; apply IHG; auto.

Lemma EMatch_sem : G Rl Rr S k a bl br, CE RlCE RrCE S
  EJudg G (ESum Rl Rr) a
  EJudg (Rl :: G) S bl
  EJudg (Rr :: G) S br
  EJudg G S (Match k a bl br).
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros Rl Rr S k a bl br CRl CRr CS Ha Hbl Hbr; simpl in ×.
(* 2: nil *)
  generalize Ha bl Hbl br Hbr k; clear Ha bl Hbl br Hbr k;
  induction_red a; intros Ha bl; induction_red bl; intros Hbl br; induction_red br; intros Hbr k.
  apply (CEexp CS); split; [split|]; simpl; auto.
  (* +1: V *)
    intros Errab; inversion Errab; [destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H|]; subst.
    (* +3: CtxMatch1 *) generalize H0; apply (Cv (CEok (CE_ESum (C_CE CRl) (C_CE CRr)))); auto.
    (* +2: CtxMatch2 *)
      generalize H0; apply @Cv with (R := Subst Rl S); auto.
      apply (Pok_EJudg (Rl :: nil) S); auto using C_CE, CEexp.
    (* +1: CtxMatch3 *)
      generalize H0; apply @Cv with (R := Subst Rr S); auto.
      apply (Pok_EJudg (Rr :: nil) S); auto using C_CE, CEexp.
    (* +0: Match *)
      unfold ESum in Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha.
      destruct Ha as [Ha|Ha].
      (* +1: PSum *)
        destruct Ha as [k' [a' [[Heq [Hok Hin]]|[Heq [Hok Hin]]]]]; subst.
        apply (proj1 (H4 k' a') eq_refl).
        apply (proj2 (H4 k' a') eq_refl).
      (* +0: Exp *)
        destruct Ha as [[? ?] ?].
        apply CN_N with a; auto.
  (* +0: Exp *)
    intros b0 Hred; inversion Hred.
    destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H; clear H; subst.
    (* +4: CtxMatch1 *)
      apply IHa; auto; apply (CEred (CE_ESum (C_CE CRl) (C_CE CRr))); a; auto.
    (* +3: CtxMatch2 *)
      apply IHbl; auto.
      apply (Pred_EJudg (Rl :: nil) S); auto using C_CE.
       bl; auto.
    (* +2: CtxMatch3 *)
      apply IHbr; auto.
      apply (Pred_EJudg (Rr :: nil) S); auto using C_CE.
       br; auto.
    (* +1: Inl *)
      subst; unfold ESum in Ha;
      apply unfold_Cl in Ha as [[k [a Hsum]]|Expa]; subst.
      (* +1: PSum *)
        destruct Hsum as [[Heq [Hok Hin]]|[Heq [Hok Hin]]];
        inversion Heq; clear Heq; subst; simpl in ×.
        rewrite <- minus_n_O in Hin.
        apply (CEdec CS); auto.
         (subst (lower k0 a) 0 bl); split; [apply Hbl; apply Hin; omega|].
        rewrite lower_subst. rewrite <- subst_lower.
        apply le_term_subst; [apply le_term_lower; [|apply binary_fuel_refl; auto]; minmax|].
        apply le_term_lower_trivial.
      (* +0: Exp *)
        destruct Expa as [[? ?] ?].
        inversion H.
    (* +0: Inr *)
      subst; unfold ESum in Ha;
      apply unfold_Cl in Ha as [[k [a Hsum]]|Expa]; subst.
      (* +1: PSum *)
        destruct Hsum as [[Heq [Hok Hin]]|[Heq [Hok Hin]]];
        inversion Heq; clear Heq; subst; simpl in ×.
        rewrite <- minus_n_O in Hin.
        apply (CEdec CS); auto.
         (subst (lower k0 a) 0 br); split; [apply Hbr; apply Hin; omega|].
        rewrite lower_subst. rewrite <- subst_lower.
        apply le_term_subst; [apply le_term_lower; [|apply binary_fuel_refl; auto]; minmax|].
        apply le_term_lower_trivial.
      (* +0: Exp *)
        destruct Expa as [[? ?] ?].
        inversion H.
(* 1: cons *)
  intros b0 Rb0; subst; simpl.
  apply (IHG Rl Rr S); auto.
  (* +1: *)
    intros b Rb.
    replace b with (subst b0 0 (shift 0 b)); [|apply subst_lift_0].
    rewrite <- subst_subst_0; apply Hbl; auto.
    intros ? ?; rewrite subst_lift_0; auto.
  (* +0: *)
    intros b Rb.
    replace b with (subst b0 0 (shift 0 b)); [|apply subst_lift_0].
    rewrite <- subst_subst_0; apply Hbr; auto.
    intros ? ?; rewrite subst_lift_0; auto.

Lemma EGen_sem : I cond func G k a, ( i H, C (func i H)) →
  ( i H, EJudg G (func i H) a) →
  EJudg G (EPi I cond func) (Gen k a).
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros k a Cfunc Ha; simpl in ×.
(* 2: nil *)
  apply fold_Cl; left.
   k; a; split; auto.
  intros Hk i Hi.
  apply (Cdec (Cfunc i Hi)).
   a; split; auto.
  apply le_term_lower_trivial.
(* 1: cons *)
  intros b0 Rb0; subst; simpl.
  apply IHG; auto.
  intros i Hi.
  apply Ha; auto.

Lemma EInst_sem : I cond func G k a, ( i H, CE (func i H)) →
  EJudg G (EPi I cond func) a
   i H, EJudg G (func i H) (Inst k a).
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros k a Cfunc Ha i H; simpl in ×.
(* 2: nil *)
  generalize Ha k; clear Ha k; induction_red a; intros Ha k.
  apply (CEexp (Cfunc i H)); split; [split|]; simpl; auto.
  (* 3: V *)
    intros Erra; inversion Erra; [destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H0; clear H0|]; subst.
    (* 4: CtxInst *)
      generalize H1; apply (@Cv (EPi I cond func)); auto.
      apply CEok; apply (CE_EPi I cond func); auto.
      intros i0 H0; apply C_CE; auto.
    (* 3: Inst *)
      unfold EPi in Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha.
      destruct Ha.
      (* 4: PPi *)
        destruct H0 as [j [a' [Heq Hpi]]]; subst.
        apply (H3 j a' eq_refl).
      (* 3: Exp *)
        destruct H0 as [[? ?] ?].
        apply CN_N with a; auto.
  (* 2: Exp *)
    intros b0 Hred; inversion Hred.
    destruct c; simpl in *; inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
    (* 4: CtxInst *)
      apply IHa; auto.
      apply CEred; [apply (CE_EPi I cond func); intros i0 H0; apply C_CE; auto|].
       a; auto.
    (* 2: Inst *)
      unfold EPi in Ha; apply unfold_Cl in Ha as [[? [? [? ?]]]|Expa]; subst.
      (* 3: PPi *)
        inversion H0; clear H0; subst; simpl in ×.
        rewrite <- minus_n_O in H1.
        apply (CEdec (Cfunc i H)); auto.
         (lower k0 x0); split; [apply H1; omega|].
        apply le_term_lower; [|apply binary_fuel_refl; auto]; minmax.
      (* 2: Exp *)
        destruct Expa as [[? ?] ?].
        inversion H0.
(* 1: cons *)
  intros b0 Rb0; simpl.
  apply IHG; auto.

Soundness of erasable rules

The usual type coercion rule is sound: when a set R is a subset of another set S, then the judgment EJudg G R is a subset of EJudg G S. Notice that this works for all kinds of sets, not only types or pretypes.
Lemma ECoer_sem : G R S, Inc R S a, EJudg G R aEJudg G S a.
induction G as [|R0 G]; intros R S RS a Ha; simpl in *; auto.
intros b0 Rb0.
apply (IHG R S); auto.

The distributivity rule says that the intersection operator (not the forall operator) and the judgment operator commute, given that the intersection is not empty and contains only types.
Lemma Edistrib : I cond func G a,
  ( i, cond i) → ( i H, CE (func i H)) →
  For I cond (fun i HEJudg G (func i H)) a
  EJudg G (For I cond func) a.
induction G as [|R G]; intros a Hexi CEfunc H; auto; simpl.
intros b0 Rb0; match goal with | |- ?J _ _ _replace J with EJudg by reflexivity end.
apply IHG; auto; intros i Hi; apply H; auto.

This last lemma helps to deal with typing coercions of closures. It is typically used to prove the eta-expansion rules of computational types.
Lemma Cl_approx_For : Ix cond func (R : set) k,
  ( i, cond i) → ( i H, C (func i H)) →
  ( a, term_lt a kFor Ix cond func aR a) →
   a, term_lt a kFor Ix cond (fun i HCl (func i H)) aCl R a.
intros Ix cond func R k Hexi Cfunc Hinc a.
induction_red a; intros ak Ha.
destruct (N_dec a); apply fold_Cl; [left|right].
(* 2: CN *)
  apply Hinc; auto.
  intros i ci.
  apply (destruct_Cl_CN _ _ c (Ha i ci)).
(* 1: N *)
  repeat split; auto.
  (* 2 *)
    destruct Hexi as [i ci].
    apply (Cv (Cok (C_Cl (Cfunc i ci)))); auto.
  (* 1 *)
    intros b Hred.
    apply IHa; auto; [apply term_lt_red with a; auto|].
    intros i ci.
    apply (Cred (C_Cl (Cfunc i ci))).
     a; auto.